A/N This is my second story. From now on I'll only update on Fridays. Nothing like it (I hope). Read and tell me what you think. The actual story starts on the second chapter.

"Hi, I'm the colonel. There are many places that you could visit on earth, but we got bored and createed a new and slightly more dangerous place, well not slightly. This place is as beautiful as they come and there is truely no place like it. We have our own indiginous creatures and they are as bad as we feared. We will be paying you some good money. Sure they can do somethings that we have only dreamt about, but this place is a miricle. We have the best of everything here to make your stay as pleasureable as humanly possible and to give you what you want and all to your hearts content, there are great trees and clean air, not what you remember from home,

But I kid you not, the minute you lose respect for this place, it chews, swallows and spits you out. You see this scar," He said pointing to the three deep gashes on his face," I was in the third great war and I left unscared, but the scar I got here on my first day. I warn you now, do what you came to do and leave, it might be your only chance to live a day longer!" He explaineed, no happy smile and no elated greetings.

"I if you know where hell is I suggest that you go there for some R&R, because this place has left its Hell Mark!" He finished.

A/N I hope I didn't make it dark, I was just trying to explain the area... Anyways, I need OC's please. So here is a template and have fun with it. I will be asking you to add other things later on, but it will be in passing. If you have any questions ask the colonel.

This is a perfect example of a tougher OC form. Ok let s get started.

Name: This is the easy part. Name and surname

Nickname: Nickname or what they should be called by. See still the easy part.

Gender: Oo, don t get lost yet.

Age: Ok I m not explaining this.

Hometown: Where are they originally from? State the country.

Appearance: What do they look like? I need detail on clothes and face and maybe even odd thing their face does when they release certain emotion.

Personality: How do they act? What are their quirks and downfalls? What makes them tic? What are they good at and who do they hate? What do they act like in and out of battle? Etc. ECT.

Family: A brief description of the main members of their family. State their name, surname and how their character is treated.

History: What significant event has happened in their life and how has it affected them? What are their accomplishments and their failures?

Pok mon : Tehehe, I wanted to have fun so this would be the Pokemon that they are most interested in. The more powerful, the more likely it will kill you.

Ability: What can they do that noone else can? Anything from never forgetting anything, to super streangth. This helps decide for how long they get to live...

Specialist: What can they do very well? Spy/ work with computers/ etc.

Occupation: You're in space on a desolate planet, this should be easy. What do they do for a living?

Goals: What do they plan to do and how do they plan on doing it?

Faction: Red, blue. Red is the fighters and blue is the thinkers. What is their role in the faction? Do they heal or do they teach or whatever. Guerella faction is green, they are the nature lovers, like the hippies in the fifties.

Here is an example:

Name: Peter Petrelli.

Nickname: Pet

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Hometown: Japan

Appearance: Think Frakenstein

Personality: How do they act? What are their quirks and downfalls? What makes them tic? What are they good at and who do they hate? What do they act like in and out of battle? Etc. ECT.

Family: None

History: Didn't exist until two years ago. Was an experiment.

Pok mon : Larvitar

Ability: Can fly

Specialist: Spy.

Occupation: Mail man

Goals: To become better looking.

Faction: Blue. Very passive and delivers mail only to them. He is also a spy for the guerella faction and uses the business as a front.