Because everybody needs a little fluff in their life and their fandom. :) The song lyrics are from the song You & I by Ingrid Michaelson.

Disclaimer: None of the following belong to me: Glee, the song lyrics, or the characters. However, I do own much love for them all.

Will was sitting on the couch immersed in grading papers when he heard Shelby enter the house.

"Don't you worry there my honey, we might not have any money. But we've got our love to pay the bills." She sang.

Shelby danced into the living room where Will sat, holding a steaming thermo filled with coffee.

"Maybe I think you're cute and funny, maybe I wanna do what bunnies do with you if you know what I mean," at the last line Shelby raised a suggestive eyebrow to him who just chuckled. Shelby threw her leather jacket on the couch and set the thermo on the coffee table.

Shelby grabbed the papers out of Will's hand and tossed it on the table alongside the cup, pulling him up from the couch and into her arms.

"Oh let's get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of France. Let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance. Let's get rich and build a house on a mountain makin' everybody look like ants from way up there. You and I, you and I."

"Shelby," He laughed as they twirled around the living room, "What are you doing?"

She just pecked him quickly on the lips and continued singing, "Well you might be a bit confused. And you might be a little bit bruised. But baby how we spoon like no one else. So I will help you read those books if you will soothe my worried looks and we will put the lonesome on the shelf. Oh let's get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of France. Let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance. Let's get rich and build a house on a mountain makin' everybody look like ants from way up there. You and I, you and I."

Will brought Shelby into a dip and kissed her soundly on the lips. "What was that about? Good day?"

He lifted her again and sunk into the couch, this time with her in his arms. Will kissed her head and hugged her tight.

"Great day." She grinned. He snaked his head around hers in order to look in her eyes, probing her to tell more.

"Rachel and I had dinner and we talked- a lot. About life and guys and singing and Broadway and music and school and books and clothes and food, "She rattled off quickly, but then paused, "And you."

"Me?" He raised an eyebrow. She just nodded.

"What did you say?" He questioned, curious as to what Shelby said and thought about him when he wasn't there.

"How much I love you." She whispered and snuggled into his chest.

"I love you too," Will said, "even if you do sing strange, obscure songs."

"Hey, that song isn't strange!" Shelby scoffed, "It's cute."

"Yeah, you're right I guess," Will smiled and brought her lips to his again.