Chapter 7

Jack grabbed my hair and I couldn't hold the pain in any longer. I grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm off until he knelt in front of me. "You have killed my family and now it's your turn," I said kicking him in the face. He fell to the floor and I dragged him to the balcony. "Look WHAT you did," I snarled sticking his face in Damien's as blood trickled down his chin. I felt the balcony shimmy and shake.

"Your too late, under this balcony is pure lava," Jack smiled as his white teeth were replaced by blood. The balcony gave way and I grabbed the floor. Jack hung from my legs and I looked below and saw the bubbling magma below. I tried pulling myself up but became too weak with Jack tugging at my legs.

"Veronica, grab my hand," Misty reached for me.

"Misty, I can't move he is attached to me," I winced as I was tugged down again. A few moments later all the gym leaders grabbed my hands and began dragging me up. When Jack reached balcony he grabbed and hung there. Brock grabbed his hands and was about to release him. "WAIT!" I called out as I walked over to the hanging man. Brock let go and backed up. I reached down and grabbed his hand and began helping him up. I don't know why but I couldn't let him die.

"Wrong choice," he smiled swinging back as I fell forward. Soon everyone grabbed me and pulled up stomping on Jack's fingers. He screamed in pain and fell down to the lava below. He soon burst into flames and died. I looked at Damien and crawled over to him.

"Damien, it's ok, everything is going to be ok," I smiled shaking him. He wasn't responding and I began to panic. "Damien, please wake up," I began crying laying my head on his chest.

"Veronica, I am so, so sorry, but he has died," Lt. Surge said placing his hand on my shoulder. I stood up and hugged him crying my eyes out.

A year later.

I matured in the past year and today is my inauguration into taking over the thrown of Cinnabar Island. "Your Highness," A maid said waking me up in my bed. "Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yes, Susana. Wait, Susana, have you heard of the great war of Cinnabar?" I asked sitting up.

"Was it the war of last year?" she asked while I nodded.

"I have heard of it, but I moved here when your castle was restored. Why?" she looked at me puzzled. I looked in her pale blue eyes and explained to her the full story of my childhood up until the war. "Your Highness, that is the saddest story I have ever heard," she sighed as I walked into my closet.

"I know, but today is a good day. Are you coming?" I smiled as she opened my door. We walked down the hall and I stopped at a double door.

"Ok, open them," Claris my brother's old girlfriend smiled at me.

"Wait," I whispered as the men let the doors go. I hugged Claris for we haven't seen each other in many years and I nodded as the men opened the double doors. The ball room filled with applause as I slowly walked down the stairs. I sat in the thrown and the bishop did the celebration of me taking the thrown of me taking the rightful thrown.

"Presenting Queen Veronica Kayla Mari!" Someone said behind me. The people began bowing as I began crying. Afterward we all danced to the music of the Cinnabar Island Orchestra.

"Your Highness," I heard a voice behind me so as anyone would do I turned around.

"Justin, I missed you," I said hugging him.

"Well why is that, if you only were gone for a week," he smiled hugging me. "We need to talk," he said as my smile faded away.

"Is it bad?" I asked. But he didn't answer as he brought me to the back garden.

"Will you marry me?" he asked dropping to one knee.

"What?" I said in shock looking into his soft teal eyes. "Yes!" I squealed as he stood up and kissed me. "I love you," I smiled.

"I love you too," he replied and kissed me again.