The FINAL chapter, sorry it took me this long to write it! Please pass on your comments, good and bad, I need the feedback!


Again with the disclaimer! - its all owned by Disney, dial 0800- don't sue!

Suddenly Donald pointed to the window "It's snowing!" he declared.

The gang rushed to the window and watched the fragile snowflakes tumble silently to the earth.

"It's beautiful." Daisy sighed.

Donald wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close "It sure is."

Mickey slipped his arms around Minnie's waist and she rested her head against his shoulder. He couldn't possibly love her anymore than he already did, it was impossible, there was no room left as his heart was overflowing with adoration.

Mickey still played around with his idea, he really couldn't see Minnie objecting.

He looked down at her and saw she had closed her eyes. Mickey felt her lean against him and he gladly supported her weight.

The ordeal had taken its toll on Minnie. She felt emotionally drained and her eyes felt heavy. Mickey's comforting presence behind her and the warmth from the fire sapped the energy from her. She closed her eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

"It's so magical, isn't it." Daisy said as she turned towards Minnie.

Mickey winked at her and she smiled back.

"Come on guys, I think the party's over." she announced quietly.

Mickey gently picked up his sweetheart and cradling her in his arms, carried Minnie over to the sofa.

The gang watched as he laid her down gently, as though she was made of glass. Quietly the gang left, one by one, Daisy being the last to go. She looked back at two mice, Minnie dozing on the sofa and Mickey covering her with a patchwork quilt.

They were made for each other.

Daisy smiled as she left, closing the door behind her.

Mickey leant over and lightly brushed his lips against her forehead.

"Is the party over?" Minnie asked as she stirred awake.

"Sure is. How are you feeling?"

"Tired, what time is it?"

It was an innocent question, but it reminded Mickey what she had given up just to get him his harmonica.

"Its late." he replied, trying to keep his voice light.

"Then I think its time for you to play some music." Minnie smiled.

Mickey visibly brightened and pulled out his new harmonica case. "Whatever you say ma'am." he smiled as he pulled out the golden harmonica and pressed the instrument to his lips.

He felt the familiar tang of metal on his tongue as he began to play 'Silent Night.'

Minnie closed her eyes after a while, content to simply listen to the music that never failed to make her heart happy.

Before she could slip into slumber, Mickey stopped playing and leaned closer to her.

"My Minnie, I want to move in." he whispered.

She opened her eyes and stared at him "is tomorrow good for you?"

Mickey laughed and embraced her tightly, drowning in the scent of her perfume.

"Merry Christmas Mickey." She giggled.

"Merry Christmas Minnie." He replied, confident of what tomorrow would bring.
