Author's Note: I do not own Twilight or Letters to Juliet. This is my first crossover. It's not my best story ever, but I decided to publish it anyway just to see if anyone liked it. So I hope you like it. And I know it's a little short, it only took me a day and a half to write it.
Dear Juliet, A Twilight/Letters to Juliet fanfic
Dear Juliet,
I'm in love with these two wonderful guys, but I don't know who to choose. One of them is beautiful, inside and out, caring, protective, and romantic (he visits me every night without my father knowing). But the problem with him is, he's a 109-year-old vampire who can't resist the smell of my blood, even though he drinks animal blood. And he hates being a vampire because he thinks he's lost his soul. I told him he hasn't, but he doesn't believe me. The other guy has been my best friend forever. He's a lot like my vampire, but less serious. The problem with him is, he's a werewolf, so he's angry all the time because he hates it. He's scared about losing himself. And I told him that he would never lose himself, but he doesn't believe me, either. Like how my vampire doesn't believe he's not a soulless creature. And, to top it all off, my werewolf and my vampire hate each other. I love them both a lot. My vampire is my first, true love and, as I mentioned before, my werewolf is my best friend. Please Juliet, tell me: Who should I choose?
Please write back, Confused About Love
Dear Confused About Love, I'm sorry that you have to make a terrible decision like this. A vampire and a werewolf that both love you, but hate each other? That's terrible. But I can see how tempting it is to be with either one. I happen to know a thing or two about vampires and werewolves. (Don't ask me how I know.)
Vampires, unlike the movie versions of them, sparkle in the sun and have beautiful eyes, and are gorgeous beyond belief. But I have to remind you, (and I'm sure your vampire has told you this a thousand times, but he's right), it's dangerous for you to be with him because he's a vampire, and vampires drink blood. And since you mentioned he can't resist the smell of your blood even though he drinks animal blood, one of these days, you're bound to change from the best girl he's ever had in his life to the best meal he's ever had in his life.
Werewolves are hot, figuratively and literally. They're always warm and cuddly, not to mention mega-buff. But they have their mood swings. Personally, I think they're bipolar. Anyway, what I'm saying is that werewolves are just as dangerous as vampires. If they become angry, you can get killed. Only you get your head ripped off instead of your blood being sucked out of you.
Both of your... creatures sound depressed and even suicidal. You wouldn't want to be with someone like that. First love is the hardest love to let go. But when you do, you grow stronger. My advice is to break off your romantic relationships with your vampire and werewolf, but remain friends with them. They will be heartbroken for a while, but will eventually move on. In the meantime, convince them to seek professional help because, as I said before, they sound suicidal. As for you, when you're ready for another relationship... Date a freakin' human!
Sincerely, Juliet
P.S. Never call me Juliet again. I'm getting sick of it. My name is Sophie. Sophie Hall. Get it right.
The End
Author's Note: Yeah. Not my best story. Personally, I don't think it's that funny, but that's just me. I always tend to be too critical of my work. But thanks for reading and please review!