Rut. I'wilo was itching for one. Well, maybe the term "throbbing" would be more accurate. His balls felt heavy, huge, and ready, and he wasn't in the mood to relieve them alone. Now, to find the lucky recipient…

Silvermoon city was a huge town, crowded with tall buildings, assorted shops and inns, and a bustling trade section. It could be described as chaotic, restless, assailing, raucous… I'wilo preferred to keep it short and sweet. If he were pressed to describe Silvermoon, he'd call it lovely. "Lahvleh", he would say. It was one of his favored words.

In Orgimmar, I'wilo stood out as a tall troll, taller than all but one he'd seen. He stood over the orcs, the main species that inhabited the city. And orcs weren't little guys by any stretch of the imagination. Here in Silvermoon, he towered over all of the slender, fragile-looking (to him) blood elves, he standing at an alarming eight-foot-plus. The women were as toys to him, pretty little dolls with pouting lips and bedroom eyes, if not for him than for their male counterparts. Despite the fact that he carried himself in a troll's typical hunched position, lowering himself even further when dealing directly with anyone who was shorter than him, he still stuck out like a sore thumb. Being a bit histrionic at times, he really didn't mind.

If his height didn't call attention, his self-assured saunter which featured long, swinging arms and a chin held high, alert eyes taking in everything with obvious intrigue and relish certainly did. Atop his head, he sported a proud mohawk. It was naturally bright white, but he had a penchant for dyeing it in bright hues. Today, he had left it in its naturally stunning white state. To further draw the eyes of strangers, he wore an open vest, black with green gems for buttons and indigo contrast stitching, which was completely open in the front and fluttered as his mohawk did whenever a breeze kicked up. The open vest revealed a broad, muscular chest that was dominated by a tattoo of a blue-black spider. It was uncertain whether the blood elves knew enough about trolls to question the tattoo, given the accelerated regenerative properties innate to his species, but the sight of the tattoo was enough to draw perplexed, even offended gazes. And that was fine by I'wilo.

With a propensity for the garish and shiny, I'wilo often wore decoration, and today was no different. His ears were each pierced and adorned with a row of glinting golden hoops. It was another habit hindered by his body's fast healing, but the upside was that he could regularly change the location and number of the piercings. And besides, a little pain was sometimes refreshing, in moderation. Around his neck he wore a leather cord, a single preserved crocolisk claw that had been molded to fit snugly about the multicolored gemstone bauble it clutched. All in all, it was a muted look for the strutting peacock of a troll.

The crowd parted for him and he cut through it like a shark, the shining mohawk rising above all. The good-humored troll kept a poker face as some of the elves nearly stumbled over himself in their rush to get out of the way. Here was a giant specimen of the primitive trolls they were grudgingly allied with. What could such a creature want with their gorgeous city? Was it not better suited for the desert or forest or wherever such creatures spent their days torturing animals and shrinking heads? Yet, here it was, in all its frightening "glory", strutting as if it owned the place as its large, bare, two-toed feet sullied the clean and sparkling roads of their clean and sparkling city. Some of the citizens moved out of the way while keeping their eyes pointedly on other things, allowing themselves to stare after it as it passed. Others openly gawked or sneered, brushing at their arms as if his presence had reached out and touched them and they needed to remove the taint that befouled their perfect, apricot skin.

Then there were the other looks. Women, dainty and gorgeous blood elf women, turned to watch the strangely graceful troll walk by, his deep set eyes sparkling, and his smile easy. Hell, even a few men stared in awe instead of hatred. Be it awe at the troll or awe at their own reaction was a complete mystery. A few of their faces, the color of peach-flesh, blushed to the color of peach skin as the troll's crimson gaze landed on them. The effect was quite becoming on their perfectly shaped little faces. The men, as well held their own allure. While I'wilo didn't consider himself to be "gay", he was more than open to experimentation and if he were to choose a pretty male and dominate him sexually, it wouldn't be the first or last time. He wasn't in the mood for that right now.

Ah, but whom to pick? And how to approach them? Despite the burn in his loins that tightened his gut, I'wilo wished to thoroughly enjoy his little tryst. Hmm.

Nothing caught his eye. Well, plenty caught his eye, but nothing drew his attention for long. He felt predatory. The ones he would take here were too easy, looking at him with big rabbit eyes. It would be like picking off a lamb in a pen. No challenge. He wanted to see someone flush, not only from excitement but maybe with a touch of fear, hesitation. I'wilo was the dominant type, after all. He playfully denied it at times. Girls seemed to enjoy that game. It was important to him that the one he bed enjoy themselves, not only for the sake of compliance, but because he was true to his motto; "Live, lahv, celebret life… Fah we meh wake ahp dead tamorrow." Everyone should enjoy themselves to the fullest, for there was already enough pain in this world.

Not that pain didn't serve a purpose. Pain was what made the enemy think twice about attacking the large troll. Pain was what reminded him he was alive, during those dark, naked and lost moments when he couldn't be sure. Those thankfully were rare. Pain let him know that he was decorating his chest, ears, sometimes his nipples. And I'wilo was no more averse to dealing out pain than he was to receiving it. The cries of pain as his arrow hit home served to remind him of who he was. A troll. A great hunter. Yes, pain definitely had its uses.

The troll shook his head. What a dark turn of thought. Today, this evening, was for celebration, love and lust. I'wilo looked around. Lost in reverie, he'd exited the city and now stood on the equally clean and sparkling path that led to the winding roads of the perpetually-springtime Eversong woods. Taking a deep breath, he sampled the flower-fragrant air around him and found it to be exquisite. Smiling contentedly, I'wilo made his way south toward a nearby pond that was fed by a tall but slender fall at the end of one of many clear, winding streams.

Everything here was green. It was a great contrast to the desert where he currently made his ever-changing nomadic camp. It was nearly the exact opposite of the snowy, frigid clime from which he hailed. There was another thought he pushed away, a bit roughly. No thoughts of Northrend tonight, thank you. Regret was for another day. Let painful memories creep in during dreams, quietly tucked away where they seemed to belong.

I'wilo's upper right lip lifted in silent parody of a dog-snarl as his smile changed, his long green ears twitching with interest. He stretched to his full height, rolling both shoulders in turn and then cracking his neck before lowering himself to his natural position. He would be crouching quite low soon. Best to stretch beforehand, avoiding discomfort and distraction later.

Willfully smoothing out his smile, unkinking the telltale curl of the lip and straightening the lines of concentration at the center of his heavy brow, I'wilo resumed his easygoing aspect and approached the shore of the crystal clear pond, eyes never leaving the object of his interest.

Kaylanna sat comfortably on the cool bank. The blood elf sat on a small rise, her feet pointing out over lower ground. She had braced both her black suede boots on a short, slightly soft log that was an inch-sunken in the softer earth before her. The day was rapidly cooling into night, and her slender arms stood out in gooseflesh. On her chest, she wore a snow-colored blouse, which was not sheer but just transparent enough that it glowed a bit blue as thin white fabrics sometimes do. She wore tight, black pants that were tucked into her calf-high boots. On her wrist she wore a single gold bangle, and on her ears a pair of little gold studs, both gifts from her grandmother.

There is an unnameable moment that slips in somewhere between afternoon and sunset, where colors take on a surreal edge, as if desperate to cling to the last vestiges of day. Everything is clear and sharp to the eye, though this magically seems to be a time where the eyes are drawn to other things, the eyes of a lover, a task at hand that must be finished before dark, the making of a late meal.

It was now this time and Kaylanna found she was in one of those rare moments where she could enjoy just being and seeing, enjoying the dreamlike affect the land took on. She was surrounded by the same grassy hills, trees, and wildlife as she'd been for the past few hours. Still, something was indescribably different. The day seemed to… to hesitate. Her fishing bobber sat still upon the water. It hadn't moved but for the occasional breeze in the past several minutes, and the fish were sure to be bedding down. Sighing wistfully, the dainty little female reeled in her line, secured the hook in one of the many eyes that served to guide said line, and placed the fishing pole aside. There was no need to remove any bait, as the fish had pilfered it as she daydreamed. Her hand wandered back to her knee, to mimic the other as she tossed her loose, golden hair aside and looked up at the sky through the emerald foliage.

Kaylanna looked down at the water. A gasp escaped her throat, whether it was in response to the deep voice that sounded behind her, or the towering, tusked reflection that she viewed behind her own, she couldn't say. Both seemed to happen at precisely the same moment. Smoothing out her pant legs, though they needed no smoothing, and doing her best to replace her frightened look with one neutral and disinterested, she turned to look over her shoulder. The speaker was even taller than the portrayal upon the glassy water surface. Her eyes went wide again and she swallowed before responding. "I… What? I'm sorry but I didn't catch what you said." Did her voice tremble? It was from the cold, surely. She rubbed her arms briskly before standing – attempting to stand, really. The deceptively sunken-looking log began to roll toward the water and she squeaked in alarm as she felt her legs being dragged with its surface.

Just when it appeared that her already dirty pants were going to be joining the sleeping fish, a hand slid beneath her right arm, followed by one under her left. The hands caught her, legs kicking atop the troublesome log for purchase, and locked over her chest. Before she could make any sound of protest, though a very unflattering and mortifyingly guttural sound that could only be described as stupid and clumsy escaped her, she was lifted clean off the earth and back away from the pond. Her savior (assailant?) deposited her safely on the grass, several feet from the water.

With her hands on her hips, the slender and feminine blood elf tilted her head back to look at the troll, who had respectfully backed away several paces. As she watched, he lowered himself into a crouch, staying on the balls of his feet as he returned her gaze, lips curved up in a friendly smile. His eyes sparkled with laughter. Embarrassed, indignant, Kaylanna lashed out needlessly. "Well if you hadn't startled me, I'd not have…" What was she doing? She started over, "I'm sorry," she sagged a bit, "Thank you. For sav- helping me."

Completely unfazed by the earlier remark, the troll shrugged his broad shoulders and shook his head slowly, still smiling, "Ah'd not be happy ta let a lahvleh flowah fall into da mahd." The troll tilted his head as he stayed in a crouch, his elbows resting on large knees, hands dangling between his long legs. Kaylanna blinked at the accent. She'd heard trolls speak before, but… She had to go over his words in her mind twice before she could respond. And when she did, to her horror, she felt her face become a bit flushed. "I uh… hardly a flower… um… thank… thank you?" She sounded like an idiot and she wished she could fall into the mud and sink out of view. Better to die from a dirt-filled nose than to wither slowly from humiliation.

The troll unfolded himself, still keeping hunched low as he stepped forward and offered one two-fingered hand. Tense all over and very aware that she was touching a troll for the first time ever, Kaylanna put her own hand in his, looking at the difference in size nervously. That hand could easily crush hers between the thumb and only one of the two thick fingers. The big greenish hand did nothing of the sort, instead gently accepting hers with a brief squeeze from the thumb as the deep voice said, "I'wilo. Oah Wil, if ya prefah."

"Good. Good to uh. Good to meet you, I'wilo." The nickname "wheel" sounded strange to her, so she kept with his proper name.

"Ahnd lahvleh ta meet ya, Dahlin. Whaht ya go by? Oah does Dahlin suit ya?"

She looked into the smiling face and lowered her own gaze, blushing furiously. "Kaylanna. Kay, for short."

"Kaylanna. Gahgeous. Ahnd I do tink I'll go wit Keh, foah feah o' manglin' sahch a pretteh name in mah haste." He winked at her, and she caught it before looking down again. "Ahnd so, Kaylanna. How da deh beh treatin' ya?"

How da deh… ? Oh! "Fine, thank you. And yourself?"

Retracting her hand, she realized she'd been holding his as she stared down at his feet. Kaylanna forced her eyes to meet his; afraid he'd think she was staring at the bizarre toes, or lack thereof. The troll's smile broadened, surprisingly friendly between those sharp, curved tusks. "Oh Ah'd seh it beh goin' verrah well." I'wilo looked around, "Cleah sky. Stahs gonna beh shinin' soon. A good night fah celebratin', eh?"

The tiny chorus frogs had crept from beneath their leafy burrows and wrapped their little bodies around blades of grass at the water's edge. Now they began their song, hesitantly at first but then more boldly, their chirping trill filling the silence. Kaylanna wished she felt so bold. This creature, I'wilo, as friendly as he was, was quite unnerving. He was so different, strange, and yet he didn't seem to be aware of it at all. The way he looked at her with unabashed curiosity and amusement made her feel as though she were the alien one. She'd grown up here, witnessed the fall of her proud city to the evil of the scourge, and now was present for its slow rebirth. If anyone belonged here, it was her. So why did she feel like an intruder, no, an oddity, as she stood just beyond the gates of her home?

"I was fishing," she stated lamely, forcing herself not to say "um" anymore.

"Ahnd ya beh catchin' lots o' dem fishehs, Keh?"

"Well, no. Yes! But I let them go. It was just for sport," her fingers clenched and unclenched over her upper arms, though she couldn't recall crossing them. What did this I'wilo want from her? Why did half her mind scream the old saying for children, "Stranger danger!" while the other half was- was what? Intrigued? Curious as to his motives? It couldn't be anything good, could it? At least there were the guards just beyond the gates.

"Ah daht's verrah big o' ya. Given dem deh reprieve like dat. Ah'm shuh deh apprecieht dat. So tell meh, Keh, whaht ya got planned foah da night?"

Okay. Alright. Now she had to put her foot down. Time to be bold, "What did you have in mind?" Oh damn it! Not THAT bold!

"Oh littel o' dis, littel o' dat," I'wilo thought. What he said was, "Ah wahs tinkin' o' takin' a walk trough da forahst. Enjoyin' da sights ahnd sounds. Mehbeh a bottle o' wine. Is a good night foah wine, walkin', enjoyin' good companeh."

Shifting her right food forward nervously, she rested her weight on it and gave a slight shrug. "Well, it's cold. I should really get back and put on something a little heavier."

The troll nodded, "Good. Den we cahn walk."

Kaylanna's jaw dropped, though the troll didn't notice or didn't care. She gathered her things silently and gave him a nod, hoping she looked as self-assured as she didn't feel. What the hell was she doing? But what could go wrong, in the middle of the city? She would get herself a cloak and let the troll follow her, and during the walk she'd figure out a way to ditch him. Did she want to ditch him? It would be a hell of a story for her friends, for certain. She could just imagine their horrified looks, upon hearing that a troll offered to walk her home and she'd accepted! My, but he was big. It would be like walking a two-ton, though notably slimmer, elekk through the city. Her spirits lifted at the thought of making such a scene, while at the same time the idea made her more self-conscious. The hell with it. At least it was more interesting than what she'd had planned, which was nothing at all.

Closing her gaping mouth, Kay nodded and led the way. She was almost afraid the troll would grasp her hand as she cringed by him, but he remained lowered until she passed. As they passed through the gates, the guards kept their eyes to themselves, staring stoically and with marked indifference into the crowd, though Kay was positively certain she could feel their eyes on her back. I'wilo walked beside and slightly behind her, his chummy smile never faltering though they did receive some stares.

Her apartment was near the front of the city and in no time they stood at the door, she feeling very small though the troll kept to the bottom of the steps. Now was the moment. Crap, she hadn't thought of anything. Well, she could always laugh at him and tell him he was pathetic, turning him away to make him feel stupid as he left the city. How incredibly blood elf. How incredibly not like her. Sighing inwardly, she gave I'wilo a quick smile and held up a finger. "I'll uh," she fairly bristled at hearing herself make that mindless sound again, "… be just a moment."

Hurrying through the translucent violet curtain that served as a door, she quickly made her way down the front hall and veered for her room. Yanking off her muddy boots and pants, she cringed as she noted the big brown circular mud prints on the seat. Ugh. Standing in her panties and insufficient blouse, Kaylanna grabbed the first thing she saw out of her closet.

Moments later, having donned a pair of clean violet-gray pants and a long-sleeved matching shirt with a gold-embroidered, floral collar that dipped a bit low, she pulled her long jet cloak around her and fastened the shining emerald button at her throat. Her hair flew around her as she turned her head this way and that looking for… What, a weapon? Shaking her head and making an exasperated sound, she grabbed a hairbrush and yanked it through her shining golden tresses before tying it them back in a high ponytail. If she'd had a door she'd lock it. Then she'd climb out the back window, if she had one of those. Since she didn't, she shuffled unhappily back toward the doorway.

I'wilo stood as she'd left him, knee bent as one foot rested on the stairs, the other planted on the street. One arm rested across his knee. The other tapped absently at the tip of a pointed tusk. The muscles in his forearm tensed and relaxed as he tapped and watched her. Without thinking, Kaylanna let her eyes wander briefly over the troll. He was lean but well-muscled, well-proportioned (for a troll) despite his formidable height. The spider tattooed across his chest which had first struck her as frightening, now seemed right at home on the bizarre male. Her eyes traced his prominent collarbone and the flexing tendons at the neck to the strong jaw line and well-defined chin. His nose was long and hooked sharply but that wasn't bad either. It suited him. Then their eyes met and she turned her attention to her boots, which were similar to the others she'd been wearing but more of a charcoal gray color.

"Ya didn't hahve ta change foah lowleh 'Wil, m'deah," came his deep but gentle voice. Kaylanna's hands clenched feebly at the inside of her cloak, where she'd hidden them like a turtle retracting its limbs in surprise. "I was muddy," came her quiet reply. "O' coahs. Ah flattah mahself, tinkin'a pretteh blood elf guhl like yah would get all dress ahp foah a big nahsty troll like Wil." Kayla looked up, worried that she'd offended him, but he was still smiling. He had nice lips. They were full and looked soft. What the hell was she thinking? He was of a completely separate race from her. The only thing they had in common was the number and approximate placement of limbs and even the digits at the ends of the arms were in threes instead of fives. His feet had only two toes! He was GREEN! She'd be just as well inspecting the lips of a cow. Wait, no that would be a tauren. Well, she'd be just as well inspecting the lips of a monster! He didn't act like a monster. Kaylanna's mind whirled.

"I didn't mean it like that," she said meekly, her face coloring again. She must have looked like she was part apple. "Ya shuh?" She could hear the laughter in his voice as she stomped a foot and retorted, "Maybe and maybe not!" Kaylanna realized how childish she was acting, but she couldn't stop herself. It was the closest to un-shy that she could muster, though it made her feel quite pathetic.

I'wilo ran a tongue along the inside of his cheek, nodded and tilted his head. "Shall we, den?" Kay obediently left her doorway, making her way down the stairs. The weight of the pair of daggers that hung from her black leather belt, concealed beneath her cloak, was of little comfort. The troll started back the way they'd come. Kaylanna followed mutely.

I'wilo was pleased. He'd found just what he was looking for. He could almost hear the blood elf's inner argument. He was, after all, a big scary troll. Yet still she followed, as he had never doubted she would, and he knew that she felt a thrill of excitement, though she may still deny it to herself. As much as his body was intent on one thing, his mind was more intrigued by another, more subtle intercourse of sorts. The scared little elf would look at trolls quite differently after tonight. Of that he was certain.

In the Eversong woods once again, the two veered off the path onto a small road that wound its way through the now-dark forest. The moon's full glow, accompanied by thousands of stars, illuminated their path. Mimicking the star glow closer to earth, fireflies blinked all around the pair. I'wilo fell back gradually, so that they stood side-by-side. He was keeping himself held quite low, still, and knew he couldn't keep it up much longer before his back began to ache.

Kaylanna kept her eyes on the road ahead, her heart fluttering in her chest like a moth, beating its wings against its imprisoning walls blindly. She should say something, she knew. She had no clue what, though. I'wilo had kept quiet as well, though she knew that he wasn't nervous as she was.

"Whaht a nice spot," he said from several yards back. He spoke quietly but his deep voice carried. Licking her lips and blinking several times before turning around, Kaylanna spun and headed back to where the troll had stopped. He was reaching into the bag he'd had slung over his shoulder and her hands instinctively flew beneath her cloak, to rest on the hilt of each dagger.

I'wilo had to chuckle as he saw her hands disappear, having noted the concealed weapons when she'd first exited the apartment. He shook his head, laughing quietly as he drew forth a long, dark bottle. She visibly relaxed and he laughed again as she approached, trying not to appear as cautious as she obviously felt.

"What's so funny?" the elf frowned. "Ah ahpologize," I'wilo smiled, "Is onleh dat Ah feel sahch joy at hahvin' companeh, good wine, on such a lahvleh evenin'"

Kaylanna wasn't convinced that was precisely it, but she accepted his explanation as she looked at the bottle. "Ceah foah a drink?" I'wilo said through his teeth as he bit down on the cork and twisted it free. "I… sure," Kay responded cautiously. With a nod, I'wilo reached up and plucked the cork from between his very even white teeth. He ran it beneath his large nose and inhaled deeply before holding it out toward her. Kay sniffed the cork daintily and gave a polite nod. "It's nice." I'wilo smiled and took a swig before offering her the bottle. With a little hesitation – No glasses? – she accepted the bottle and took a sip. It was good. She took another.

A half a bottle of wine later, the two were sitting on a grassy knoll that was separated from the road by some bushes and a few yards of clearing. While I'wilo could easily have drunk the entire bottle and another two, he abstained from draining the bottle, wanting to let the girl enjoy the drink.

They were laughing, and she couldn't remember why but she just kept giggling, covering her mouth when the sounds threatened to become guffaws. It may not have been a great idea to drink so much wine on an empty stomach, but somehow she didn't care all that much. Despite her misgivings about trolls, this one seemed very friendly. He seemed polite, even. His name was nice, too. I'wilo. "Eeee Weee Looooow," she drawled, leaning back on her elbows to look at the sky. She'd taken off her cloak and spread it on the grass beneath her. The chill night seemed to have warmed, or perhaps it was the drink that warmed her or the light from the many fireflies. "Eeee Weee Loooooow," she said again, this time nearly singing it. I'wilo laughed quietly beside her and she swung her head in his direction, her ponytail whipping her neck.

"Dat's mah nehm, dahlin'," he replied softly, smiling still. She wondered if her new friend ever frowned. Lowering himself onto one elbow, he propped his head on his hand as he rolled onto his side to face her. He was cute, for a troll. His scent drifted to her and filled her head, causing her belly to flip and flutter very pleasantly. He smelled masculine, musky the way cologne always tried-and failed-to be, with a touch of something else. Sandalwood, perhaps? Whatever it was, it was very nice.

How could she have been nervous before? What a friendly guy he was. What a handsome, friendly troll. His skin looked smooth. She thought she should touch it. But first, another swig of that yummy yum-yum wine. Where was that wine, anyway? Oh, the bottle was in her hand. With a girlish giggle, Kaylanna lifted the bottle to her lips and tilted it back, swallowing several times.

I'wilo watched the delectable little elf's pale throat work to suck down a bit too much wine. So focused was he on Kay, that he neglected to stop his lip from lifting as his smile broadened. He was a bit self-conscious of that snarl. But in her present state, Kaylanna didn't mind at all. He quirked a brow as she rolled onto her hands and knees and kitty-crawled in his direction. Licking his lips, he watched her intently without moving to or away from her clumsy-cute and undeniably sexy advance.

The night air was cool and comfortable, both for the inebriated blood elf and the troll, who was designed for much colder climes than his Horde-allied Darkspear counterparts. Were the locals more receptive to his kind, I'wilo might have chosen to live in the forest, rather than across the sea in Durotar. As it was, he was lucky to be able to travel these woods and visit the city, given the less-than-agreeable status the Darkspear (which I'wilo professed to be, more out of omission than flat-out lies) had with the parochial citizens.

Be that as it may, he was here now and enjoying the cool air on his exposed chest, the way the soft springy grass molded itself around his heavy form… And this little drunken vixen of an elf that was now crawling toward him. And now she was touching him. Tiny, soft hands reached out to caress his chest, tentatively at first. I'wilo couldn't help but chuckle at the childlike way her glowing eyes widened at the contact. She truly was adorable. Petite fingers with nails filed into smooth curves that tickled at his flesh, ran over his chest delicately. So soft was her touch that he could feel the soft, velvety, near-invisible fur that covered most of his body tickling beneath her skin as she let her hand trail down his belly, causing the muscles there to clench from the sensation. The irresistible female let her fingers pause for a maddening moment at the edge of his belt, before slowing trailing them back up and further exploring his chest.

He wanted to take her then, flip her over and claim her before turning her again so that he could feel the heat of her breath on his face, her sounds of appreciation ringing loud in his ears as he buried as much of him as he could fit inside of her hot little body. Instead, he licked his lips and reached out to stroke her silken ponytail. I'wilo had become well-versed in the ways of love-making; enough to write several volumes on the subject. He knew that his "talents" reduced the ministrations of many a self-proclaimed "playboy" to nothing more than clumsy adolescent groping, by comparison. This he'd been told my many a breathless, flush-faced beauty. He also knew that the waiting and yearning was, in itself, one of the best parts. That he had figured out on his own.

Despite his stoicism, his breath hissed in through his teeth and escaped as a low groan as her lazily trailing fingers swirled around one of his sensitive nipples and came to rest on the small, hard tip. She made a pleased cooing sound at the reaction and continued to touch him there, till it was nearly too much to bear without grabbing her and pulling her to him. Just as the near-crazed (though one wouldn't think it by seeing his demeanor) troll was about to say 'fuck it' and snatch her into his arms, the teasing fingers traveled further up his chest to shove aside the open vest there insistently.

I'wilo slowly acquiesced, slipping his arms out of the holes before settling back to his side and making a slight sweeping gesture with his hand, as if to say, "There it is. All yours" He delighted in her attentions as she let her fingers run beneath his collarbone, up over one shoulder and then tickle its way up his neck, tracing his jaw-line before continuing up one long ear. His eyes rolled a bit then, blinking rapidly for a split second as both toes on his right foot flexed and relaxed.

With a naughty little laugh, Kaylanna reached back to pull the leather thong from her hair, letting her shining tresses fall and fan sideways across her neck and shoulder, hanging past it and brushing at the ground. I'wilo reached out to stroke her hair as she explored his chest. His skin was so smooth and his body so hard and she let her hands test his muscles with the occasional little squeeze. Sighing passionately, she reached out to feel one of his long, powerful arms. The muscles there felt right in her hand and she wanted those arms around her, shielding her protectively as she hid her face in that broad, warm chest.

"Ah guhl, bah meh Loa ya feel so nice," I'wilo groaned as he finally allowed himself to move closer, sniffing at her neck and enjoying the perfume there, both the flowery scent she wore and the more intriguing natural scent of her. Maneuvering his tusks out of the way, and silently thanking all his gods that he'd filed them down recently, he sought out and captured the pointed tip of one pink ear between his lips, nibbling and then sucking on it as he grabbed a handful of silky hair, bringing it to his nose and inhaling deeply. The feel and scent of her hair was too nice and he felt his pants becoming uncomfortably tight.

Kaylanna gasped at the feel of his breath and his mouth on her, his hands. She let out a sound that was almost mournful in its need. "Take me, now. Fuck me, I'wilo," she whimpered…

"Take me, now. Fuck me, I'wilo," she had said. And the words were lovely, but when he went rigid it was in h wrong way. Wincing at the way her speech was slurred, he gave her another quick kiss on the ear, again rolling his eyes. A look of pained regret washed across his chiseled features, but he forced it away and when he gently disengaged himself from the close embrace, she beheld the same warm smile. Well… similar enough that in her drunken state she didn't notice the subtle differences, the lines between his eyes as his furrowed his brow slightly.

"Do it, fuck me," she begged, sitting up and crossing her arms to pull her shirt over her head. A strong but gentle pair of hands reached out to stop her. I'wilo had sat up and she now regarded him with a slightly reproachful look that he was certain would only look less happy in a few moments. He shook his head, tilting his head to one side as he took her hands in his own and lowered them.

Swaying a bit, until I'wilo helpfully steadied her with a hand on her shoulder, Kaylanna bit her lower lip and frowned. "What's wrong? Don't you want me?" She wasn't sure if she wanted to cry or punch him or reach out and grab him by the cock she could see outlined through his pants. Seeing the size of it, she wondered if she could even take much more than half of his length. Her eyes returned to his and she wasn't sure what she saw there.

"Whassron? Donchaa wanmeee?" Ok, she was definitely smashed. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck his luck and fuck his aching, throbbing hard-on. With much effort, I'wilo shook his head again, more adamantly. Then he saw her eyes go completely round and he corrected himself, nodding furiously. "Whatcha shy now, Busster?" Her orcish sounded worse than his! Damnit. Damnit all to the nether and back and set it on fire and shove it the fuck up its own bleeding ass.

"O' coahs I want ya guhl. Ain't a dahm ting in dis whole wahld I can tink of dat I want moah reht about now… but ya be a bit too drunk foah meh ta take ya, Dahlin'."

Kaylanna was completely taken aback. "What? Isn't that was the damned wine was for? Give me a break. Something's wrong with me and you won't say it," And then she let out the dreaded sniffle.

"Oh no no no gahl, don't get ahpset. Ol' Wil ganna give ya da ting ya want… Latah. Not when ya be like dis." "But why?" she whined, grabbing both of his hands and squeezing them tightly, her nails digging into his flesh. She lifted his hands and he let her cover them in frantic kisses, her pleading, unfocused eyes searching his. He replied over the noisy sound of kisses, "Ah tink ya would feel it jahst fahn… Dat ain't whaht Ah be worried about." "Then what? What?" she sobbed, dropping his hands and placing hers on her cheeks and mooshing them so that her mouth became an oval. The way her face was would have been comical if the situation were different.

"When ya sobah, ya look at me wid da sehm interest ya lookin' now, but ya also be lookin' like ya seen sahmtin' scareh," he said gently. "I'm not scared of you," she sighed in dramatic exasperation. Her hands ran down her cheeks and slapped her thighs loudly. An errant lock of hair fell over her face and she blew at it unsuccessfully before batting it away. Now she was looking a bit pissed. "It's my choice and I want to fuck. Now."

I'wilo grunted, annoyed at himself for letting her get so drunk and annoyed at the fact that she was making this so hard when he was still so hard. "It's mah dick ahnd Ah'm tellin' ya no. Not now." He could feel his face tightening and was sure his smile was grotesquely forced in appearance. He also felt that he was a damned hero for maintaining any smile at all. Very rarely did anything get on his nerves, but as cute as she was, she was pushing it.

"Eeeet's MAH," she jabbed a thumb into her own chest as she mimicked him, "deek ond um tellin' ya yaysss!" Okay, that was cute, although he was sure she got the voice wrong. He had a deep voice, but he didn't have that idiotic tone she had inserted.

I'wilo tilted his head and cleared his throat, reaching out to stroke her flushed pink cheek, "Now Keh, Ah know ya be a little… disahp-" Her hand shot out to grab him, but her actions were a little too clumsy and she managed to jab a pair of fingers right into one very sensitive orb. "Oof!" he doubled over where he sat, a hand going to his nuts and then moving higher to clutch his gut, the other hand raised in a warding gesture. Gods, but that hurt. He gasped for breath, her continued babbling just a meaningless mosquito-whine in his ears.

Apparently his balls didn't think it was safe outside of his guts, and he wasn't sure he disagreed, still it was a blessed relief when they decided to find their way back out of his body. She was still screeching at him. "Enough!" he growled, a giant hand reaching out quickly to catch her by the wrist.

The troll's eyes were blazing, the lust that had previously made its home there now evicted and replaced by a dark, angry glare. His brow was deeply furrowed and deep lines had formed there, causing the bridge of his nose to wrinkle up. His lip had lifted in a snarl and his teeth looked very white and predatory in the moonlight. Somehow, the sexy male that she had wanted inside of her so badly had been replaced by a terrifying creature. A muscle beneath his eye twitched repeatedly as he stared at her.

Oh crap, now she was going to cry.

Closing in on itself like a withering flower, her little fist stopped struggling in his grasp. She took a deep breath and her bottom lip began to quiver. Lowering her head a bit, she sniffled once and then made a high-pitched whining noise that even she didn't understand.

Accepting her submissive whimper, I'wilo leaned forward to raise his tusks over her head, bumping the top of her head with his chin lightly. "Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch. Womahn don't be gettin' all sahd now. Ah ent mahd at ya," he crooned. He realized he still had her wrist in his grip and he guided her hand around him, releasing it as he embraced her.

The troll's moment of rage passed as if it hadn't been there, and now he was only a comfort, warm as he held her to him. She buried her face in his chest, still upset but not really remembering what she'd been so upset about. Kaylanna let out a contented little sigh and settled into the strong arms that held her so tenderly, enjoying the feeling as he stroked her hair. "Ya tiahd, right?" his deep and soothing voice reached her ears as it flowed over her pleasantly. When she opened her mouth to answer, a quiet yawn interrupted her speech. She accentuated it with a nod.

Allowing himself one last smell of her soft hair, I'wilo turned his head to seek out her cloak. Keeping her to his chest with one long arm, he reached out with the other to drag her cloak over. "Heah," he said as he gently maneuvered her little body. She weighed almost nothing to him. "Wil is tiahd too. We gonna tehk a nice nahp." "And after-?" "Yes, gahl. Ahnd aftah. Now leh down wit me, Keh."

Thankfully, all the fight had gone out of the little elf and she allowed him to move her petite body so that they may lay together, though not in the way he had earlier anticipated. With I'wilo on his back, and Kay nestled into his chest, he drew the cloak over her and listened as her breathing evened out and she fell asleep.

He swallowed and cleared his throat quietly so as not to disturb her, though she wasn't likely to wake if he tossed her into the pond at this point. Several thoughts battled for a place in the front of his mind. He had wanted her, certainly hadn't intended to reject her, but she was far too drunk. He had no intention of taking advantage of that fact. More importantly, he didn't want her waking up with any doubts. If she wanted him tomorrow, he would be more than happy to oblige. Her body on top of his was pleasant, but uncomfortable as well. Not physically, but to his mind. He had lay with many, many women but he'd never actually slept with one and he'd not had any intention of doing so, at least in the near future. He frowned, his face relaxing so that his lip lifted again.

Blinking up at the stars, other unnerving thoughts whirling in his mind, he let his eyes go unfocused and then close. Hopefully, she wouldn't get the wrong idea. Was it such a big deal, to lay here and let her sleep on him like a lover? On one hand, he hoped she wouldn't see it as such. On the other, he thought maybe he might feel… Well, he wasn't sure what but it wasn't good.

The last thought that crossed his mind was of nightmares. He prayed to his gods that he wouldn't have one of his bad dreams and wake up screaming with this girl to bear witness and become completely terrified of him. I'wilo hesitantly drifted off to sleep.