Okay, I kinda got this idea from Jellicles in training, so partial credit to Tanaka Inutasha. But everyone is mine. They live in New York City and The Jellicles come in later. This first Chapter is to say who's who.

The Stray Cat tribe

Protector: Finical Minch (Fin, Bombay with white paws, used to belong to a military soldier)

Other toms

Razzletazz (Razzle, silver Turkish Angora, found on streets, 2nd in command)

Caracackle (Cackle, marmalade British tabby, once a highly ranked British cat but fell onto a boat to New York)

Kiminosho (Kimi, Siamese, lives behind Japanese restraunt)

Danstaron (Dan, marmalade American tabby, cat burglar, used to live with a family but was abused by family)

Dianschet (Dian, Bombay, used to live with a German professor but wanted more city life)

Raduan (black and white Scottish fold, found on streets)


Cassalurina (ginger Turkish Angora, mates with Raduan, kitten sitter)

Firefox (red Turkish angora with large ears and half blind, cat burglar, mates and partners in crime with Dan, Cassa's younger sister)

Jemaara (white angora, kitten sitter)

Antigone (snowshoe, kitten protector)

Ti Ta tabby (dark Maine coon, the 'curious cat')


Sarrel the brave kit (Bombay/Siamese mix, Dian's son, oldest of the kits)

Axel the smart kit (American tabby/Bombay mix, Dian's son, smartest kit)

Graciette the shy kit (small white Persian, Dian's daughter, shiest kit but not afraid to fight)

Mielikki the prankster (ginger American tabby/Turkish angora mix, Foxy and Dan's daughter, the prankster kitten burglar)

Cheiron the jokester (snowshoe, Antigone's son, Mielikki's best friend, nuisance)

Maradie the best singer (ginger American curl, best singer)

Silhoutte the best dancer (Mara's younger twin, best dancer)

Cattivo the most hyper (brown British tabby, most hyper kit)

Tayloon the most sleuthy (Cassa's twin daughter, most stealthy kit)