Chapter One, Rock and a hard place.

A/N: So here's my brand new story, so super excited about this story I have written quite a bit for this story already, so hopefully this will stop... irregular updates. I hope to update this 3 to 4 times a month. Enjoy, story is set before the books and is a what if... Gran had died shortly after Sookie's parents what kind of young lady would she have turned into? Also Hadley gets a real raw deal out in FanFicDom so here's a different side to her... Enjoy Xxx

"Fuck Fuck Fuckity Fuck" I cursed under my breath. I was trying with all my might to remain calm and relaxed. I was wearing my crazy Sookie grin, and it was wearing out.

"What?" whispered Hadley, with a fake smile to match my own. Her body also tried to stay looking calm. So far, so good. The bar was really busy it had just been a fluke that I had spotted the two suited men so quickly, in a sea of suited men.

"FBI you're three o'clock by the door, they've seen us," I whispered through gritted teeth with a tense smile.

Hadley threw her head back and laughed. Yeah, just two professional women having a drink after work, enjoying a laugh; after all that had been the look we had been going for. All good as long as people didn't know our real profession, was conning people. Conning people made so much easier, by the fact Hadley was damn near irresistible to members of the opposite sex and I could hands up, honest to goodness read minds. When we held hands we could do all kinds of cool shit.

"Shall we get a table?" Hadley asked, quick translation; let's get the fuck out of here.

"One by the other doors over there, I think I see one," I replied taking Hadley's hand.

Hadley started walking towards the other set of doors away from the two FBI agents, suddenly she stopped dead. What now?

"You know sweetie how you always say our luck will run out one day?" Hadley whispered in hush tones.

"Hu ha" I replied

"That pathetic dick wad we did over last week is over by the other door and he's brought company, of the dead variety, straight head."

"Who?" I looked up giggling all part of the act, taking a sip of my drink, looking through my lashes I answered my own question, "Shit, Bobby Burnham."

"Rock and hard place Sookie, Rock and hard place- it's your call hun," Hadley smiled tensely.

"We'll take the rock."

"As rocks can always be moved," we smiled at each other as we spoke in unison.

"I told you Bobby Burnham was bad fucking news, we should stay away from Vamps altogether, even their day guys."

"Sookie what do you want me to say? I am sorry. It's a bit late for that, let's just deal, okay," Hadley glared at me.

"Okay, you are right and we need to get outta here. You take Bobby and I'll take tall, blond and dead, you owe me big time, Cuz."

Renewing our fake smiles we made our way to Bobby and friend. I could 'hear' the FBI close. "I thought you guys were never gonna make it," I smiled at the tall blond Vampire, reaching out for him. "What, don't I get a kiss after a hard day's work, darling?" snaking my arm round his neck I pulled his face to mine, giving him a kiss. Which he responded to with tongue, cheeky asshole!

Hadley kissed Bobby and smiled brightly fussing with his tie, "Come on, you guys ready? lets go or we'll miss the film." Bobby looked confused at the tall blond Vampire. Tall, blond, who was smarter than he looked, as he must have spotted the two agent's headed straight for us. Took my arm and lead us to the exit. As soon as we were out on the street, the Vampire grabbed Hadley's arm too.

"You're coming with us, do not make a sound. It would not bode well for either of you," he snarled, fangs down. Shit shit shit.

Oh why, oh why, do the bad guys always have a van? We were practically tossed onto the back of the van. It could be worse, we could be in the back of a FBI car and about to lose our freedom for a very long time. I mean we were wanted in at least four states. Blackmail, extortion, theft, kidnapping- but that was sooo by accident.

"You okay Sookie?" Hadley asked

"Yeah, you?"

"Nothing BROKEN, but they could have asked A LADY to get into the back, without the MANDLEING" certain words Hadley emphasised by yelling them.

She had a big mouth and I hoped she would be a help more than a hindrance. I sent a quick prayer, hoping that we get out of this. Well we knew how this worked. I took my cell phone out and quietly took out the memory card out as Hadley did the same to hers. Popping it on my tongue I swallowed, damn that never gets easier. I watched as Hadley winced swallowing hers.

Well at least our secrets are safe, for another night. In the con business we kept a lot of secrets and people paid big to keep it that way.

I took Hadley's hand, so I could push my thoughts into her mind. 'I got the Vamp's wallet' I smiled at her. Her eyes widened, 'that's my girl' she sent back.

Keeping my back to the driver's compartment, I slipped the wallet out of my jacket pocket. We both set to work flipping through the cards. The van veered sharply to the left, both Hadley and I were thrown forward. "Whoa, watch it ass hole" Hadley shouted. Shit, the wallet had skidded across the floor to the doors. I had left in my hand one card, just as well it was the jackpot, drivers licence.

"We're so screwed" I whispered to no one in particular as I stared down at the drivers licence of one; Eric Northman over a thousand years old. Yikes. Yes, screwed definitely screwed. You don't steal from vamps you defiantly don't steal from freaking thousand year old vamps.

Hadley held out her hand for the card. Her eyes widened as she looked at the licence. She grabbed my hand 'it's gonna be okay, we have resources' she sent to me.

'We have resources,' that made me smile. How many sticky situations had we been in when, all seemed lost and Hadley would say we have resources and pull something amazing at the last minute.

Still holding her hand I sent, 'We go out guns blazing,' Hadley just nodded and began rooting in her bag.

I slid my pearl handled revolver out of my hand bag. It's sad when your most treasured possession is hand gun, but mine is. Guess, that just makes me sad.

Hadley gripped a can of hairspray and a lighter in her hands. We were good to go, as soon as this van stopped we would rock and roll.

"What are you two doing back there?" a female voice sounded.

I smiled the smile I got just before, I went to that scary place inside me. The one that was all quite, the one that had let me pull the trigger and kill people- without buyer's remorse. Not that I make a habit of killing people, but those that I had killed, deserved to die. That's all I am gonna say about that.

"Why don't you come back here and see yourself unless you chicken shit," I smiled a smile which never reached my eyes. My eye's at this point in time where dead, cold, a killers eye's. I knew that because of the look on Hadley's face, Hadley didn't have the stomach for killing. Me, well I could do what need to be done.

We heard a popping sound then a male voice "Pamela" just one word but so much meaning in it. It sound like what a parent would say to a child to stop them from misbehaving. The word was met with a growl. It seemed like hours in the back of the Van, finally it stopped. Whoever was in the front with 'Pamela' had stepped out, but other than the doors closing we heard nothing.

I put my ear to the van, but heard nothing. Ten minutes must have passed, our plan relied on them opening the doors. So we waited, and waited. Finally noise outside, "Longshadow I've just done my nail's, get the girls out and bring them to the master," snipped a woman's voice, I couldn't be sure but it sounded like the woman from the van.

The doors opened, I got off two rounds into the face of a long haired male vamp. Hadley backed me up with a hairspray flame thrower. We jumped from the van, as the vamp lay on the ground screaming. I reached for Hadley's hand, we ran, we ran as fast as our legs could take us. But it was not fast enough we went down hard. As fast as we went down I was yanked up, by the scruff of my neck.

"Don't you know running from Vampires only excites us more?" drawled a blond Vamp, she looked like Alice in wonderland, only I guess it would be Alice in vampland.

"No, I must have missed that class," I replied sarcastically.

"Oh my we aren't we the funny one? We'll see how funny it is when you've seen my master," she answered. We were unceremoniously dumped at the feet of one; Eric Northman. Who clearly was the big kahuna, as he was sat in what could only be described as a throne. Big ego, little ego? I'll give you one guess.

"They were armed, they shoot Longshadow and BBQ him, it was quite amusing," the blond Vamp said sounding bored. So sorry our kidnapping and attempted escape bore you! Jesus Christ Sheppard of Judea, this is messed up.

I got up and rearranged my clothes, gabbing Hadley pulling her up too. "No one said you could get up," snapped the blond female vamp.

"Fuck you, this is the twenty first century isn't grovelling at someone's feet sooo last century" Hadley snapped back.

Did I mention we're screwed? "Oh it's a comedy double act," snarked the blond. I sneaked a look at the big bad ass in the throne.

"Pam, see to Longshadow, make sure he doesn't kill the donor's" He spoke never taking his eyes off us. As she left my eyes followed her. We were in a bar, clearly shut down for the night. I shot Longshadow twice in the face he should be dead. Shit. Or maybe it was a good thing, couldn't quite decide in that moment.

"So Eric Northman, what can we do for you?" I asked, best to get this out of the way.

His eyes widened, for a split second. Then his face was unreadable, but I knew I had surprised him with the use of his name. "You have something of mine"

"Yeah what would that be?"I asked, Hadley grabbing my hand. Good move we were definitely stronger together.

"Not you, her" he said staring at Hadley, Hadley winced. I looked into Hadley's mind and felt a pressure there. I took that pressure and flung it back and out of her head.

"What, do you want?" I asked, Eric sat there with a somewhat puzzled expression on his face. Then I felt the pressure in my head.

"You will tell me what I want to know," he simply said.

"What if I don't feel like talking? Whatever you're doing to my head, your only giving me a headache, so hard to talk with a head ache, you know." I sassed him.

If Vampires could go paler, I think this one just did. In a blur he was in front of me. "What are you?" he asked.

"A civil rights lawyer," I smiled, well it was technically true. True as in it was what we had been pretending to be when we had been thrown into the back of the van. High powered women with fancy jobs, just says 'come to mama' to men over forty with wives and big pensions. Easy marks.

"Don't play with me, you will tell me what I want to know," He snarled his face in mine, hello personal space? And again with the head pressure thingy. Doh! I must be having a slow night, "Are you trying to glamour me? if so save it for the tourists, it don't work on us." I looked defiantly at him, I may have smirked.

He pulled his head back and looked at Hadley, then at me. Then back to Hadley, getting real up close and personal, all up in her face. Glaring at her; she swayed, then shook her head as if to clear it. After she gave him her million watt smile.

She turned to me, "Yeah this blows, he is really giving me a headache too," she grinned. Hadley wasn't as strong as me but she was defiantly able to withstand glamour if she worked hard to keep them out.

"Ask your questions Northman, I am hungry, bored and tired so let's just cut to the chase and enough of the vamp tricks," I said my face a blank mask, it was my extortion face. I had worked hard on it, just don't play poker with me. The face and the fact I can read minds gives me home field advantage, like you wouldn't believe.

"What are you?"

"What do you want us to be?" Hadley smiled faking coyness.

"You insolent bitches, I will drain you dry- you will answer my master," The blond Vamp called Pam all but growled. Followed by pressure in my head. Holy shit hadn't even heard her return.

"Look I thought we already, established. We can't be glamoured. If you drain us dry you'll not be getting many answers, now will you? Not the sharpest tool in the box is she?" I directed my answer to Eric. But before I could even see his reaction I was up in the air, grabbed by the throat. I was launched in a huge arc and landed on a nearby table. Winded but okay.

"Pam, enough!" barked Eric."We'll see if a night in our cells loosens their tongues, take them to the cells."

We were half frog marched and half dragged to a set of stairs. Then taken down to what can only be described as a dungeon. We were tied up with chains. Just before Pam left us, she sniffed Hadley. So weird. Well who knows what tomorrow night will bring? at least I can be grateful we're alive for now. Fucking Vampires.

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Thanks for reading JoxX