Disclaimer: Samari(OC), And all the characters on Naruto I do not own.
Background: Samari's parents were from two different clans. Her mom was from the Hygua's and her dad the Uchiha's. Her mom moved in with her father four months before she was born. She couldn't hide her pregnancy for long. Samari is unique to the fact that she is one of kind. She had to move from her fathers and her mothers clan before she got control of eyes. She could change the appearance of her eyes. White for her bakuygan , Red for her sharigan, and the original eye color she was born with gray. Her bakugan can natural to her up to the age of four it changed to Sharigan and it was unnatural for a Hyuga to have red eyes instead of a white light grayish color. So they moved. She finally got used to changing her eyes by the age of five and half before her sixth birthday. When Samari was old enough to go to the ninja academy in her clan she became best friends with quietest and most popular guy in her class. Her life was great she had two best friends to keep strong.
Then little did she know came the day that she had to leave the Uchiha clan and go to the Hygua clan for the last time. Her Aunt had called her mother and told her about her mother's death in her sleep. Everyone knew my Nanna was sick but didn't know the extent of her illness. Her mothered agreed with her father to let her come with her for week. While Samari was there she got to hang out with her best friend from the Hygua clan Hinata Hyuga she was also her cousin. Her mother and Samari's mother were sisters.
Everyday she and her father were apart they sent letters to each others. She even met her first crush. Then her world started to go downhill. Her father sent her a letter four days after they had left the clan. Little did she know that it was the last letter she would receive.
It read:
To my beautiful daughter,
You have crush on some little boy don't you. Don't worry I want push, until you get back home that is. Then we will talk. You went to the park with Hinata, you two can be so inseperatable sometimes. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Try to behave for your mother. You did well at the funeral I'm so proud of you, my brave little ninja. Someday I know you will be as strong as me maybe even stronger then the hokage himself. It's what matter on the inside that determines your strength to you and you only no one else's opinion matters but yours. It makes me happy to hear that you are doing well. Tell your mother I love her and miss her with all my heart as I do you. Everything's fine at home your little friend hasn't visited in a while, but I'm sure he misses you to. He came by asking when you would return. I told him you would tell him yourself. Haha you two also are unseperatable.
P.S.- I wish I could write more my daughter, but I have feeling something's not quite. I don't want to alarm you but I think you be safer with your mother for a couple more days. I will send a letter in two days if I do not I want you to always remember what I tell when I tuck you in at night. Be well my daughter.
With love for eternity,
Your Father and best friend for life
Three days had passed she decided to show her mother the letter. They packed up everything and left. When she returned she got this uneasy feeling something WASN'T right. The Hokage ordered every ten Anbu to guard the gates to the Uchiha compound. It was determined that everyone in the village was slaughtered, including her father. She couldn't believe it she wouldn't she looked everywhere to see if she could find her father. She found him to her dismay. She looked for friend only to find his mother and father, she didn't find him or his brothers body.
Her and her mother went back to her aunt's house and lived with them in their village for three years.
Samari was at the age of ten when she and her mother got the courage to live on their own outside of the Leaf village itself. Her mother never got married again she died when Samari was thirteen, what a year. Samari lived with her mother's best friend in the village hidden in the sand.
Her father only knew one person who could take care of her in the Hidden Leaf Village, plus he owed him one. Samari had meat him plenty of times enough to call him her big brother. They lost touch when her mother died. He was one of her many teachers but the only one to know Sharigan.
Samari is now seventeen she had grown into a beautiful young woman, with lots of power from both her of her parents home villages. She trained herself with a little help from friends and acquaintances. So she decided to go to the hidden leaf to find the person who was responsible for turning her world upside down Itachi Uchiha.
N/A: Well what do you think? I'll try and post other chapters up here and soon as I finish editing them.
P.S.- Don't forget to review, it's the button at bottem.