The Ribbon's Threads

Disclaimer: I don't own The Vampire Diaries. Just my own character.

Note: Hey guys! Special shout out to people who have left reviews for me. You guys are great! :D I also want to thank people who have favorited the story. I've been writing all day. Seriously. Hopefully I'll be able to skim through a bunch of chapters in no time.

Enjoy Chapter 11!

Chapter 11- Maybe I should let you go

"I see you guys wasted no time getting down to business."

Stefan huffed as he lifted all the bags and brought them into the house. I giggled and mumbled a sorry.

"Where do you want me to put them?"

"Umm. I'll just bring it to one of the other rooms by myself."

"You're not going to stay in Damon's room?"

I quickly shook my head. Just because I was back didn't mean I was going to be under Damon's watch. Besides, the sight of me in his bed just makes his discovery of Katherine not being in the tomb even worse. Stefan didn't say another word as he left them on the floor.

"Where is Damon? He wasn't there when I woke up this morning and right now…the house feels creepily quiet."

Stefan gave me a pointed look. Looks like someone is still dwelling over my sister. Before he even answers, a clatter comes from upstairs.

"Hm. Guess we found him."

I slowly trudge up the stairs with all the bags and select one of the rooms upstairs.

"He's not in his room."

My brows furrowed as I hear chattering going on upstairs. We glance at one another for a moment before heading up.

"I finally found out who my birth mother might be." Elena said.

"Ugh. Who cares? She left you. She sucks."


They turn to look at me. Elena looks relieved to see Stefan and walks over to him. Damon smirks at me as I shake my head. He struggles with his jacket and I manage to roll my eyes at his comment of it being too small. Grabbing his hand, I drag him out of the room and down the stairs.

"Did YOU know I am one of Mystic Falls most eligible bachelors?"

I have a death grip on the armrest of the door and the other on the belt strapped across my chest. Damon was driving fast, scary fast. It got us to "The Grill" fast enough but I think I was going to be traumatized of cars for a while. Damon chuckled as he took in my scared face.

"You can relax now. We're here."

I blinked a few times, trying to calm my nerves. The death grip managed to leave small indentations. My fingers fitted perfectly in the short holes. Oopps. Damon was scarier than Elena. Then again, he was intoxicated.

"Goodness, Damon. I swear it's like you're trying to kill me again."

He scoffed and grabbed my hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. His lips lingered there as his ocean blue eyes stared at me.

"I just got you back. I wouldn't dream of doing something that would make me lose you again."

Now that confused me. Before I could say anything he was already out of the car and opening my door.

"Still somewhat of a gentleman I see."

He smirks as he opens the door to the grill.

"Only to you."

"So I heard you found your birth mother?"

I sat next to Elena waiting for the fundraiser to start. She hesitated for a moment then spoke.

"Yeah. Apparently she was my history teacher's wife."

"Does he know about it?"

"I think so. He's been avoiding me all night."

"I'm sorry to hear you're in an ill situation."

I didn't really know what else to say. Though I did feel sorry for her, I knew nothing about her. Our attention was called from the fundraiser starting. We have an electrician, a store owner, a plumber, a history teacher I'm guessing the one Elena was talking about, and then Damon.

"So Damon, do you like to travel?

I roll my eyes at the mayor's attempt of flirting by swaying her hair a bit and giving Damon a large smile. I know what you're thinking. It's not jealousy…no it's not.

"Oh yeah. L.A., New York, even North Carolina. I believe Ric went to school there, didn't you? I know your wife did." Oh gosh. "I had a drink with her once. She was a great girl. She was…delicious."

I looked over at Elena. She had grown pale and her eyes grew huge. I shook my head and started to massage my temples. Damon's an idiot. She got up quickly and left the grill, Stefan in tow. The men were raffled off and exited the stage. I spotted Alaric throwing daggers at Damon before he left without his date. Damon headed towards the exit as well, me following after him. But then he ran into Elena. Damn.

"Woah! Buy a ticket like everybody else."

"Did you enjoy doing that? Rubbing it into Alaric Saltzman?" She replied harshly.


"Just when I thought there was something redeemable about you."

"Elena." Stefan and I said at once.

"Am I missing something here?" Damon gave me a confused look. I just shook my head at him.

"Did I forget to mention about my birth mother, the one we were talking about? Her name was Isobel. So go ahead. Reminisce about how you killed her."

Elena walked off in a huff, Stefan following after. Damon turned and stared after her.

"Is that a look of regret I see?" I crossed my arms and raised my brows at him. "You made a fool of yourself tonight."

He looked like he was about to blow up at me. Instead he took a few deeps breaths and spoke again.

"Let's go."

"I didn't know."

I sigh as we enter the house and he waltzes over to the bar.

"…Are you really this stupid?" Damon said harshly.

"Excuse me?" I whipped my head to stare at him. Where did this come from?

But he wasn't talking to me. Alaric comes out from the shadows and comes close to Damon.

"Guess so."

Damon places his drink on the table and shoves Alaric back with his inhuman force. Alaric lands roughly but regains his stance once again. He refused to put down the stake as Damon comes closer.

"Where's Isobel? What did you do to my wife?"

"You want me to say I killed her? Would that make you happy?"

"I saw you feed off her."

"Yeah, I did and I wasn't lying. She was delicious."

"Damon." I warned.

Alaric ran after Damon again. Damon stops him with a punch to the stomach, making Alaric reel backwards.

"Come on! What do you think happened? I turned her. I mean, she came to me, all pathetic, looking for vampires. There was something I liked about her though. Something…special."

"So you turned her cause you liked her?"

"No, I slept with her because I liked her. I turned her because she begged me to. But you knew that didn't you? She wasn't happy at home, with life, with you."

Alaric ran after him once more. Damon grabbed the stake and stabbed Alaric in the stomach. I gasped. "Damon!"

Damon pulled out the stake and Alaric fell to the ground, gurgling and gasping for air. I watched as the life vanished from his eyes. Damon walked by to retrieve his drink and eyed me.

"Why did you do that?" I whispered.

"He attacked me! It's not my fault he can't handle the truth."

"Like the way you've been handling with Katherine."

"I'm handling fine."

Of course. Not.

"You know. Isobel came looking for me and since she's related to Elena, she must be related to Katherine. Perhaps Katherine sent her to me."

His voice sounded with so much hope. This angered me to no end. I grabbed his glass and threw it at the opposite wall. The glass exploded at the force and shattered across the room. I gripped the arm rest and the back of the couch and leaned in close to him, narrowing my eyes.

"You must be joking." I seethed. "Just stop Damon! Stop looking! When will you realize that Katherine wanted nothing to do with you? She didn't and she still doesn't. You think she did if she never even bothered to find you after 145 years? Give it up Damon. I knew you were desperate…but not that desperate."

With that, I stormed out of the room and out of the house. Honestly, how much of a fool is Damon? Here he was still chasing after my sister like a love-stuck idiot while I stood right in front of him. Ugh. Now I'm the fool. I can't really expect Damon to be the same person after all this time. Sighing, I set off to find the address Anabelle had given to me. Luckily, I didn't have to go that far. Harper had been sent to retrieve me.

There you go guys! Please read and leave your reviews. I love getting your reviews 3 Bye!