A/N: So this is just about my first fanfic in… years. Shocking, yes. But I hope to return and write more fics. This one is a One Piece, Nami x. Zoro fic, because I find the two of them adorable. I've really planned this one out, so I hope to finish it and hope for you guys to read on!

This fic isn't really intended to be comedic. It's also not ALL ABOUT SEX, so please you guys… read on for the emotional bits! I promise there will be some.

Rated M for sexual content and language.

A Cat And Mouse Game

Summary: After a drunken one night stand, Zoro and Nami developed a secret "friends with benefits" system each night. Although Nami begins to fall for him, Zoro continues to say that he feels nothing for her and the sex is only for thrills. What ensues is a cat and mouse game of thrills, arguments and trickey. But can love grow from this?

Chapter 1: Mistakes

Chirping of birds. Rays of sunlight. The swishing of the Merry Go on the seas awakened the sleeping devil that was Roronoa Zoro. His eyes peeled open to the harsh sunlight and he squinted, bringing a hand to his head.

Last night was a complete blur… he could remember some crazy celebration that Luffy brought on and drinking. Lots of drinking. Normally he could tolerate an enormous bit of alcohol, but evidently last night was a bit more than he could handle and now, he was sprawled on the floor of his room, bed-sheets and blankets strewn wildly around with a bad headache.

The hell did I do last night? His thoughts spun and he rubbed his temples.

Suddenly, a blur of images flooded his brain.

Alcohol, an empty room… Fumbling around, the first sloppy kiss… Nami.

Zoro's eyes shot wide open, the occurrences of last night all returning to him and a shiver shot up his spine. Oh shit. With Nami? He couldn't have… But the remnants of their forbidden night was all over the room. Empty bottles of whiskey… His clothes strewn over the ground. The aroma of tangerines and a distinct womanly scent belonging to Nami was evident.

He shot up from the wooden floors and ruffled his hair quickly, as if trying to shake away the memories of last night. Stupid… stupid. How did he ever get himself in this situation? Normally, he never cared about things that Ero-Cook sought after, especially love or any physical manifestation of it.

Nami was just a crewmate. A friend, if you pushed it. Sure, Zoro found that she was decently pretty, but not someone he lusted after. In fact… he didn't lust after anyway at all, ever. The curious detail that he did sleep with her stunned him.

Stalking to the closed door, he yanked it open, only to stumble upon Nami, who was just exiting the hallway bathroom. The two stared at each other with confused looks before Zoro gritted his teeth in Zoro-fashion and brought an exasperated hand to his forehead.

"We did, didn't we?" He grumbled annoyingly.

Nami didn't appear anymore composed than he was. "I guess…" A look of worry was on her face as she sighed.

The silence between them festered.

Zoro shot his head up at her annoyed, his face twisted in an exasperated expression. "It happened once. No one will hear anything of it!" He declared.

Nami's head spun around in a similar fashion. "Well of course! Did you think I was going to tell anyone?" She cried. The whole situation was embarrassing. Zoro of all people? On a daily basis, the two were always bickering. How did something like this happen?

"How did we… anyways?" Zoro mumbled softly.

Nami shook her head. "God knows." A flashback of last night took them to a kitchen, filled with plates and dirty dishes after a night of well-spent partying. Luffy, Ussop and Chopper had already collapsed in a heap, snoring away loudly. The others were probably in bed. A lone figure with green hair sat at the table, guzzling away bottles of whiskey. He was solemn, and didn't appear to be stopping anytime soon.

Another petite figure with an orange top slipped into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey beside Zoro. The two exchanged an acknowledging glance and then the rest of the flashback was a haze… The next thing Nami could remember was a bed in his room, some clothes coming off and a night of terrible mistakes.

She snapped back to attention. The looming figure in front of her seemed confused too, his furrowed expression molded into a glare and his bare chest exposed, like Nami remember so well last night. She shook the dirty thoughts away from her mind.

"Breakfast!" Sanji's voice from the deck shouted.

Nami and Zoro exchanged looks. "This is our secret." Zoro said and Nami lifted her brow in agreement. The two quietly and slowly slipped out the hallway and towards the gallery for breakfast…

Moments Later…

"Naaaaamiiii-swaaaan, good morning!" Sanji exclaimed jubilantly as Nami and Zoro both entered the kitchen at the same time. Everyone else was seated, already slurping away at their food like pigs. Whiskey bottles were still scattered around the counters. All remnants of last night.

"Morning, Sanji-kun." Nami said and smiled softly. She slipped to an empty seat beside Robin and Zoro likewise took a seat at the edge, next to a glomping Luffy. The regular humorous banter of conversation traversed the kitchen like usual mornings and Zoro and Nami settled in, comfortably blending into the surroundings.

"So anyways, last night—" Ussop suddenly said.

"Nothing happened last night!" Nami exclaimed and glared at Ussop.

"—Last night, the fishing nets broke…" Ussop finished, confused by Nami's outburst.

Nami's face blushed. Everyone in the room stared at her, while a sullen and antsy Zoro quietly glared in the background.

"Ara? Nami-san? Did something happen?" Sanji asked worriedly, while placing a plate of rice meal in front of her. The others looked on in curiosity.

"Ah—I mean… nothing interesting happened last night. You know… because Ussop and Luffy are always looking for something interesting to happen." Nami said, coolly brushing off her outburst in polished form. "I'm telling you guys, stop looking for fun all the time and get some work done!"

Everyone seemed to be quelled by this explanation and Ussop and Luffy settled into pursing their lips and mumbling about the lack of excitement on the ship. Chopper joined in their banter. Nami gave a sigh and smoothed her bangs back. She glimpsed at Zoro, who was calmed now, but quietly steaming inside.

The rest of breakfast went along without incident, everyone slipping back into their routines.

Nami stumbled outside, glad to breathe the salt air and not have to sit through suffocating mind-wave battles with Zoro across the table. They both seemed to be on edge over the whole deal and Nami didn't know how she was going to survive this whole ordeal if neither of them could be in the same room for 2 minutes without one of them exploding.

The door behind her creaked open and Nami turned around to see Sanji walk out, with a cool drink of freshly blended fruit. His brow curled in concern. (Ha. Brow curled? Curly brow? Bad joke, sorry.)

"Nami-san, you didn't eat much at breakfast. Maybe you're not feeling too well?" He asked and offered her the tall glass of brew.

Nami smiled. She took the drink from the tray politely and said, "Oh, thank you Sanji-kun. But I'm ok. Just… I had a lot to drink last night." Ain't that the truth.

"Well, if there's anything I can do—" He said, "Don't hesitate to ask, Nami-swaaan!~" Sanji burst into a love hurricane and disappeared back into the kitchen.

Nami sighed but smiled and sipped her drink slowly. Maybe it was time to relax. Try and get a grip and forget the whole mess. But before she could, slow footsteps sounded up the stairs and Nami's eyes floated over to the green-haired brooding figure who waltzed up to the upper deck.

"Ah." He said, noticing Nami was there too.

Her face crinkled in annoyance. Every second. Every second they had to be together in awkward silence.

"Ah what? Can't I be on the deck too?" She replied, trying to regain a degree of normality that she and Zoro usually had. A degree of bickering and battling. "Stupid swordsman. Stop being so territorial. The upper deck doesn't belong to you, you know." Nami said in a sing-song curt tone.

Zoro blinked. Not saying a word, he sat down against the deck wall and propped his swords against it without a word of argument. He closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep.

"ORA. What are you doing?" Nami hollered at him, annoyed by the brazen way he ignored her.

Zoro opened a sleepy eye. "What?" His voice rang with irritation.

"That's what I asked you! This whole situation will get worse if we just ignore each other all the time!" Nami crossed her arms in contempt. "We have to get back to our regular routine!"

Zoro gritted his teeth in usual fashion. "You're being too technical about this. Just… Just let it go."

Nami raised a brow. "Let it go? Let it go? Isn't that what I'm trying to do, Mr. Helpful?" Her anger ruptured into full-blown annoyance. His sudden nonchalance about the whole situation pissed her off, especially while she was the one freaking out still.

"Look, just drop it, ok?" He argued, miffed too. "It happened once and it was a mistake. That's it."

"What's a mistake?" Another voice rang from behind them.

Zoro and Nami's attention shot towards the new voice entering into the conversation. Nico Robin waltzed up the stairs with her usual I-know-more-than-you-think look on her calm and elegant face. Nami and Zoro's own expressions twisted into one of surprise and worry, to which Robin found it even more suspicious.

"Interesting conversation you two are having." Robin said calmly. She wasn't too much into prying, but more so just happened to walk upon this interesting situation and had to ask. "Even more interesting, the two of you have been seen together a lot today." It was a general observation, and of course, cool and mature Robin meant no malice by it.

But Nami freaked, to the accompaniment of the quietly boiling Zoro. "N-Nothing's going on, what are you saying, Robin?" Nami exclaimed and waved her hand nervously. Robin lifted an eyebrow and Nami, seeing the hopelessness of the situation plunged into a laugh that tried to scream Nothing-Happened-Between-Me-And-Zoro…

"Nami-chan. I didn't imply anything." Robin smiled, truly meaning her words. If she had gotten Nami this exasperated, she felt bad. "If you aren't feeling well, you should rest. I'll leave you two alone." Robin finished and walked off quietly.

When they made sure she was gone, Zoro snapped at Nami angrily.

"What happened to our 'regular routine'?" Zoro reprimanded her for nearly giving away their ruse. "You tell me to act natural, but I've never seen anyone act as bad as you!"

Nami groaned and covered her forehead with her hands, lost in the hopelessness. "Shut up! You wanna keep shouting and attracting more people?"

Zoro hushed up, with an annoyed frown. Nami sighed and turned around. She walked off the stairs to the lower level… She had to get away from him…

"Oi, Nami! Have you seen Zoro?" A face suddenly bounced in front of her, Luffy's energetic voice ringing loudly.

Nami, stumbled backwards, 1.) surprised at the sudden outburst and 2.) obviously fearing she was being called out on again about her and Zoro. "Luffy! Wh-Why would you ask me? How'd I know where he is?" She answered, trying to come off more calmly, but failing miserably at that.

In that moment, Ussop and Chopper hopped around towards Luffy and Nami, laughing too. "Hey Nami! Where's Zoro?" Chopper asked with kiddish zeal.

Nami's face grew red. "Stop asking me! I don't know!"

The three fool-hardy boys blinked and stared. "But… we wanted Zoro to come play with us…" They said, confused as to why Nami was so antsy today, particularly around anything involving Zoro. Nami sighed and brought a hand to her head, exasperated and completely exhausted.

"Gee, you act like something weird happened between you and Zoro." Ussop commented and immediately burst out laughing, joined by Luffy and Chopper. They slapped their knees in amusement.

"Yea, yea, like the two of them are friends now!" Chopper chortled.

"Yea, OR the two of them hooked up!" Ussop offered a seemingly even more ridiculous notion. This got all three, as they collapsed into a laughing heap beside Nami's feet. However, she was not amused and slipped away hurriedly, feeling her face grow red with embarrassment again…

The pressure and growing suspicions of her crewmates became more than Nami could bear. It didn't matter if she wanted things to go back to normal, because obviously she couldn't handle it herself. Why was this such a big deal? Her head spun with questions. Stalking off back to the kitchen with the laughter of Ussop, Luffy and Chopper, Nami plopped herself at the table and put her head down, burrowing into her arms.

The kitchen was empty and she was glad. She needed a place to vent her frustrations without the overly worried and slightly annoying presence of Sanji, the wily and observant Robin or the irritating stupidity of the others. She sighed, spotting the liquor cabinet restocked with brew. Normally, she rarely touched the alcohol since Zoro was really the only one who used it regularly. But she got up slowly, grabbed a large bottle of whiskey and plopped herself back down with a thud. Opening it and bringing the bottle to her lips, she swigged.

At that moment, the door opened loudly and in stumbled Zoro, who had just awaken from his nap on the upper deck. His face contorted into a grimace as he saw Nami, as it seems he had been seeing her everywhere this day. He was about to stalk right out of there, but upon seeing the distressed and whiskey chugging Nami, his brow furled into a curious one. Wow. She was certainly taking it hard upon herself. But he shook his head. He never cared about these things. Never concerned himself with what others were feeling, especially Nami. But finally groaning with submission, he stalked into the kitchen, hands in pockets and sat down next to her.

Nami scoffed, "This day can't get any worse." And swigged another mouthful.

"Alright, that's enough." Zoro said and swiped the bottle from Nami's hands. "You wanna get floor drunk again?"

Nami glared angrily and tried to grab the bottle back from Zoro's reach. "Well, it's better than dealing with the people here!"

Zoro held the bottle up to avoid Nami's desperate grabs. His expression was curious. "What are you talking about?" He grumbled. "We agreed, it was just one night. Nothing else. Get over it."

Nami had a sour expression on her face. "Obviously. But..." She plopped herself down again, giving up on her futile attempts to steal the bottle back from Zoro. "If everyone found out... everything would be ruined. This.. this family of ours would cease to function. Do you know the seriousness of the situation? The crew could be disbanded!"

Zoro blinked. "You're taking this too seriously. This isn't like you. Just because we- you know. Doesn't mean it's gonna change anything if they found out!"

"How do you know?"

"No one will care. I mean, it's not like we're in love or anything... I mean, that'd be weird." Zoro said.

Nami lifted her head and blinked. "What are you saying? Are you in love with me?"

"AS IF, IDIOT." Zoro shouted, face distorted into a comical glare with sharp teeth bared.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm taking this too seriously." Nami put a hand to her forehead and sighed deeply. "I'll forget about it. I mean, we can't risk people finding out. It would be so embarassing for you." She noted and nodded.

Zoro's face snapped into a puzzled/annoyed expression. "Embarassing? For me?"

Nami swiveled her face to look at him seriously. "Well, I mean. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"

Zoro grit his teeth and almost fell backwards with surprise. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

Nami blinked, genuinely surprised at his stunned reaction. "What do you mean? I know you enjoyed it last night. God, you're such a prude." She curled her lips into an amused grin.

Zoro countered with an even more irritated response. "You said it yourself! It was a MISTAKE. Like hell I enjoyed that. I was drunk!"

Nami smirked. "Yea well, being drunk makes sex even better, I've heard."

"What did you say?" Zoro questioned, face now completely curled into an angry look. He was being toyed around with.

"No guy dislikes it. You obviously enjoyed it, otherwise you wouldn't be denying the hell out of it." Nami replied calmly. "I know you too well, Zoro."

He sat down, the bottle of whiskey still clenched angrily in his hand. "You're despicable. So you're saying, youdidn't enjoy it?"

Nami blinked. "No, I did."

Zoro snapped his face around in surprise. "Huh?"

"Come on, Zoro. Of course sex feels good. Sex is sex is sex. I won't deny that I didn't like it. But without love, it's meaningless. But humans need it, you know? We're physical beings. It's ok to be satisfied every once in awhile by someone you don't love." She reasoned and rested her chin on her propped arm, staring at Zoro seriously.

He blinked, taken aback by her words. "You're saying... you liked it."

She smirked without saying anything and suddenly got up from her seat and slowly inched closer to Zoro. He blinked in subtle surprise. Slowly, she plopped herself onto his lap and smiled wickedly. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and ran her hands through his hair sensually. Then, she moved her head and began leaning closer to his lips, her eyes closing. Zoro's heart beat wildly, shocked at what she was doing. What wasshe doing?

Her lips met his and they kissed, in a spark of electricity and warmth. It lasted almost forever before she pulled away from his slowly, and saw the shocked and frozen expression of Zoro and smiled cunningly.

Zoro was shocked. Plain shocked. He didn't even wear an angry look; only a blankly stunned expression on his face. "Nami... you..."

"Tricked ya." Nami suddenly chirped brightly and held up the bottle of whiskey she swiped from Zoro's seemingly impenetrable grasp. She stuck a tongue out playfully and Zoro suddenly realized he had been played with and tricked by the vixen who just kissed him so realistically. He couldn't help but feel annoyed, yet slightly excited by the rush of electricity that he felt familiarly last night.

Nami got up from his lap and singsonged, "You're so easy, Zoro. But like I said, bodies are bodies. As long as you can manipulate humans to get what you want, it's a pretty useful tool, isn't it?" And smirked. She turned around to walk out the kitchen, drinking from the bottle again with renewed vigor.

"Hey." Zoro's serious voice sounded.

Nami spun her head around, "What now-?"

But before she could finish her thought, the warm and muscular body of Zoro wrapped around hers with sudden intensity. Her eyes grew wide with surprise, yet she said nothing and did nothing to stop his advance. He grabbed her neck and kissed her aggressively, with only one thought in his mind. Sex is sex. A physical human need.

They fell to the floor, in a mess of kisses and clothing. Nami put an arm around his shoulder and clenched her small fists. She closed her eyes and in an instant, everything melted into a cauldron of meaningless passion and repeated mistakes.

Sex is sex. A physical human need.

End of Chapter 1.

A/N:So, how was it? Intense right? I love the couple, they're just so perfect for each other. The rest of the story will be pretty intense and heart-warming too. Don't worry, I won't just put random sex scenes in too graphically, but they are going to be pivotal to the story. I hope you enjoyed it. And I PROMISE YOU, what's to come next will be a thrilling read. Please review! I enjoy hearing your responses.

NOTE: The next update will be incredibly fast, I promise. Because I've already written the 2nd and 3rd chapters. However, I will wait for some reviews then post the next chapters soon after.