Disclaimer: I don't own Sailormoon

"I have to help them."

Gently pushing herself out of their embrace, Usagi slowly rose to her feet with Tuxedo-Kamen's aid. Instantly, she felt a wave of dizziness hit her. Her body felt so weak that it was taking all her strength just to stay on her feet, even with Tuxedo Kamen's support.

"Usako we have to get you out of here. You've been near the Black Crystal for too long," Tuxedo-Kamen said worriedly as he felt how heavily his princess was leaning on him just to remain standing, "At this rate the Black Crystal will overpower your Ginzuishou. If that happens, you could die!"

Shaking her head, Usagi turned her gaze away from the battle to lock eyes with her prince.

"I am not leaving anyone behind just as I'm sure none of you would leave me to fight alone," Usagi said with determination etched in her voice.


"It's okay Mamo-chan," she went on in a softer tone before Tuxedo-Kamen could protest, "Now that I am not alone, now that you are by my side, I won't lose to the Black Crystal. We will all get out safely. I promise."

"I'm afraid that's a promise you won't be able to keep my dear Serenity!"

Instinctively pushing Usagi behind him, Tuxedo-Kamen coldly glared at the man who was slowly approaching them.

"Both you and the Ginzuishou belong to me," Demando said as his third eye began to open.

"Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber!"

Not expecting the attack, Demando was blown back straight toward the rapidly approaching Mars and Mercury. Barely able to jump out of the way at the last second, the two senshis wasted no time in making their way to their princess's side.

"Mamo-chan how did you do that," Usagi asked as she gazed at the sparks of golden energy still crackling around her prince's outstretched palm in stunned amazement.




Suddenly finding herself enveloped into a tight hug by the two overjoyed senshis, Usagi could not help but smile as Mars began ranting about how worried they have been and how stupid it was for her to give-in to the enemy's demand. Even though she was red from yelling, it was obvious to all three present that Mars' words held no malice, only worry and relief.

Meanwhile, Mercury was doing a quick check on Usagi's condition with her visor and computer during which Usagi repeatedly insisted to them that she was okay. Realizing that they were missing two senshis, Usagi was about to ask where Venus and Jupiter were when a sudden blast of dark energy burst forth and blew away the pile of rubble Demando had been buried under from Tuxedo-Kamen's attack.

"You will regret challenging me Endymion," Demando's voice echoed darkly.

As his form slowly emerged out of the plume of black smoke, Demando's eyes began glowing red with rage. With his slightly torn cape, ripped shirt and ominous aura, all four present could not help but feel that he was a man possessed by the devil himself.

"And Serenity, why do you continue to defy me? All for what, that worthless Earthling? Return to my side at once where you rightfully belong," Demando exclaimed as his hypnotic third eye became fully opened.

Immediately feeling the dark energy that had been fused within her body respond, Usagi fell to her knees and clutched her head in pain. Besides her, Tuxedo-Kamen, Mars and Mercury could only call out her name in fear as they felt their powers being drained by the Black Crystal through Demando's third eye.

"Pathetic prince and senshis. For all your preaching about love and justice, those empty words cannot save you when you are before a man with true power!"

The sound of his maniacal laughter filled the chamber as Demando continued to make his way to the weakened four.

'Dammit, I just got Usako back. I can't lose her to this mad man again.'

But even as he cursed his own weakness, Tuxedo-Kamen could barely hold the shaking Usagi in his arms as he felt himself becoming weaker by the second.

Even in pain, Usagi instinctively leaned closer into her prince's protective embrace. Feeling like her head was being torn apart, her only salvation came from the sound of Tuxedo-Kamen's heartbeat. Desperately fighting against the Black Crystal's control, Usagi refused to fall for Demando's tricks again.

'I don't want to forget Mamo-chan and the others. I WON'T FORGET! Even if it kills me!'


Hearing the pain and fear in his princess's voice, Tuxedo-Kamen could feel his heart breaking.

Now looming over the embracing lovers, Demando smirked triumphantly at his hated rival's weary glare.

"I am here for MY queen."

"Over my dead body," Tuxedo-Kamen all but growled out, his anger and hatred for the the man before him clear as day in his glare.

"For once we are in agreement. Farewell Endymion. I will be sure to take extra good care of Serenity," Demando taunted as the dark energy in his right hand formed into a black spear-like spike.

With no strength in his body to dodge and whisk Usagi to safety, Tuxedo-Kamen clenched his eyes shut with his back shielding his princess as he waited for the killing blow.

'I'm sorry Usako.'

The sound of pierced flesh that rang out was quickly replaced by the horrified screams of the two senshis lying powerless only inches away.

"You know I'm starting to think it would have been better to take the long way around," Jupiter muttered as she ducked a droid's spiked fist before knocking its feet from under itself with a sweep kick.

Before the droid could get back up, it was quickly destroyed by Venus's 'Cresento Beam Shower' attack.

"Well the enemies are evil, not stupid. It makes sense to guard the weak point of the fortress," Venus said as she immobilized another droid with her 'Love-Me-Chain' for Jupiter to finish off.

"They certainly know how to slow us down at the very least," Jupiter said as she watched the droid turn to dust before her from her electric attack, "I just hope this is the last of them."

"Let's not stand around to find out," Venus replied as she indicated for her companion to follow her.

Not wasting time in racing after the Senshi of Love, the two resumed their sprint down the narrow corridor. Only the sound of their clicking heels echoed against the walls as neither spoke another word, each too worried for their princess and friends. The minutes it took to reach the corridor opening felt like an eternity for the two senshis. With no care about if they were running into a trap with enemies lying in wait, Venus and Jupiter charged through the single door. Taking a moment to survey their surrounding, they found themselves to be standing in a grand hall.

"We must be getting close," Venus said as she pointed to the crumpled wreckage of what appeared to once have been double-doors lying across the hall.

Before Jupiter could respond, the sound of familiar screams came through from across the hall, pass the wrecked doorway.

"Mars! Mercury," Venus and Jupiter cried out in unison.

Making short work of the large hall, the two senshis dashed into the next room only to halt at the scene before them. Eyes growing wide in terror, the two senshis felt their blood run cold at the sight of their friend and princess impaled in the chest by the white hair man standing above her.


Being the first to snap out of her horror at Tuxedo-Kamen's agonized cry, Venus unleashed her attack at the enemy.


Once the golden link encircled the equally stunned Black Moon prince, Venus tugged the chain with all her might and slammed Demando back into the floor away from her companions.

"Supreme Thunder Dragon!"

As if fueled by Jupiter's anger, the thunder dragon let out an ear-piercing roar before slamming full force into the unprepared white hair prince. Demando let out an agonized scream as his eyes shut in pain. Feeling their strength returning, Mars sprung to her feet and turned her angered glare at Demando whose body was still wrapped in electric sparks. When she saw he was attempting to re-open his third-eye, Mars quickly aimed her attack at it.

"Akuryo Taisan!"

The flaming ofuda hit Demando's third-eye just as it reopened causing the Black Moon prince to clutch his forehead in agony.

"Damn you Sailor Senshis," Demando cursed as he found his vision blurred while his third-eye became completely blinded.

Ignoring the rage of battle, Mercury typed rapidly on her computer, trying to determine how badly Usagi was wounded. The black spike had dissipate the moment Demando had released his hold on it, but the damage had been done. Teeth clenched in pain, Usagi held back her desire to cry out in pain from the burning sensation in her wound. Even in the presence of the Black Crystal, Usagi could feel the Ginzuishou's faint warmth trying to close and heal her wound. With each passing second, she could feel herself wavering towards unconsciousness, her eyelids growing heavy as her vision of her frantic looking prince blurred in and out.

"Stay with me Usako! Don't fall asleep," Tuxedo-Kamen pleaded as he continued to apply pressure to her wound with his right hand in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.

"This is bad," Mercury said barely above a whisper, but with such an ominous tone that the frantic prince took his eyes off Usagi to her.

Dreading the answer, but needing to know, Tuxedo-Kamen asked Mercury what she found.

"The Black Crystal has already been draining Usagi-chan's life energy, but the Ginzuishou had been shielding her from the Black Crystal's full effect so her life had not been in any immediate danger, until now. The Ginzuishou can't shield Usagi-chan from the Black Crystal AND heal her wound at the same time. At this rate, even if her wounds are healed, the Ginzuishou would drain the rest of Usagi-chan's life energy in the process," Mercury explained as she choked back a sob.

"No! There's got to be something we can do! You promised Usako! You said we would all get out safely. You can't die!"

Not caring who was present, Tuxedo-Kamen continued to beg Usagi to stay strong. His pleas became more and more desperate as he saw her eyes beginning to droop. Mercury could only watch on with tearful eyes as she too felt powerless to help.

Lying in her lover's arms, Usagi felt her strength fading along with the pain from her wound. She desperately wanted to give her Mamo-chan some words of comfort, but she lacked the strength to utter even a single word. Usagi felt no regret in pushing her prince to safety and taking the blow meant for him. The moment she had reawakened in his arms after breaking out of Demando's spell, Usagi found she no longer cared if Mamoru's future-self hated her or not. All that matter had been HER Mamo-chan. Even under the crushing pain of the Black Crystal's attempt to break her mind, the impulse to save her prince consumed her the moment she saw Demando thrust the black energy spike forward.

'I can't let you die trying to protect me again,' Usagi thought to herself as the memory of Endymion shielding her from an enraged Beryl flashed through her mind.

"Sss-sor-ry-love you Ma-mo-ch-an..."

Tuxedo-Kamen felt his blood run cold at hearing the words Usagi struggled to whisper. Time seemed to stand still when he saw his princess's eyes fall completely shut.


His cry was filled with such pain and sorrow that even the battle between the three senshis and Demando came to an abrupt halt. The three senshis immediately rushed to their princess's side while Demando watched on in stunned silence.

'Why would you choose death over returning to my side Serenity?'

No longer paying any heed to the Black Moon prince, the four senshis circled Tuxedo-Kamen who continued to hold the unmoving Usagi in one arm with his other hand still pressed against her wound. Each pleaded for their friend and princess to awaken with Mars being the most fierce. Grieve was evident in all their voices.

Now completely silent, Tuxedo-Kamen stared at Usagi's serene looking face with life-less eyes. It was as if his soul had die along with his love. In his mind, memories of his Usako's warmth and laughter surfaced. Never again would he see his Usako's sweet smile or hear her angelic laughter. There was still so much more he wanted to do with his Usako. Why must fate be so cruel and ripe them apart just when they had found each other again?

'It wasn't suppose to be this way,' Tuxedo-Kamen thought as he felt anger arise from his grieve, 'If only I were stronger! What good is being the Prince of the Earth if I don't even have the power to save the woman I love?'

Four pairs of sorrowful eyes suddenly widen in shock as they watch Tuxedo-Kamen's hand on Usagi's wound began to give off a faint golden glow. With baited breaths, they watched as the dull-colored Ginzuishou began to flare to life. The white light that continued to encase the unmoving Usagi became so blinding, even Tuxedo-Kamen had to turn his gaze away from his love and shut his eyes to block out the intense glow. When the light finally died down, the five quickly tried to blink their daze away. The sudden sound of a soft groan turned all heads to its source. Slowly opening her eyes as if just awakening from a deep sleep, Usagi started to cough as her lungs were refilled with oxygen.



Tears of sadness were replaced by tears of joy as Mars, Jupiter and Venus all tried to hug their reawakened princess at once. Remaining at the side, Mercury made a quick scan of Usagi, not wanting to run into any unwanted surprises. When she saw the readings on her computer, the senshi of wisdom's relieved look transformed to one of concern as she called out for the others' attention.

"You guys, whatever Tuxedo-Kamen has done only replenished Usagi-chan with a small amount of life energy after healing her wounds. If we don't get Usagi-chan away from the Black Crystal soon, it will over power the weakened Ginzuishou and steal the small amount of energy she has left."

"Then we're getting Usako out of her now!"

"The quickest way would be if we use the Sailor Teleport," Venus suggested, "but without Usagi's power, we might not have enough energy to-"

"We have to try," Tuxedo-Kamen interrupted as he watched Usagi's face scrunch up in pain from her struggle to breath, "I will provide whatever power I can in Usako's place."

"What do you think Mercury? Can it work," Mars asked as four pairs of eyes turned to Mercury questioningly.

"It might. My scanners are picking up a new form of energy building up around Tuxedo-Kamen-sama."

"Then what are we waiting for," Jupiter said as she rose up, "Lets get Usagi-chan out of this hell hole."

Her suggestion was immediately met with a chorus of agreement as each senshi follow suit. Tuxedo-Kamen carefully stood up as he held the semi-conscious Usagi bridal-style.

"No one is going anywhere!"

All heads turned to the forgotten Black Moon prince who stood across the room. With tattered cloths and messy hair from his battle with the senshis, Demando's appearance matched the crazed look in his eyes. He had stood stunned when the senshis and Endymion had confirmed Serenity's death. For a moment he had felt something akin to sadness arise within himself, but now that Serenity had somehow been revived, Demando swore not to let his goddess slip from his grasp once more. Trying to teleport himself across to their side of the room, Demando found he was too injured from his battle to do even that.

'That wretched Sailor Mars' sealing power must still be in effect.'

Letting out a cry of frustration, Demando made a charge toward the senshis and Tuxedo-Kamen as he saw the four senshis form a circle around their prince and princess.

"Mercury Star Power!"

"Mars Star Power!"

"SERENITY," Demando exclaimed as he aimed a blast of dark energy at the glowing group only for it to be intercepted by Tuxedo-Kamen's 'La Smoking Bomber' attack.

"Jupiter Star Power!"

"Venus Star Power!"

"I won't let you escape! You and the Ginzuishou belong to me! Live or die, Serenity's fate is mine to decide!"

At those words, Tuxedo-Kamen felt his rage reach its boiling point. This man had done horrible deeds and to top it off, his Usako was in danger of losing the life he had miraculously been able to revive because of this mad man. Meeting Demando's crazed gaze with his own murderous one, Tuxedo-Kamen mouth formed words that were lost in the hum of energy forming around them.

"Sailor Teleport!"

Demando's scream of outrage echoed off the walls as a bright flash of red, blue, green, yellow and gold flooded the chamber. When the lights finally died out, the Black Moon prince found he stood alone in an empty chamber with only the Black Crystal in his presence.


Sitting in a pitch black room, Wiseman had watched the events unfold in his crystal-ball. Lying on the floor around him were three female mummified corpse, but he paid no attention to them as if they were beneath him.

"So the prince had failed and the wielder of the Ginzuishou has escaped my grasp...it would seem Demando's use has come to an end, but at least he gave me the chance to observe the Earth prince's power."

Lifting his gaze away from his crystal-ball, Wiseman turned to the other figure standing in the room.

"I say its about time to retrieve the power I had lend to the little prince and who better to do so than his own brother."

Staring blankly straight ahead, Saphir stood silently before Wiseman, not a trace of self-will to be found.