He still looked the same, was the first thing Bella thought. His blond hair all sexy and wild, bronze skin glistening with sweat and broad shoulders. His blue eyes widened in surprise. They still had that mischief that had gotten us in so much trouble when we were children. His shredded jeans rode low on his hips and led to a v going down his pants. My heart was beating hard against my chest, short breaths coming out of me.
No, he hadn't changed one bit, He could still make me moony eyed and in love with him in one second. But then I remembered Edward and all that went away.
His eyes narrowed at me, the surprise now turning into anger. He regarded me coolly and motioned me into the house. I stared at him bewildered. Where was the anger, the shouting, the lack of control? He hadn't changed in looks but it seemed he had in personality.
We walked into his house… or our house. A little cabin that sat by a lake, the view was of large trees and sky. It was the place I had always dreamed of to live when we were kids. We were the best of friends and sure that we would be more in the future. But we weren't kids anymore.
He led me to the leather couch, the old white cushy one I picked out now gone. He sat down in his lazy boy a beer in hand. I wanted to say something. I wanted all that anger I had right now. All I felt was guilt.
The house hadn't changed much. The china my mother had given us was still in the cupboards, the television still on top of the dresser, all our pictures splayed against the wall. The carpet I had spilled coffee on still lay there, and my books still neatly tucked into the bookcase no sign of it ever been touched since I left.
I turned back when I felt his eyes trained on me. The same eyes that still on occasions haunt my dreams. His fingers tapped impatiently on the arm of the chair. The same hands that used to play with my hair when we watched movies. Those lips were pursed in a tight scowl. Those same lips that used to kiss me with such tenderness.
"Well", he spoke for the first time, hostility rolling off his voice, "where's the damn divorce papers". I don't know why, but I was surprised. I mean I should have expected him to be this way but it just didn't seem right. I know, I left him and I know I broke his heart. I won't give any excuses because really… I don't have any. I couldn't be like any other woman and say he beat me ,l because he's the most gentle man I have ever encountered. I could say he cheated, but I knew his heart was mine forever. I could say I was unhappy but truth be told, I was the happiest girl alive.
I know he sounds perfect right. So why did I leave? Because I'm an inconsiderate bitch who onlt thinks of herself.
I reached into my bag and took the divorce papers out, my hand shaking slightly. He snatched them out of my hand, and when I whimpered, his eyes immediately looked worried. "Are you okay. God sorry Bells, did I hurt you", he looked at my hand for any bruises.
Now there was my Ian. The man I fell in love with.
And then he froze. His eyes zoomed in on my finger and he looked on at the diamond that lay on it. It was then I think that I really had hurt him beyond belief. I mean what would you do if you found out your wife, soon to be ex was engaged.
Slowly he stood up and sniffed at me, and narrowed his eyes. "When you left me, I thought you would come back. I waited for months, but when you didn't come I gave up all hope. Your parents told me you had left to visit your uncle Charlie and wouldn't be back for a while. I thought you left because you were scared. Scared of me. Scared of the world I would bring you into. But you seem to blend right in with it. I blamed myself for years", he shouted, " thinking that I was a monster. That you could never love me the way I was.
But it seemed I was wrong. But it seemed I was wrong. You seem to be getting along great with it. A vampire of all things", he sneered. " A vampire", he repeated. "My own fucking imprint chose a damn leech over me! Her supposed soul mate! Damn you Bella, damn you to hell", and with that he stormed out the house and phased into a giant gold wolf.