A/N: Obviously, I don't own iCarly. This is my first fan fiction I've ever written, so I hope you enjoy it!

It was a strangely uneventful day at the Bushwell Plaza on June 11th, 2010. The Seattle air was warm and dry, so warm the heat was almost unbearable. Carly and Freddie had been taking shelter in Spencer's air conditioned apartment watching a new episode of Celebrities Underwater. Carly and Freddie both simultaneously sighed as David Schwimmer yet again passed out after holding his breath way too long in a hot tub, it had become so routine that nobody had really reacted anymore. At that moment Carly seemed to have lost interest in the show and she walked towards the apartment door, to which she let out a girlish squeal as Sam barged through it. Now things would get interesting, Freddie thought.

"Hey Carls, hey Fredalina." Sam said confidently as she walked towards the Shay's kitchen, obviously on the hunt for some ham. She knew every Friday that Spencer restocked on meat for the upcoming week, Freddie thought. He had scheduled regular meat pick-ups ever since the Summer had started. He knew since Sam would be on the roam more she'd definitely need some more meat to fit her desires. Not that any of the teens would blame him, she did have a ravenous appetite. Suddenly, Sam spoke up and broke his chain of thought. "So, are we going to go up and rehearse for the next iCarly or what? I missed another episode of Hamlovers Haven for this."

"Yeah, I was just going to go get Spencer. We need him for the new Baby Spencer bit." Carly said. "You have no idea how hard it was to get him to do this, ever since we made him spit creamed fish on Candice he's been pretty reluctant to step into his baby persona. I finally made him do it by-" Carly was cut off by another person entering her apartment door. The trio of teenagers immediately recognized Gibby, their chubby not-so-normal friend walk through the door and yell something about being ready to tackle the next episode.

"Oh, you better be ready. What size bra do you wear, Gibson?" Sam asked sternly. Gibby hesitated, and decided it was time to abort. Sam must have sensed he was going to make a run for it, because she grabbed him and pushed him into the elevator, pressing the button and running up the stairs. Carly and Freddie shrugged and quickly followed her up to the iCarly studio, turning on the lights and booting up Freddie's laptop. "In 5, 4, 3, 2..."

"And, we're clear!" Freddie said as he shut off his camera and computer. "You guys did great, that bit with the chili and the chicken mask was hilarious."

"I have to say…a bra doesn't feel that ba-" Gibby was immediately cut off by Carly and Freddie who both gave him strange looks and Sam who tried not to laugh. They all walked downstairs, only to find Spencer screaming like a little girl in delight and jumping around the kitchen. "Spencer, what is going on?" Carly said while laughing and jogging up to him. Spencer stopped for a minute and tried to catch his breath, and then uttered out the words that would change their lives forever.

"Spit it out, Spencer!" Sam said and ran up to him. Gibby grinned in suspense as Spencer held up one large, white envelope with a golden design running across the sides of it. "We're going on a 6 week cruise! iCarly's been nominated for an award for best webshow in the U.S. and they're having the awards show on the cruise ship!"

"Oh my gosh, no way!" Carly screamed out and hugged all the people in the room at once. Spencer resumed bouncing around the kitchen and yelling out screams of joy. Freddie hugged Carly and Sam (and reluctantly, Gibby). They all started talking at once about what they should pack and when they were leaving, then they looked at Spencer expecting some answers.

"We leave in 3 days, on Monday! The ship's called the SS Titanium and they say it's the longest ship in existence! They're taking her on her maiden voyage and a ton of famous people are going to be there! The cruise lasts 5 weeks! They even gave us one extra ticket!" Spencer said through deep breaths. Freddie and Carly both had a grin that seemed to stretch all the way across their faces while Sam kept a small smile and muttered something about celebrities being overrated.

"Wait, what about the extra ticket? Who are we going to take?" Carly asked.

"We could take Freddie's mom" Spencer suggested reluctantly.

"Okay, no WAY am I going to spend 5 weeks with Freddork's psycho mom." Sam stated in disgust.

"What about Gibby? He's contributed lots to our show." Freddie said to Carly.

"Ooh, that's a great idea! Gibby, come here! This is going to be so much fun!"

Freddie couldn't help but stretch his smile even wider when he saw how happy Carly and Sam were. He couldn't wait to spend 5 weeks on a cruise next to the beautiful sea with his two best friends. He thought it might also be a good place for him to make another move on Carly. She was so beautiful to him, with her long, wavy locks of silky black hair. Although today she wasn't wearing as much makeup as usual, he loved the natural look it gave her. The way the blazing hot Seattle sun made her hair glow made her seem like an angel, and her laugh seemed like music to his ears.

"Uh, Fredalupe?" Sam said and elbowed him in the side. "Stop staring at Carly's ass and lets go finish up for the iCarly. We still have to think of something to attach Miss Briggs head onto." Freddie sighed and started to walk up the stairs with Sam, while Carly giggled from the bottom of the stairs with Spencer and Gibby.