Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own the Twilight saga. L it sucks.

A/N: This story is from everyone's point of view! Check out my other stories. One for Twilight and the other for Vampire Diaries! J

Chapter One: Emmett Chooses A Movie

Emmett POV

I ran up the stairs two at a time while screaming to my family, "MOVIE NIGHT YOU GUYS! GET YOUR BUTT'S IN THE DEN NOW!"I hid at the top of the stairs. I heard Eddie snort at me. But little did he know I was truly serious. Apparently, judging by no footsteps coming from his room, he thought I was kidding. Pissed off I sent Edward a mind email, as I call it when I think to him instead of saying stuff out loud.

Edward come down here now. I want to have a movie night tonight. Ok. If you don't come down here I will capture your precious Bella. I thought to him.

Quicker than before I heard footsteps come out of his room. I heard Edwards door slam behind him and Bella. At my hiding place I crouched down really low and hid my thoughts with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head… and Carlisle narrating the Night Before Christmas.

Bella turned the corner and I sprang from my crouch and screamed, "BOO!"

Bella screamed and cowered into Eddies chest. I laughed out loud but Eddie had a mad look on his face. I backed up slowly all the while hoping he wouldn't bite my head off.

Edward's face went from mad to confused as he asked, "Emmett why are you thinking about dancing sugar plums and Carlisle reading the Night Before Christmas?"

I blushed a non-red blush and replied, "I didn't want you to here my thoughts of trying to scare Bella so I thought of Carlisle reading it to us." Eddie rolled his eyes and Bella stared confused. I laughed at the puzzled expression on her face.

I looked at Eddie and said, "You and Belly make yourselves comfy on the floor while I go and get everyone else. I don't know if they heard my yelling."

Edward chuckled and he guided Bella down the stairs. I always wondered why he did that. Maybe he thought she was more a danger to herself then we were. But then again.. That was probably a good assumption. I heard Edward growl at my thoughts so I hurried down the hall to my little pixie of a sister's room was.

I was just about to knock when heard her say, "One second Emmett. I just need to finish this design with Rosalie."

I grinned to nobody exactly. I replied happily to Alice, "OKIE DOKIE ALLY!"

Rosalie, my beautiful wife, giggled at my hilariousness. I am very, very funny obviously.

I half ran down the hall to where Jasper and Carlisle sat in the library reading. I slapped my hands together and said, "Ok we are going to have movie night tonight. So get your lazy, reading selves down the stairs. Esme is making popcorn… she was the one who said I could have movie night."

Jasper moaned as he shut his book and Carlisle groaned as he got out of the chair.

I was a little confused as to all of their moaning and groaning to tell you the truth. I mean we are vampires for death's sake, we don't moan and groan… I mean we are not completely dead. And we are not ghosties.

So to clarify this I asked them, "What's wrong with you two. You are acting like very old people who really enjoy reading."

Carlisle rolled his eyes at this but Jaz actually answered me, "Em, you have to realize Carlisle and I are old. And sometimes we like to read and have quiet time."

I wasn't actually paying attention to what Jaz just said. I think the only thing I heard was Carlisle and I are old.

But I really didn't care, so to get him from ranting I said, "Jaz I get that you are old and all but will you please watch a movie with me and everyone else?"

Jasper sighed but said sure. So with that I had the whole family downstairs in the den. Lucky for me though was that Esme had just finished with the popcorn and drink. I readied everyone with popcorn and drinks as we waited to draw straws to see who would pick the movie. I snuggled myself in between Rosalie and Esme on the couch. Carlisle got straws for all of us. He explained the rules, that the person with the shortest straw would get to pick the movie. I crossed my fingers hoping that I would get it. The straws went around and I picked mine. Unbelievably I got… the longest one.

I gasped at the length of the straw. I was pissed. And guess who got the shortest straw… Alice!

"Of course she gets to pick the movie. Watch it be like the Titanic or Romeo and Juliet." I mumbled under my breath very madly.

Alice loved anything that had to deal with Leonardo DiCaprio. Jasper turned his head to me and growled. I threw up my hands in caution as if I meant no harm. Alice bounced over to our movie cover and instantly found a movie. But when she was about to tell us what movie it was going to be the doorbell rung.

My family looked at each other confused… even Alice. But not to be rude Carlisle went to the door to see who it was.

I heard quiet talking amongst the people at the door. Carlisle entered the room again… absolutely reeking of werewolf. Eddie bared his teeth at the sight of three huge Indian rez kids. Those kids were Embry Call, Quil Ateara and, of course, Jacob Black.

I had my arm around Rose and I felt a growl start to rise in her, so I calmed it with a kiss. When we broke apart I saw a disgusted look on Jacob's face.

Good that'll teach him from coming here uninvited next time. I thought to myself.

Edward chuckled and said, "Emmett he was invited. I invited him."

Rosalie, Alice and I shouted in unison, "WHAT!"

I was really pissed now. Eddie invites a mutt into our house without telling any of us.

So to get what I wanted, which was to get the mutts and their mutt like stink out of this house, I started to whine, "Well why does he have to be here. This is supposed to be family movie night. Not Wolverine Versus Batman."

Eddie looked at me and said, "Ok Em first of all you did not state that this was a family movie night. All you said was a movie night. And plus I asked Esme if I could invite them, and she said sure."

I gasped and looked at Esme through hurt eyes and said, "You invited the stinky wolves to our house mom? Now their stink will never leave."

I saw Jacob's hand clench into a fist. Seeing this little action was enough to make me laugh.

Esme looked at me, rather disappointedly, and said, "Emmett they are our guests and you will at least act nice to them."

I sighed and to ease me this time Rosalie snuggled up against me. After looking from Esme, to Rose, to the wolves and back to Esme I finally said, "Fine. But no hogging all of the popcorn and drinks mutts Kay?"

They rolled their eyes and generously took the popcorn and drinks from Esme's hands.

I sighed and wiggled myself into a relaxing position. Alice was at the front of the room beside the T.V. and she had a colorful movie box in her hand.

I wiggled in my position trying to catch a peek of what movie it was. After Alice had seen me try to do that she finally realized we were still waiting for her to tell us what movie it was.

"The movie we are watching tonight is… drum roll please." Alice said dramatically.

The wolves gave her a drum roll and I waited exasperatedly.

Alice motioned for them to stop and she continued, "FINDING NEMO!"

Everyone in the room groaned except for me and Alice. Alice looked a little peeved about their reactions to the movie but I just sat there wondering what it was about.

I raised my hand as if I were in school and asked Alice a question. I said, "Alice… is this a cartoon movie?"

Alice shook her head yes and I screamed an excited, "YES!" and bounced in my seat waiting frantically for the movie to start. Alice cheerfully put in the DVD and Esme dimmed the lights as the Disney logo came on the screen. This was it. We were going to watch a cartoon.

A/N: What did you think about the first chapter? The wolves play a big part in this story so I had to add them in the first chapter. If you review it will mean a lot to me. And your penname will be in the dedication/ A/N of the next chapter! :D Thanks!