This is actually a prolouge. I had the idea after watching New Moon. I'm not a really big fan anymore cause it is becoming seriously ridiculous, on how fan's act.

So the pairing was brought to me by my creative and lazy mind on how Bella treated Jacob and how similarity (kinda... just in a nicer way) Inuyasha treated Kaggie.

I just gave away the pairings were, but if you can't figure it out, then boo hoo.

Disclaimer: I don't own.

"Carlisle was studying in Italy when he discovered the others there. They were much more civilized and educated than the wraiths of the London sewers." Edward continued, still looking at the most colorful, the most ornately framed painting there was. It was as wide as the door it hung next to.

He touched a comparatively sedate quartet of figures painted on the highest balcony, looking down at the mayhem below them. She recognized the golden-haired man, but something above where Carlisle was standing, four figures drew her attention. Bella couldn't tell if it represented Greek mythology, or if the figures floating in the clouds above them were meant to be astonishing and simply beautiful beyond words; almost like Gods themselves.

Drowning Edward out, she continued to try to see the faces of the figures. Their faces were smudged as if a finger went over them, but one thing she can see clearly was their hair and their body shaped. Two hair that stood out the most caught her attention, Figure one, of the tallest, had white and long hair, and if she estimated, she would say it would reach that's figures calf, the figure had what appeared to be golden eyes. Figure two shorter than figure one but taller than figure three and four, had what she guessed red/auburn hair with startling green eyes that read mischief. Figure three's hair, the shorter one, next to the red/auburn haired person, body was more like a ballerina with their hair black as a raven's wing with blue tints in them, her eyes, she guessed it's a her, since the figure was the shortest, had startling sea blue eyes; the last male, from his high structure she guessed also had black hair which was held in a pony tail and sky blue eyes.

"Edward…" Bella said, cutting him off. "Who are these people above Carlisle?"

Looking where Bella's attention was caught at, he exhaled slowly. "They would be known as the Ancients."

"Why call them Ancients?" she questioned, still intrigued.

"The Volturi, as you known them, are royalty among my people." Edward explained looking at the said undead. "They are older than any of us combined. As where the Ancients come in, and like their name, they are older than the Volturi. Rumors has it that the Ancients came to be before vampires existed."

Hearing a small gasp from Bella, he continued. "Not a lot of information is known about them, besides what the artist drew. We don't know if they walk among us."

Words: 444

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And... If you havn't figured out who the smudged figures are, then oh well's.