Authors note: Hey guys this is my first story so please be nice! Give it a read and tell me what you think.

Chapter 1

"Ava, come on, its time to get up," I said giving my tiny little girl a nudge.

"No," she mumbled, pulling her duvet over her head.

"Mommy's going to be late for work if you don't get up." I told her.

She peaked out from under her duvet, her face set in a frown, "I don't want to," she pouted.

"Look, you need to get up, get dressed, have breakfast and then I've got to get you to nursery, so please don't be difficult." I said.

She gave me one last miserable look then threw herself out of bed and stomped out of her bedroom. I couldn't help but smile, she was like me in so many ways it was unbelievable, you could see her father in her too. She had brown curls that fell to her shoulders, the same brown his hair had been and the brown eyes that melted your heart. Her personality was more like me, stubborn, argumentative but every now and then she would do something that would remind me of Dimitri and I would hold back tears.

It had been almost 4 years since I'd last seen him. After what happened in the cabin and the Strigoi attack on the school Dimitri had decided to take Tasha Ozera up on her offer and left to be her guardian. He didn't even say goodbye. It was a few weeks after that I had found out I was pregnant. It had been a shock to say the least. When I eventually built up the courage to tell everyone I'd lied and told them it was just a random Moroi who I'd met. Of course Adrian knew the truth. He'd helped me through all the tough times not telling anyone the truth. I wished over and over that I could love him like he loved me but it was no good, the only man I could ever love had left me alone and broken.

Ava was sitting on the couch when I got downstairs, her little arms were folded over her chest. I knelt in front of her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, but we've got a busy day today, its Auntie Lissa's wedding soon so we are going to have dinner and help her make plans," her face didn't change, "Well, you were meant to be trying on your dress today," her eyes widened in excitement, "but if you don't want to..."

She jumped up clapping her little hands together and smiling, "I do, I do," she shouted.

"Then you'd better go and get dressed so we won't be late. Quick!" I said and she ran up the stairs looking incredibly cute in her pink night gown.

We were out of the house 20 minutes later. Ava holding my hand and swinging my arm in excitement as she told me what she wanted her dress to look like. When we arrived at the nursery gate I crouched down so I could look Ava in her beautiful eyes.

"So, I will be here to pick you up at 4, then we will go to see Auntie Lissa. Be good, okay?" I smiled at her.

"I will Mommy, I promise." She said throwing her tiny arms around my neck. I held her close for a moment then she pulled away and ran towards her friends.

I watched her for a few minutes then walked toward the guardian parts of court. Lissa didn't need me 24/7 so I was one of the many guardians that patrolled the boarders and supervised large groups of Moroi.

The day passed without event and before I knew it the time came to pick Ava up from nursery. She was waiting eagerly, bouncing on her tiptoes, as soon as she saw me she ran to my side, grabbing my hand and tugging me in the direction of Lissa's place.

"Come on Mommy," she whined as she pulled me along.

Ava threw herself into Lissa's arms as soon as we walked through the front door, "What a welcome," Lissa said, "I've missed you princess."

"Can I have my dress now Auntie Lissa?" Ava asked.

"Ava, you could at least say hello." I muttered.

Lissa frowned at me, "Don't be silly Rose," she looked at Ava, "Your dress is in my room ready for you to try on." she said placing a kiss on Ava's forehead and put her down. In a flash Ava was gone. "Wow, she really is excited!" Lissa laughed, "I'd better go help her." she said following Ava.

"Don't you have to try your dress on Fireboy?" I said, sitting down on the couch next to Christian.

"Nah, I don't want Lissa to see it, she might get jealous," he smiled, "Why aren't you in there helping Lissa? I thought you girls loved this sort of thing."

"I used to, Lissa has taken me on so many shopping trips I don't think I'll ever enjoy spending money again," he looked at me in disbelief, "Okay, I'll rephrase that, I don't think I'll ever enjoy spending money with Lissa again."

He laughed at me, "Yeah, she is going a bit over the top."

"Don't let her hear you say that, she'll have you killed," I paused, "On second thoughts say it a bit louder!"

"Ha-ha, you're in a very good mood today Rose, I'm not sure I like it," Christian said turning back to the TV.

"Don't lie, you enjoy it really." I told him just as Ava came bounding out of Lissa's room. She was wearing a purple dress that fell just below her knees. It had 3 flowers pinned into the waist and another flower on a matching headband Ava was wearing. She had a pair of purple shoes to match.

"Look Mommy," she said spinning around on the spot, the dress fanned out around her. I dragged my eyes off her and looked at Lissa.

"Oh God, you don't like it do you? I thought the colour would look cute with her hair," she said, looking scared. All I could is hug her, " do like it?" she asked, pulling away and looking me in the eye.

"Of course I do, she looks gorgeous." I answered as Ava jumped into my arms, "What do you think Ava? Do you like the dress Auntie Lissa chose?"

"I do, I do, I look like a real princess now," she said.

Christian made his way over and took Ava from me, "You always look like a princess," he told her and she smiled. Christian loved Ava, like seriously loved her. He would do anything she asked, which of course she knew and used to her advantage whenever she could. Though I told her off for it I was secretly proud. She really was my daughter.

"Can I wear it to nursery, Mommy?" she asked me.

"No, you don't want to get it messy, do you?" I said just as there was a knock at the door. Lissa went to answer it.

Ava looked at Christian, "Uncle Chrissie, can I wear it please?"

Christian looked uncomfortable, "Er, Maybe we could get you a different dress," he said.

"Oi, Fireboy, don't tell her that, she can't have everything she wants," I muttered. Ava looked like she was about to cry. We were still arguing when Lissa walked back into the room and she wasn't alone. Tasha Ozera followed her in, my heart picked up beating badly. If she was here then that meant...

"Hello, Rose," said a voice I didn't think I could ever forget as Dimitri Belikov walked into the room.

Authors note: Do what do you think? Should i continue? Let me know!