A/N: Wow, been a while since I worked on this story. I have no excuse besides laziness, but I promise you that I'll try to do better. But, let's look on the bright side! We're finally on to the ship, and the real adventure is just about to start. FYI, I still don't own iCarly or any of these awesome characters.

Freddie's POV

The last thing I remembered before everyone freaked out about losing Gibby was how Carly's face lit up when she learned how awesome this vacation would really be. Two suites nearly on the top floor, and an amazingly large ship with more things to do on it than in the whole city of Seattle. It seemed like nothing could ruin it. Then, Carly panicked, and we all realized that we had forgotten Gibby in all the excitement.

We all split up and ran in different directions at once. There were 3 boarding gates, one in the middle of the ship, one to the back, and one near the front. Carly and Sam raced to the one near the front, and Spencer ran to the one near the back. They hoped that they might find him in the sea of people outside that were waiting for the ship to take off, while I opted to stay here. I figured it might be a better idea to see if he was already on the ship first, so I scanned the crowd near the front desk.

I had only glanced outside of the boarding door when I saw him being tackled by an overweight cop and held up by a crewman with one of the hairiest mustaches I had ever seen. Almost on queue Carly, Sam, and Spencer showed up to help me pry Gibby away from them, and we threw a slew of questions at him that went on for about 10 minutes. Gibby had taken everything casually, as if being tackled by hairy-faced cruise workers and fat cops was a routine thing for him. Then, the loud sound of the ships bellowing horn once again filled the air, and the boarding doors were closed and shut tight. Here we go, I thought.

"Come on, kiddos, let's go to the deck! The ship's leaving port!" Spencer said, and we dropped our suitcases on a luggage cart and ran for an elevator. When we got in, we saw the elevator (and the elevator shaft, for that matter) was made almost entirely of glass. As we went up floor by floor, we saw an array of shops and restauraunts. As the floors got higher, we saw a concert stage, a pool that looked bigger than a lake, an arcade that seemed as big as a football field, and what even looked like a mall, complete with a food court and a movie theater. If that was all the stuff on one side of the ship (and probably not even all of it), I couldn't wait to see what was on the other sides.

After at least 5 minutes of ascending the gigantic ship, we finally reached a room on the top floor. It had more of those expensive looking couches we saw near the front desk, some lounging chairs, and a large, plasma screen TV. We assumed it was one of the many small lounges we had seen coming up. On one side of the room, we saw two, propped open, glass double doors that led outside to the deck. Rays of golden sunlight shone through the doors and illuminated the lounge much more than the large light fixture above it.

After taking a few more seconds to take in our surroundings, Sam spoke up. "Okay, it's a room. We got plenty of these things back home. Are we gonna go outside or what?"

"It's not every day you see a plasma screen bigger than a horse, Sam! Besides, this ship doesn't look like it can get out to sea very quickly." Carly said to her. It was true, the ship was the largest thing I had ever seen that could float. I didn't expect it to be floating in the middle of the ocean for a while, but boy, was I wrong. This hunk of metal seemed to be always one step ahead of us.

After Carly's comment, we all walked onto the deck and passed a regularly sized pool and a smoothie bar. We decided to watch the ship leave port near the stern of the ship. Carly waved to the crowd below for no apparent reason, and Sam looked over the edge of the stern to try and see if she could see the propellers. Spencer seemed much more interested in what was happening onboard, and watched as people were pushed into the pool by their friends and family and small children ran around and played tag. He was always a people-watching sort of guy. Gibby went up next to Sam, and I could see them begin to talk. Unfortunately, they were out of earshot, so I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Just as I was about to move next to Carly and strike up a conversation, the ship let out yet another booming sound from it's horn. The smoke that was once so slowly and rhythmically flowing out of the smokestack came out in greater amounts and turned a darker gray. I could hear a faint humming noise from far below us. I heard a loud popping noise from what I assumed was the smokestack and the sound of pressurized air being released. The ship slowly began to move, and the passengers and spectators from far below on the ground cheered.

"Oh my gosh, we're already moving?" Carly said. I looked at her with a half smile, half mouth opened in disbelief look. I glanced over at Sam to see her watching the ocean trail in white, foamy streaks behind us. We began to pick up speed, and the cheers from the crowd grew louder. Spencer threw up his arms and let out a long, high-pitched "WOOO!" and Carly and Sam let out a girlish squeal together. I joined Spencer and shouted out another drawn out "WOOO!". Gibby threw off his shirt and flailed it in the air. We began to move faster and faster out into the sea.

After about 5 minutes of random screams and cheers, the Seattle boarding port became smaller and smaller. The passengers on the deck slowly began to filter inside and gravitate towards the smoothie bar, and the smoke from the smokestacks flowed out more steadily and rhythmically than it had before. We spent at least 30 more minutes on the deck, watching the ocean shimmer and shine from the morning sun.

Behind us I could see the faint trail of smoke and the streaks of foamy, white water we had left behind. They both slowly disappeared as we went on, and soon new ones took their place. I then remembered we had yet to see our rooms or even took a walk around the ship to see what we could do these next 5 weeks. I decided to break the silence.

"So, are we going to keep staring at the water all day or do you guys want to go see our cuartos?" (A/N: Random Spanish! For those of you who actually have to look up Spanish like me, it means rooms.)

"Of course, what are we waiting for?" Carly said.

I walked besides Carly as we all walked down the deck, and into the lounge room which we came in. As we waited for the elevator, it all finally sunk in. We, of all people, had been selected to go on the maiden voyage of the biggest ship on the planet. In the next 5 weeks, we would be traveling to places I never thought I'd see in my life. It was a time for new beginnings, and I thought that I just might take advantage of it.