Hey, I was going to type this up sooner, but I'm helping out with a summer camp for kids so I've been pretty busy. Anyways, I really wrote this on real paper a long time ago and while I was cleaning out my bookshelf, I stumbled across it. It is not the Disney version Beauty and the Beast that you remember from watching as a little kid! I've twisted it in a good way to make it way less predictable.

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men Evolution! I would've made a fifth season if I did!

The horse's hooves thundered down the old, dusty path. The midnight black horse blazed through the trail and kicked up dust billows in the process. The cloaked figure, who was riding the horse, urged it to go faster.

The only things that provided light to he mysterious rider were the twinkling stars, the luminescent rays of the moon, and an extremely large bonfire that burned no too far behind the horse and it's rider.

The screams and cries from the direction of the bonfire grew fainter as the horse drew closer to the dark woods. As the horse approached the entrance of the menacing forest, It reared up and stopped in it's tracks.

The rider silently calmed the uneasy beast and brought it to a gallop. The horse and it's rider seemed to melt into the darkness as the duo sped off into the night.

An hour before dawn, two men dressed in eighteenth century clothing, which was not abnormal because of the fact that it was 1806, looked at the old dirt path that led to the dark, almost evil looking forest.

The two men found what they were looking for, a set of horse's hoof prints and fresh ones by the look of it. They followed the trail to the dark woods and stopped.

"There's no doubt, she's dead for sure." said the first man. The second man nodded.

"She didn't die last night lie she was supposed to! If that darned witch would have simply accepted death an not escaped it by black sorcery, she could've avoided being eaten by the demon in the old castle!"

The first man shuttered, then smirked. "No the demon won't eat her. A demon and a witch, hey, maybe they'll fall in love."

The other man scoffed.

"Pah! Demons don't know how to love!" The other man shrugged and the two men walked back down the path to the village where smoke from the large fire still curled into the sky.

( Ha! Wouldn't it be funny if I stopped here! I'm not that mean, so I'll try to clear up some of the confusion in this chapter.)

The haunting howl of a wolf rose o the left of the rider and her midnight black stallion. The horse's panting was a sure sign of it's exhaustion, but the howls and snarls coming from the pursing wolves were enough to keep it running.

Gracefully and lithely, the wolves bounded after their tiring prey. As the rider was preparing for death for the second time that night, the high towers of an old, deserted castle loomed over the treetops. The castle was beautiful, yet quite eerie in the grey light of the moon.

The stallion leaped through the castle gates. Oddly enough, as soon as they reached the gates, the wolves sopped dead in their tracks. They howled in frustration as if there was an invisible barrier between the wolves and the rider. However, the rider and her horse were both tired from the long, rapid journey in the dead of night.

The poor horse hobbled over to an old, but nice all the same, barn. The stallion clopped into a stall and rested contently.

Then, the cloaked figure boldly stepped up to the main door. The door was made of solid oak, was large in size, and was intricately designed. The figure put her gloved hand on the bronze doorknob and stepped inside the old castle. As the large oak door slammed shut behind her, she thought

Well I guess I could live here.

"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy…" Kurt started as he was interrupted during his daily prayers by the loud slamming of the front doors. He teleported to the rafters in front of the front door to see who this intruder might be.

The intriguing figure was so heavily clothed, that non of his/her skin or discerning traits were visible. Kurt was about to teleport to the ground level and scare the living daylights out of the unidentified figure when she took her hood off.

Kurt was totally blown away by her appearance. She had long and luscious brunette hair, which was tied back in a high ponytail. Her complexion was pale, but flawless and her lips were as plump and enticing as ripe cherries. Her cheeks were a light shade of pink and her eyes were a crystal clear blue, like a mountain spring.

Se was the most beautiful thing that Kurt had ever seen.

Strangely, ash and tears streaked her face and she reeked of smoke. Kurt had a theory on why she was covered in ash and he really hoped that he was wrong. Kurt shuttered at the memories from his past, which haunted and tormented him like demons.

Kurt tried not to think about that right then. Instead, he focused on the angel that stood before him.

So, I really wrote this last summer, which was way before I had a fanfiction account. So, tell me if this is worth updating on. I hope it is, because I have a bunch of surprises in the next few chapters. Only flame if this fic is really awful. Oh, and I have a poll up on my profile page so lease vote on that! It has to do with the fate of this fic as we know it, so… PLEASE vote!