One Week Ago

'No, he wouldn't… he can't…'

'How could he do that to me?'


I took down my pictures, put away my striped shirt, pink shorts, and let my hair down. My whole room seemed empty, but that's not the point. Everything was Sadie and me, my pictures, t-shirts, even a poster of us when we were in Total Drama Island.

"How could she?" I said, tears filling my eyes. "We were friends since we were little… now she just leaves me?"

Someone knocked on my door. "Katie, can I come in?" It was my mom. "I guess." I said, opening the door.

"Dear, I'm sorry about what happened… It'll be okay, I promise." she said, putting her arm around my shoulder. "I don't know, mom." I said, starting to cry. "We were best friends… and he loved me…"


"Oh… Justin." Katie peeked out the cabin window. She saw Sadie and Justin standing in front of the bushes. Sadie giggled as Justin held her hand.

"No…" Katie said, as her jaw dropped. "He wouldn't…"

Justin put a hand on Sadie's cheek and then smiled at her. "Don't tell Katie…" He said leaning towards Sadie. "I won't…" Sadie giggled as she leaned towards Justin.

Flashback end

'I hate her now… why does she have to be my neighbor?' I had an idea, it probably won't work but it's worth a shot.

"Mom, I want to move… away from Sadie." I said, looking at my mom. "Katie, dear, I don't know. I understand your problems but you two will forget about what happened and forgive each other." My mom said.

"NO!" I screamed. "That will never happen!" After I said that, I started crying. "Oh, Katie… I'm sorry…" my mom wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. "…I'll see what I can do… maybe we can work this out." She kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.

I logged onto my Facebook page and I got tons of posts of my page. They all said, "I'm so sorry, Katie!" "I wish I can help." "You didn't deserve either of them." or something like that. Instead of making me feel better, I felt worse.

"I don't want to talk about it." I posted. I closed my laptop and fell back onto my bed. "I hate my life." My phone rang; it was Justin. I starred at my phone and left it there, ringing. He's not going to forgive me.

Moments later, I got a text from him. "What does he want?" I opened the text message. This was an unusual excuse.

"Hey, it's Noah."

Yeah right. What a dumb excuse. "Prove it." I texted.

I waited a few seconds, and then my phone rang. It was 'Noah.'

"Hello." It really was Noah.

"Why did you steal Justin's phone?" I asked.

"Revenge." he said, laughing.

"What did he do to you?"
