Title: Never Trust a Liar
Author: Arya Mory
Person: Tom Hanson
Rating: Teen
Summary: He'll never stop.
Warnings: Implied death and rape.
Dedication: harlequingurl
Disclaimer: If only I owned the cop version of Johnny Depp...
Author Notes: 21 Jump Street is still win.

You can't get it out of your mind.

Every time you close your eyes, you see flashes of it; memories that you want gone, erased.

You could've saved her, you could've protected yourself, but you were too late. Instead, she's gone and you're stuck with those images. Your mind is lost in memories.

You sacrificed yourself for her, let him… you can't even think the word, but for what? He killed her and scarred you.

Close your eyes. He's on top of you again.

You scream stop, but he won't.

He'll never stop.

He'll always be there in your mind.