Nagihiko cut the silver knife through the cheese and chive potatoes slices in a princess like manner and slowly put it in his mouth silently and chewed it in his mouth. His eyes nearly widen as he swirled the food in his mouth. The taste was heavenly. The saltiness of the minced onions that burst through his mouth, the milky goat cheese, the delicious butter, the luscious golden potatoes , it was all delicious.
"You like the cheese and chive potatoes, my little princess?" Tsumugu asked, noticing the small smile on who he thought was his daughter's face
Nagihiko flinched and then he felt the hairs on his neck stand on ends when he felt the dark aura from the petite clown behind him. He then gulped and said in a snooty tone while mimicking Amu's voice. "It's okay but the chiefs could have done better."
The dark aura that surrounded Rima suddenly disappeared and then she grinned, a bit pleased. "Not bad…" She secretly whispered to him. Nagihiko quietly sighed out of relief as his fingers reached for the white-porcelain cup of Chai tea and took a tiny sip before he took he slowly retreated his lips from it for it was to hot but it did taste sweet from the honey and sugar that was added to it.
"To hot Amu?" Midori giggled as she took a sip from her tea-cup (that was filled with coffee and cream instead of tea).
Nagihiko paused and then looked to the side with a pout. "Was it that obvious?" He acted with a lash. Midori smiled and then took a bite of sliced ambrosia from her plate. Nagihiko turned his head around slightly to see if that was a passing act and Rima gave him a frown but with an approving nod. He breathed again however after he did his eyes then met the innocent eyes of the younger princess glaring at him.
Nagihiko felt another sudden chill running through his spine, but he brushed it off and turned his direction back onto the table as he began to fumble with the spoon inside of a steaming bowl of split pea and tomato soup. "What am I gonna do if Ami opens her big mouth?" He thought as he took a tiny sip of the soup from the silver spoon. He fumbled a bit with positioning himself on the oak chair because it was so difficult to sit comfortably in such a frilly dress. "Why did those two have to put me in this?" He thought already breaking out into another blush.
Suddenly a china bowl of tomato and green pepper salad. (Apparently the king and queen wanted many tomato dishes for the breakfast, because their sweet princesses were eating only sweet things for breakfast, like pancakes, honey-coated blue-berries, sweet omelets, strawberries toppled with maple syrup ect.) Nagihiko looked at the plate and then caught a tiny hand with it's wrist covered in frills. He slowly trailed his golden eyes from the frilly covered to hand to once again finding the young princess still glaring at him.
Nagihiko gulped and smiled weakly. "What is it?" He whispered so the king and queen wouldn't here them.
Ami stared at him. "Eat the green peppers and I wont tell, Nagihiko." She whispered back. "Nagihiko flinched and then he smiled a bit weakly.
"Guess you knew who I was from minute one." He said in a hushed voice.
Ami nodded. "Now hurry up and eat them before mommy and daddy see." She whispered.
Nagihiko nodded still with a weak smile and the quickly began to eat everyone of the green peppers on the plate, leaving the tomatoes behind. "They taste kinda sweet I wonder why Ami doesn't like it?" He thought as he swirled the taste of the green peppers in his mouth, suddenly he felt a strange horrible aftertaste in his mouth and he felt almost as if he would gag. "Oh…there it is." He thought, forcing the food down his throat.
Kusukusu giggled a bit at his suffering while Rima shook her head with her hand over her forehead. "What a complete idiot." She whispered.
Yaya peeked her head behind the white wall. Her chocolate brown eyes surveyed the bright hallway for any servants or maids. "All clear." She whispered, slowly tiptoeing ahead with her group close behind her back.
"Um…Yaya…" Nadeshiko whispered from behind. Yaya pressed her back against the wall, looking to the north of the hallway and whispered clearly to the Nadeshiko behind her.
"What is it? And keep it down Nadeshiko, remember we're being sneaky." Yaya said, her eyes still trailed to the north.
"Well um…How can we be sneaky if we're all squished together like this?" She asked. Apparently both Amu and Tadase were glued to each other because Yaya had told Nadeshiko, Kukai, Temari and Rhythm to squish the two together with their bodies to conceal them from eyes that were not even around. Both of their faces were both a deep shade of red (from being so close to each other.) and a deep shade of purple. (Because they were running out of air.)
Yaya rolled her eyes and turned her back the squished up butch. "Like I said, to hide our cute little couple from everyone in this castle besides up; we need to hide them!" She said crossing her arms childishly with an annoyed pout.
Amu's temper began to reach it peak when she practically shoved everyone away from her (Including Tadase) ferociously and screamed at Yaya with full rage, cursing even.
Kukai got up rubbing the bump in the back of his head, wincing at the pain the bump was giving him. Temari and Rhythm just sat flat on their bottoms covering each others ears from the princess's violent cursing, Nadeshiko dusted her light purple gown and helped Tadase up, who was blushing a bit from what was coming out the princess's mouth.
Yaya had an annoyed look on her face with to fingers in her ears, trying tune the princess's scornful tongue out.
Tadase blinked. Still flushing and trembling, he asked Nadeshiko. "Um…Does the princess often say…." He paused a bit at this and then whispered. "These things? I mean I've never really heard…" He looked down, flushing even redder. "her curse before…"
Nadeshiko gave Tadase a gentle pat on the head, ruffling his silky shiny hair. "Only when Yaya taunts her so." She answered.
Kukai leaned against the wall with his hands behind his head. "At this rate, it'll be forever till we get to the back gates…" He groaned.
Tadase tilted his head in confusion. From the fateful-night when he had snuck into the castle; he could have sworn that he only saw one gate and that was the one he climbed over, was there really a back gate?
"Um…there's another gate?" He asked Kukai over the yelling, bickering and childish giggling from the pink haired princess and the brunet maid.
Kukai opened his left eye, finding Tadase's pleading ruby colored eyes that just begged for answers. "Well, yes but it hasn't been guarded in ages so it's kinda over grown with grass." He explained.
"Why?" Tadase asked innocently.
"Because no one's trimmed it over a century." Kukai dryly replied.
Tadase frowned, growling a bit. "No not the grass, I mean why hasn't it been guarded? Aren't you people afraid of intruders?" He asked, calmly.
Kukai gave a tiny grin. "We're not afraid of you are we?"
Tadase puffed out his cheeks childishly, he was beginning to lose his patience.
Kukai chuckled. "I'll tell ya about later."
"Why not now?" Tadase whined. Kukai only replied with a few chuckles.
The air was now mixture of whining, giggling, complaining and cursing. Luckily for them no one was around to hear them.
Nadeshiko began to feel so annoyed by all the rambling that she was about to take her Naginata out to stop all the bickering whe suddenly all went silent.
Yaya began shrieking for some reason then she began screaming at everyone in a panicked tone. "HURRY! HURRY! EVERYONE HIDE AMU AND TADASE!" She began to push Amu away.
"Wait, what the heck are you talking about?" Amu demanded, her heals scrapped past the marble of the floor.
Suddenly Nadeshiko's face fell to fright and so did Kukai's then both of them grabbed Tadase's arms and began dragging him to where Yaya was pushing Amu to. Tadase felt confused.
Suddenly the both of the where pushed into a dark and cramped place. Amu felt flat on her face while Tadase fell onto his spine the air was completely knocked out of him.
Amu growled, getting up. Her face was red from the rough carpet of the ground she had hit. She then stood up straight and ran towards the opening of the door about to throw another curse, when suddenly it slammed shut right in front of her face.
Amu was now even more angrier, she peeled her face of the rough wood of the door and banged fiercely one it. "HEY WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW! OPEN IT! I ORDER ALL YOU IDIOTS TO OPEN THE DOOR OR YOU'LL GET A NICE COZY PLACE IN THE DUNGEON!" She screamed, banging harder on the door ignoring the pain that exploded across her knuckles.
"Shut up Amu!" Yaya's voice shouted.
Amu's jaw dropped, no one had ever told her to shut up before. Her temper suddenly exploded out from it's peak. She banged harder on the door, infact she banged so hard that the hinges jiggled a bit. "HOW DARE YOU INSOLENT SERVANTS TELL ME TO SHUT UP! OPEN THIS DOOR OR I'M GONNA-"
Her banging and yelling were stopped however when she heard a groaning sound coming from behind her. Coming from Tadase.
Still with her knuckles on the wood of the door; she turned her head around and saw that Tadase was on his side, his arms crossed over his ribs with his face twisted with pain. Amu gasped and quickly ran to Tadase, she sat on her knees and gently grabbed his hand with both of her hands.
"Tadase are you okay?" She asked a bit franticly but managed to keep a semi calm tone. Tadase's only response was his heavy breathing. Amu's heart began to race at top speed when she saw the sweat rolling down his temples. She gripped onto his fingers a bit tightly, wondering what she could do to help. She didn't even know what was wrong.
Amu gulped as she spotted the tiny drops of tears squirting from the corner of his eyes, he even was flailing a bit. She was about to panic when she remembered something. Something from the past.
One time, about three years when she was training with Ran, in hand to hand combat; Amu was nearly winning however, Ran had another trick up her sleeve. Right when Amu was about to throw another punch, Ran grabbed her wrist and swung her right leg right under the princess feet. Amu tumbled down and would have start yelling at Ran with full rage when she suddenly felt a horrible bolt of pain exploding across her spine.
It was a terrible feeling, the worst kind of pain she had ever felt. She felt paralyzed, her lungs felt as if they would burst and her back felt as if it was torn apart All she could do was flail around on the ground and cry out of pain. That's how she spend the rest of her week in bed with doctors catering her with three tiny gold colored pills for her spine. Ran had felt so guilty for what she had done, that she came to visit the princess everyday reading her books, making her paper-mache flowers and dolls. Su even came by with a plateful of sweets, Dia came to sing her some old lullabies her mother use to sing to her whenever she was hurt and Miki came by with some beautiful paintings of rainbows, ribbons, and people dancing on glass clocks.
Even so Amu never forgot how terrible the pain was, she didn't blame Ran though, but it still hurt really bad.
Amu figured maybe that's why Tadase was in so much pain, cause he was thrown onto his spine. Taking a deep breath, She released her left hand from Tadase's hand and placed her tiny fingers into his golden strands of hair, stroking it gently.
She then spoke in a calm soothing voice. "It's okay, just take a few deep breaths. In and out. Come on. In and out."
Blushing a bit from the princess tiny fingers running through his hair, he inhaled and exhaled deeply over and over again until his lungs where finally refilled with the precious oxygen it needed. His once heavy ragged breathing had transformed into calm and soft breaths.
Amu smiled out of relief when she saw the pain draining from his face. She gripped tighter on his hand and asked gently while still mindlessly stroking his hair. "Do you feel better?"
Tadase gave her a small smile. "If 'excruciating pain throughout my spine' means better, then yeah I'm better." He said chuckling a bit.
Amu giggled a bit at his joke and then whispered. "Does hurt that bad?"
Tadase shook his head. "No. No. I'm fine princess." He reassured however he flinched when he felt the presence of dark aura near him, and the sudden tight and uncomfortable grip on his hand caused a lump to form in his throat as he fearfully opened his eyes to find the angry pink-haired princess glaring at him with rage.
"I TOLD YOU TO NEVER CALL ME THAT…" She whispered in a dark and scary tone.
Tadase gulped. "I-I'm sorry." He whispered.
Amu sighed. "Forget it, it's fine."
Tadase silently breathed out of relief. Happy she was letting him off the hook. He knew the princess wanted him to call her by her original name, but he felt it was improper to address her like that, after all he was nothing more then a filthy peasant and prisoner.
"So um, do you know where they put us?" He didn't really care where the group had just shoved them into, he was used to being in dark places, but he had to change the subject for he did not want to start swirling his mind with questions on how to keep the princess happy if he couldn't call her princess or the fact that he felt uncomfortable calling her by her name.
Amu let out a heavy sigh. "The supply closet. I know because this is Ami's favorite hiding place." She explained in exhausted tone.
"Why?" Tadase asked.
Amu shrugged her shoulders. "Not sure. I'll go check." Steam erupted from her ears when she realized her fingers were still stroking his hair and her hand was still grasping his. Embarrassed Amu quickly retreated her fingers from his hair and gently laid his hand back onto the floor by his side.
"S-Sorry 'bout that!" She whispered anxiously to him before standing up and running towards the door.
Tadase smiled a small one as he watched her running towards the door. (He was still laying on his back for the pain was still to awful to stand back up.) "To be perfectly honest I loved how she stroked my hair…" He thought.
Relaxed this time, the princess gently knocked on the door and called through the door quietly. "Heeeey! What was the big deal of shoving the both of us in here?"
Behind the old wooden door, Nadeshiko smiling weakly, explained back to the princess. "We have a problem here."
"A problem?"
Kukai chuckled nervously. "Well you see while you and Yaya where busy arguing and everything…" He began.
"A cluster of servants that were helping to prepare for the ball…" Yaya nervously giggled.
"Have come to retrieve some old portraits and décor for the ballroom." Rhythm and Temari finished in unison with anxiety creeping in their vocals.
Amu blinked. "Wh-what?" She hoped this was a jest.
She pressed her ear against the door and her heart sank when she heard the bustle of servants moving tables, chattering, sneezing and taking down paintings. She sighed again and sank to her knees.
"Yaya this is all your fault…" She thought bitterly.
"Something wrong?" Tadase asked, now sitting up straight.
Amu sighed again. "Yeah…apparently there a crowd of other servants moving stuff into the ballroom." She explained.
Tadase blinked in confusion. "Why?" He asked innocently.
"It's for the upcoming ball." She answered, still looking exhausted.
Tadase blinked again. He had heard about a ball from Yaya when they had first met (And the first time he ever had so much cake shoved down his throat.) But what was the ball for? He refrained himself from asking her that because he thought that would be rude. After all it is her and her family's own business and it was really non of his business. So he just remained silent.
The cold air from the room stung Amu's skin like wasps. She shiver as she wrapped her arms around. She cursed Yaya in her mind for forcing her wear this outfit. It wasn't warm, it wasn't big, infact all it did was make her feel like a snowman in winter.
Tadase raised his eyebrow as he saw the pink-haired princess shivering. "Are you cold?" He asked softly.
Amu glared at him. "Don't laugh. It's not my fault I'm in this outfit." She growled, blushing a bit as goose bumps formed onto her delicate skin.
Tadase smiled gently at her. "Why would I laugh? I could never tease someone when they're shivering like that."
Amu pouted. "Are there any blankets here?" She grumbled
Tadase looked around surveying each of the shelves for any source of warm cloth for the princess, but he quickly found to his disappointment that there wasn't any not even a towel.
He looked back at the shivering princess and told her sadly. "Sorry but there isn't."
Amu growled. "Great! Now I'm gonna freeze my butt off until those stupid servants get the heck out of that hallway! Just my luck!" She hissed. Her teeth chattering in between sentences.
His heart nearly broke at the sight of the princess shivering so violently. She was cold…no freezing.
There wasn't any source of warmth this closet and because she was in clothes like that, she could catch a cold. Suddenly an idea popped into Tadase's head, but then he looked down flushing from pink to red at the idea. He bit his lip hard knowing he would soon label himself as a pervert.
"Uh…Um you know." Tadase began barley whispering.
Amu looked up raising her silky pink eyebrows. "Hm? What is it?" She asked still shivering.
Tadase began to play with his fourth fingers. "Well you see…during the winter, Ikuto, Utau and I would always huddle up together to keep warm cause of our body heat…S-s-so do you…" Tadase was to embarrassed to finish that question.
Amu at first felt confused that after a brief 10 seconds, she finally understood what he was trying to say.
The color red suddenly burst from her cheeks as she thought of her and Tadase huddled up together. Her skin pressed against his and his arms around her body. She would've declined that offer but she was so cold and shivering so violently, she knew there was no other way.
Fighting her blush she spoke calmly and anxiously. "O-Okay, but just arm to arm okay!"
Tadase was surprised he was expecting a slap on the face a yell and what-not, but he figured she must be so very cold; that any source of warmth would be okay with her.
He nodded and stood up. He winced though because his spine still felt awful but he tried his best to ignore it as he walked towards her and gently sat at her side. He could see the pink shade across her face. Of course she would feel that way.
An adolescent boy and an adolescent girl touching each other might be a little embarrassing.
But she was shivering so bad; he had to do something to ease that discomfort.
Slowly, ever so slowly they scooted closer to each other until the felt the tip of warmth and flesh from each other's arms.
They then slowly pressed each other arms together, blushing though. They felt a bit weird doing this, but it's not like there were any blankets.
Tadase almost flinched at the touch of Amu's skin. She felt like an icicle. He felt so sad fore wishing he could give her more warmth but he respected the princess's wishes and try his best to ignores it, even thought it was hard to ignore the touch of ice from her skin.
Amu blushed as she felt how warm and silky Tadase's skin was. It felt kind of nice but she tried her best to ignore the touch.
After 3 minutes she knew she couldn't ignore it. He was so warm and she was so cold, She began shivering again. A touch on the arm just wasn't enough for her. She began scooting closer and closer towards Tadase trying to absorbed every bit of warmth from him.
Tadase could feel his heart beating faster and faster each time the princess got closer and closer to him. His heart nearly stopped when she had practically scooted onto his lap. Steam erupted from his ears as the blood drained from his face.
Amu soon noticed this and began flushing each shade of red. "S-Sorry, it's just that…you know I'm freezing and I guess…I just couldn't take just a brush on the arm." She whispered slowly, stuttering a bit. "I'll get off."
But before she could get off of his lap; without thinking twice, Tadase threw his arms around her and held her gently and tightly, her ice cold cheek crashed onto his chest. She flushed a much more darker shade of red. "T-Tadase?" She asked anxiously, feeling very, very, very confused. She never knew Tadase would do something like this before. Why was he doing this?
Amu nearly flinched when she felt Tadase tightening his grip on her. "No. Stay here I'll keep you warm." Tadase whispered to her gently.
Amu gasped under her mouth blushing even more, her shoulders tensed up a bit as her fingers found there way to his shirt, clutching it tightly.
She tried to say something, anything, but it felt as though she lost her voice from the warmth that suddenly rushed throughout her cold body.
She buried her face in his shirt, trying to hide her flushing face, trembling though. Her heart nearly leaped out of chest when his intoxicating scent filled her nose. She breathed it in mindlessly, taking in every inch of the scent that came from him. "Cherry blossoms and fruit…" She thought, referring to the scent. She began to feel hazy from it.
"Are you…warm yet?" Tadase slowly asked.
Amu nodded slowly, still not saying anything. Tadase smiled out of relief, happy to know she wasn't cold anymore. His heart was racing though from the soft touch of her skin. More steam bursted through his ears. He knew one day he was going to regret this. After all he was touching royalty, a lovely princess, the beautiful flower of Shugo Kingdom, he knew he had no right to be holding such a precious treasure in his arms.
Amu's eyes began to slowly close, her eyes were hurting, begging her for some rest. She didn't really get enough sleep because of all the time she spent with Tadase in the dungeon.
Finally she spoke. "Um..Tadase?" She began yawning at the end.
"Yes?" He asked after she was done yawning.
"I'm a bit sleepy so I'm going to rest for a bit…is that okay?" She asked, looking up, her eyes kept closing and closing each time she opened them.
"Why is she asking me for permission? She's the princess after all, she can do what ever she wants." Tadase thought. Slowly he gently placed his finger at the tip of her eyelids and closed them and placed her head back on his chest, stroking her pink hair a bit.
"You don't have to asked me. Rest whenever you feel like." He whispered.
Amu let out a tiny smile, already beginning to lose conciseness, however before she did, she whispered one last thing to him. "Keep doing that…" Referring to him stroking her hair.
Tadase smiled gently as he held her closer. "Okay." He whispered, still doing endless strokes in the princess's hair for her. Amu smiled again and then after a minutes, soft tiny breathes exhaled from her lips, meaning she was asleep.
Still stroking her silky pink-hair; he stared at her angelic face. She always looked so cute when she was asleep to Tadase.. He knew he shouldn't be staring at her this way, or even holding her, heck he shouldn't even be stroking her hair this way.
But he knew he couldn't help it. She was always so charming and beautiful to him. His heart was beating even faster and he nearly flinched, fearing that it would wake her up. But she didn't. She continued to sleep.
"I hope she's having a sweet dream…" He thought. Suddenly his mind began to wonder over to the nightmare he had last night. He felt a cold chill running down his spine.
"Kiseki…why couldn't I do anything to protect him?" He thought sadly. "Why did he risk his life for me? It was all my fault why he and mother got captured in the first place…" He remembered how Kiseki in his dream accused him for their capture. "It was all my fault…"
Tadase could already feel tears in his eyes.
His mind then fell to Utau and Ikuto. He could feel his heart breaking, remembering how they looked in his dream and how they accused him for leaving them alone.
"Ikuto's are probably running all over the place, looking for me and Utau…Oh Utau, She's fragile when it comes to losing people…I hope she's not crying, her leg's probably worst now because of me.
He could feel the another crack form in his heart, it was already becoming a web of cracks from all those painful years without his twin brother and his mother, how people would spit on him every time he caught the eye of a person and the way Ikuto and Utau were suffering everyday even though they tried to hide it from him.
Then his mind wondered towards the princess, well her dark counterpart from his nightmare at least. He shuddered remembering how awful she looked from that dream.
Her skin awashed in sickening colors, her bleeding eyes, her lifeless pupils, the cold words that fell from her cracked lips. It was all so horrible. He began to shiver as the color drained from his cheeks. Then a thought suddenly came to his mind. "Does she really think I'm just rat? Why wouldn't she, thought." He thought bitterly. "I am…nothing but a cockroach." He whispered with his glossy bangs hanging over his eyes.
"Tadase…" Amu's voice suddenly whispered.
Tadase flinched at the sound of her voice and looked back at the princess. "I-I-I'm so sorry, did I wake you, princess?" He asked anxiously. However his shoulders relaxed when he saw her eyes closed. He breathed out of relief that she was still asleep. "Guess she must be talking in her sleep…Well I should have expect this every since she…" He chuckled a bit as he remembered what Amu had shouted when she woke after she fainted from hunger. (Chibi: Or so he was told. *Grins*)
"I wonder what she's dreaming of?" He thought as he brushed a strand of light pink hair from her eyes and behind her ear.
Gazing at her angelic face seemed to wash Tadase of his troubled thoughts, he held her a bit closer, still staring. His violet-red eyes then caught two patches of bright pink on her eyelids. It was only then he realized those were her eyelashes. "I never knew how long and pink Amu's eyelashes are." He silently whispered.
He smiled again and began stroking her hair again, remembering that Amu didn't want him stop. He was still staring at her. He just couldn't take his off of her face; of how lovely it was.
He face was as fresh and beautiful as May flowers. Her lips were so glossy that it almost seemed they had been dipped in dew. Her hair was the perfect shade of carnation pink, silky even. And her skin was such a lovely milky cream color. She was so soft and warm, He couldn't help feeling another blush creeping into his cheeks, his heart was beating even faster, and even though it was cold in the closet they were in, he was already breaking into a sweat.
He knew how he felt for the princess. His heart had ached to see her since the first time they meant. Her voice was like wind chimes in spring and he singing for was so intoxicating and beautiful he could fall over from just a whispered of it. Tadase knew it, every being of him knew how he felt about her. Even though he knew he shouldn't. But it was breaking his heart trying to force himself not to.
Tadase's ruby-like eyes suddenly looked at the princess's glossy lips. He gulped as thought were flooding into his brain.
Suddenly he found himself leaning in to her flower-like face. "Stop!" His mind told him. "Stop you cannot do this!" It said again but he ignored as he closed his eyes. His fingers now caressing the princess soft cheek. His mind kept screaming at him to stop but then after 3 short seconds his mind when silent.
Amu was still asleep when Tadase pressed his lips gently onto her glossy soft ones and the only thought in Tadase's mind was how her lips tasted like honey and cinnamon.
Boy I am super sorry I made you guys wait this long, but some of you might have known I was on Hiatus because of writer's block! CURSE YOU WRITERS BLOCK!
SOOOOO…How'd you guys like Tadase kissing sleepy little Amu, I just couldn't help myself since I've been making those two so shy! Tee hee hee hee…I am so proud of this chapter!
Now onto my favorite part! Thanking everyone for the awesome reviews!
Mermaid13 (I'm sorry about the reason why they weren't in there in the last chapter was because I couldn't think of anything. Sorry. Oh! And about the Utau and Ikuto chapter thing, something like that's going to happen, I'm sorry I did answer you before but to be honest since I was still knew that time, I thought it was against the rules to type the names of other users in your story, Once again I'm sorry and thank you for your nice reviews!)
ChocoKoko (Yep! I Just LOOOVE It when Kiseki shows his kinder side better instead of his spoil king attitude! I'm glad I didn't keep one person waiting in the last chapter. Thank ya for the nice review!)
Runa-Schickozi ( Thank you very much, but I'm sorry I couldn't update faster, I hope this chapter makes up for it though. See ya later!)
MewMewSugara ( Thaxy wanxy! And I'm happy you liked that last chapter and I hope you like this one!)
TxA luver (Um…you know I'm not really sure what tuberculoses is, *bonks self on the head* I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to stuff like, mostly cause it grosses me out XD But You can think what ever she had if you want. And also I got Ami giving Nagihiko the green peppers joke thingy from you, I hope that was okay because it was funny and I though you would like that too. Tee hee hee. See ya soon and thank you!)
Amulet Queen (Aww Don't worry about it! That happens to me all the time when I read a fic. And I feel touched when you said I'm good writer that gives me a lot of confidence since I wasn't so good at first! But I think I'm okay! I felt sooo happy from the things you said, I feel special…Thanks for the really really great review!)
Amuto fan (Really, it's that good, cause I though my previous chapter were terrible, I'm glad you like it and I hope you enjoy this chapter too!)
I'll see ya guys later! Can't guaranty the next chapter will come out soon, out of idea's again! I might take a small break for a bit but I'm still going to work this story all the way through!
Now as always I'd like everyone to please enjoy this chapter!