I decided to use one of my one-shots as the prologue of this story. After writing chapter seven, I thought this would be the perfect beginning. Plus, I wanted to give you the chance to see into Erik's mind and feel what he's feeling. Please review! :)
You are my life.
From the moment I first heard you sing, I knew we were destined to spend eternity together. When I heard your voice, everything else faded until you became all that matters to me.
You became my reason for living, my dear. For the first time in my miserable life, I felt as though I had a reason for existing.
We were born to be together.
That foolish boy is not strong enough for you, darling. He is not strong enough to protect you from the world. You… you, my love, are a blooming, fragrant rose in a desolate land. Yet, eventually this world would destroy you. So, I took you for my own, in order to preserve you.
You are everything that is beautiful, pure, and sweet. Your voice, your mere presence, is a wonderful elixir to a dead man. I was dead until I found you, darling. I was Death in human form. You, however, are the very essence of Life.
Some might say that Life and Death cannot exist together. That is not true! Life will heal Death, and Life will overcome Darkness.
This, my dear, is why I cannot let you go. This is why you must never leave me. You are like a horribly sweet, addictive drug to me; without you, I would die.
I love you so much…
Please save me…
May Life conquer Death.