James Potter had done it again. Only this time, there would be hell to pay. This was bad. So bad. Worse than the time that he and Peter had herded over 100 mutant goats in the school and set them loose on the Slytherins. Worse than when he and Remus turned all the teachers' hair pickle-colored and had them dance to 'Cotton-Eyed-Joe' at dinner on the night of April Fools. No, this was worse. Because now Lily Evans was going to THRASH him within an inch of his life.
There was a swamp. In the girl's showers. Merlin's beard, it was even equipped with frogs and bulrushes! How idiotic could you get! Grinding her teeth angrily, a very much naked Lily waded her way through the swamp, shivering as the cold water lapped at her legs. How dare they! How dare they! She was going to-
Her thoughts were cut short. A lilac was growing in the middle of the swamp. Just one purple lilac, in the middle of the filthy showers. And there appeared to be a note attached to it. Reaching out, Lily hesitantly plucked it, cradling the fragile flower in her two cupped hands. Gingerly, not wanting to break it, she pulled the folded note off from the stem, where a Sticking Charm had been placed.
Opening it, she was surprised to see it was addressed to her.
Sorry, but on the short notice, I couldn't find a lily. Will a lilac do? No hard feelings, right?
Your Black Raven
A reluctant smile spread its way across Lily's face. Well… She supposed she could forgive him and the rest of the Marauders. Just this once. After all-
A scream cut through her thoughts, and Lily looked up, surprise crossing her features at the sight of a younger Gryffindor girl standing there. Second-year, most likely. Well, it was a sight to behold, that was for sure. A shower-turned-swamp, with a very naked Lily Evans standing in the middle, up to her knees in the grossness, calming reading a letter and holding a flower.
Grimacing, Lily trudged her way out of the filthy water, heading straight for the cluster of girls who had gathered. Thankfully, one of her yearmates considerately held out a towel for her. Glancing down at her legs, which were covered in muck mid-thigh and down, Lily's grimace grew.
No hard feelings. One flower wasn't gonna change that.