Harry Potter walked into Potter Manor after a long and tiring night shift at the ministry. All he wanted to do was climb into bed with his wife and sleep but he knew he could not do this. It was father's day and he and Ginny were heading over to the Burrow for a Weasley family lunch. As much as he loved his family it was going to be difficult to stay awake today.

Walking upstairs in search of his wife Harry tried to keep his eyes open. However walking into the bedroom they shared he was suddenly wide awake. Standing in front of the mirror was Ginny looking stunning in a white gypsy skirt which flowed and came to just above her knee and a green halter neck top that cut just low enough for Harry to see the top of her breasts. As far as he was concerned he had never seen anything so beautiful. He stood leaning against the doorway just watching her as she was curling her hair with her wand and didn't notice him. He walked into the room quietly and walked up behind her at which point she noticed him and gave a start.

"Harry! You scared me. When did you get home?"

"Just now. Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He answered planting a kiss on her neck.

"Once or twice." She replied smiling at him.

"What time do we have to be at the Burrow?"

"I told mum we would be over around 11 she wants me to help get everything ready. Andromeda should be here in about half an hour to drop Teddy off. She flooed me earlier saying he was excited and was asking when he was going to see Tor? I think you have been replaced as Teddy's favourite playmate Harry."

"I think it is kind of cute the way they are with each other and I am glad he has someone around his own age to play with."

"Fleur was telling me the other day that Bill is getting jealous that he is not the only man in Victoires life anymore."

She started to laugh until her laugh turned into a moan when Harry started kissing the side of her neck. Ginny turned in his arms and brought his mouth to hers. Just as Harry was deepening the kiss Ginny stopped abruptly.

"As much as I would love to stand here and do this with you all day Mr Potter we will be late if you don't get in the shower."

Harry groaned as Ginny laughed.

"Go on. I will make it up to you later." She said with a wink.

"Is that a promise?"

"You will have to see won't you?"

"Care to join me?"


Harry laughed and grabbed a towel from the cupboard and walked into the bathroom just off their bedroom.

Ginny turned back to the mirror placing her hands on her stomach and sighed. She wondered how he was going to take the news. She knew he always wanted children but they were still young and had only been married less than two years. She guessed she would soon find out.


Harry walked into the kitchen after his shower towelling dry his hair to find Ginny taking a cake out of the oven. She was bent right over and Harry was admiring the view when she stood up with her back to him.

"See something you like Mr Potter?"

Harry walked over to her throwing the towel on the bench as he did so and turned her round in his arms.

"Damn right Mrs Potter."

He dipped his head and captured his lips with hers. It was a gentle kiss which soon became more passionate until again Ginny stopped it.


"Harry there is something I wanted to give you before we went to the Burrow but I'm not sure how you are going to react and we said we would wait and we are still young and we have only been married less than 2 years and..."

"Ginny you are not making any sense what's wrong? What do you want to give me?"

"Harry I..."

Ginny walked over to the side table in the living room and took an envelope out of the draw and gave it to Harry.

"Well aren't you going to open it?"

Harry looked at the envelope in his hand and turned it over opening it. Taking the contents out he noticed it was a father's day card. He looked at her confused.

"Ginny I don't understand, why are you giving me a father's day card."

"Harry please read it."

Harry opened the card and read what was written inside.

To a very special Daddy

Happy Father's Day

Lots of Love

The Bump


Harry stared at the card in shock taking in what he was reading. He lifted his eyes from the card and looked at Ginny who was looking back at him with tears in her eyes.


Ginny couldn't speak she was too afraid. All she could do was nod. Harry just stood there in a state of complete and utter shock.

"Harry please say something you're scaring me. I know we are young but you have always said you wanted children and I know its sudd..."

She was cut off from saying anything further when Harry's lips crushed onto hers. It was a short kiss and when she pulled back she looked into his eyes and was shocked to see tears in them.

"Ginny you have no idea how happy you have just made me. This is the best news ever."

With that he picked her up off the floor and swung her round. Placing her down on the floor he started with the questions.

"When did you find out? How far a long are you? How are you feeling?

Ginny laughed at him and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Harry I am fine actually I feel great, I only found out a couple of days ago but wanted to wait and surprise you today. I don't know for definite how far a long I am but I think about six weeks, remember the night of Victoires birthday party?"

Harry grinned. He knew exactly the night she was referring to.

"Have you made an appointment at St Mungo's yet?"

"Not yet as wasn't sure when you would be working as your hours have been all over the place at the moment so wanted to wait and see when you could go with me."

"Well we can work that out later. Ginny I can't believe we are going to be parents. Do you want to tell people or wait?"

"I was thinking we could tell the family today. I don't think I can wait any longer it was torture just waiting two days to tell you. However I do not want anyone else to know just yet. The press are going to be all over this and I want to enjoy it before we are hounded."

Harry smiled at her agreeing when suddenly his face dropped.

"Ginny your brothers are going to kill me!"