I do not own Tsubasa, or any of the characters. My mind just likes playing with them.
Interrupted Moments
by: Shiara-dono
In the country of Piffle, after Sakura returns to her world.
"Kuro-tanཀ Kuro-tanཀ" The blond mage known as Fai D. Flourite called, as he walked up the steps of the huge house they were currently staying at. He smiled as he walked into the main room, finding the person he was looking for, polishing Ginryu, his late father's beloved sword. "There you are, Kuro-tan. You know that race we participated in here last year? The Dragonfly one? Well, they're going to be running another one in a weeks time, and Tomoyo-chan would like us to enter the race, if we're still here. What do you say?"
Kurogane didn't speak for a moment, just sheathed Ginryu and carefully set it to the side. The he stood, stretching every inch of his body as he advanced toward Fai. "I told you not to call me those ridiculous names."
Fai pouted, leaning against one of the walls, watching Kurogane walk closer. "But it's so much fun, Kuro-rin."
A growl was the only warning he had before he was pinned against the wall by Kurogane's body, his wrists trapped above his head in a mechanical grip. Fai's eyes widened in surprise. "Kuro-"
"I said, don't call me those names. You won't like the consequences."
Fai gulped, but the look he gave Kurogane was anything but innocent. "Consequences... Kuro... sama?"
The hand holding Fai's wrists tightened enough to hurt, and Kurogane's mouth claimed Fai's in a non-gentle kiss. He growled in his throat, pressing against the mage.
Fai subtly tilted his head, allowing Kurogane to have better access. He parted his lips, allowing the dance of tongues to begin.
Naturally, that was when Syaoran decided to come looking for them. "Kurogane-san? Fai-san?" He called, walking into the room. "Tomoyo-chan just asked me if-" He realized what he had walked in on and blushed fiercely. "Ahཀ I'm sorryཀ"
Quick footsteps exiting the room signaled Syaoran's hasty retreat. Kurogane pulled away from Fai with a groan of annoyance. He looked at Fai and was surprised to see a thoughtful look on his face.
Fai chuckled. "Perhaps Daddy and Mommy should continue this in the bedroom, so the child isn't scarred for life?"
Kurogane gave him a slow, measured look that caused Fai's mouth to go dry. "Hmm. Perhaps we should..."
Lol, I never thought I'd write a story like this, but there you have it. It's rated M because I don't know where yaoi stands, and in case I ever want to post the second part. Anyway, let me know what ya'll think. Ja ne!