Author's Note: Sorry for not updating in awhile. I've been procrastinating.

Okay, back to the epic story.

I broke down in tears. "NO!" I screamed. I ran up to my room and threw myself onto the bed, crying. "I'm so stupid." I said to myself. "I shouldn't have told her that I wanted to move. Now what? I'll probably be miles away and leave all my other true friends and my best friend, Noah here." My mom walked in.

"Katie… I'm sorry… I thought you wanted to." she said, walking over to me. I looked up at her. "I don't anymore." I cried.

"Why?" she asked.

"Well… um… I have a boyfriend." I lied.

"You do? Maybe we should invite him over for dinner before we move."

"NO! We're not moving!"

"But I all ready arranged our move."

"Then tell the company nevermind."

"Um… I'll see." she says, walking out of the room.

Oh god, I told her I have a boyfriend- and I don't. I lied down on my bed and cried myself to sleep.


It has been almost two hours since Katie left and I got worried. I dialed her number and called her. No answer. I tried again, and again.

"Hey, it's Katie, leave a message! EEEEP!" I sighed and put my phone away. I guess I'll call her tomorrow.

I woke up early the next morning. I had trouble falling asleep last night because of Katie, and the first thing I thought of this morning was her. I called her and she answered finally.

"Hey," she says, sadly.

"You okay, Katie?" I asked.

"Not really."

"Tell me what's wrong, I can probably solve it."

"No you can't… I'm moving."

"WHAT?" I screamed in disbelief.

"I'm sorry… before we became friends, I told my mom I wanted to move away from Sadie, and now we're moving."

"Oh… well, I'm coming over there. See you in five minutes."

I quickly changed, brushed my hair, washed up and ran to her house. It was real hot outside so the humidity messed up my hair. As I arrived at Katie's house, she was waiting outside the door. "H-hey," I said.

She giggled and hugged me. "I don't want to move." she murmured. I kissed her nose and gave her a tight hug. "It's going to be alright." The door opened and Katie's mom stepped out.

"Is this your boyfriend you told me about?" Katie's mom asked.

Katie and I's eyes widened and we passed a glance at each other. "Y-yeah…" Katie said, putting her arm around me. "Hold on." she took out her phone and texted someone as fast as she can. I soon got a text from her. It said, "I accidently told my mom I had a boyfriend so pretend to be my boyfriend." I looked at her and nodded.

"Introduce yourself, please." Katie's mom said. "I'm Noah. If you watched Total Drama I was the lazy bookworm on there who was the third voted out." I said.

"Oh, that's why you look familiar. You really changed." she said. "Yeah, my dear Katie changed me because I LOVE HER." I said, trying to sound as real as possible. "Aw, okay. Do you want to come in?" Katie nodded and walked me in. She had a pretty nice house. The walls were painted sky blue and she had wooden floor. The couches were leather and the doors were a nice wood.

"Nice place." I said, glancing at Katie. She smiled at me. "Thanks." "Katie, I need to ask you something… privately." I told her. She nodded and took my hand. We walked up to her room. It was really pink and girly. The walls were pink, the floor was a light pink, the window curtains were hot pink, her bed sheets were a light purple, and her computer desk was white with flowery designs and stickers all over it. She had a hot pink laptop, and well… everything was pink.

"Like it?" she asked. I nodded slowly. "No you don't." she said, laughing. "So, what did you need to tell me?" she asked being as cute as possible. "Um… will you… come to my birthday party?" I asked. Okay, so, I froze up. I wanted to ask her out for real, but I couldn't. "Sure!" she squealed. "But… you don't like parties…"

"Uh…" I stuttered. "It's just going to be my cousins, some close friends, my parents, you and me."

"Oh; okay." Katie said. We went downstairs and her mom was waiting for us with a batch of cookies. "I made cookies." Katie's mom said. She but down the plate and we all grabbed on, except for me. "Take one, don't be shy." Katie said. "I... don't like cookies." I admitted.

"YOU DON'T LIKE COOKIES?" Katie screamed, dropping her cookie on the coffee table. "No…" I said. She grabbed a cookie and shoved it into my mouth. "Mm! Mmph!" I moaned. I swallowed the cookie and it was surprisingly good. "Wow… these are good." I said clearing my dough filled throat. Katie smiled. "I knew you would! My mom's the best cook ever!" she gushed.


Okay, what I did to Noah was pretty mean, but it was funny. I grabbed another cookie and stuffed the whole cookie into my mouth. "Yummy!" I squealed. "Thanks Katie's mom." Noah said, grabbing another cookie. "Call me Mrs. Leigh." she said.

After we finished all the cookies, Noah told him some stuff about himself.

"I love reading… as if you didn't know. Cooking is one of my hobbies too. I hate sports… a lot. Especially dodge ball but technically it isn't a sport."

I already knew all about him though. I really think I like him and maybe we can be more than friends. But I don't know… it'll be weird. Noah went on and on about stuff I already knew, but I was lost in my thoughts. What popped me out of my thoughts was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I said. I skipped to the door and opened the door. It was… Sadie?