OK so I decided it was time to release my Rory/Logan fan fiction now. This story may be released slower than my Chuck and Blair Gossip Girl one. There are times I catch myself and it's almost as if Rory is starting to sound like Blair which of course they're pretty much opposites so that's why it may be slower. I'm going to put the 1st three chapters out though. This is told in present tense which is also hard for me because I normally write of course in past tense so if you catch me talking in past tense when it should be present, I'm sorry. Anyway, this story is going to be series finale rewritten. I should warn all of you. I saw the proposal however I never watched Rory tell Logan no. I refuse to watch it mainly because I know I would start bawling. I know it happens though and that's why I wrote the story. I felt there should be a happier ending to it. Anyway, I hope you like it. Also make sure you review!

My graduation party from Yale is abuzz with excitement. My grandparents are proving that once again they know how to throw a hell of a party. Everyone who received an invitation showed up. The ladies from the DAR, Logan, and my parents are all here plus 75 of my grandparents' closest friends. I look over at my mom and I notice how she's beaming with pride.

I haven't had the easiest road when it came to Yale. I had to take that semester off to figure out whether or not journalism was my passion. People, like my mom, were eager to make Logan a scapegoat for my quitting Yale. In reality I could tell that he was desolate over the situation. Especially when he found out what his father said to me in my performance review. It had taken a staggering toll on me. He felt guilty no matter how many times I told him not to. If I'd let Logan have his way then, I have no doubt that he would have clocked his father. Well, at least engaged in a verbal sparring match with him.

Logan and I have been through a lot together over the last 3 years. We've had our rough patches but what couple hasn't? He taught me how to be a risk taker and for that I am eternally grateful to him. I hadn't realized just how mundane my life was until the point when Logan came into the picture.

I look around the room at everyone mingling and I see my boyfriend who is chatting with a couple of older gentlemen. He glances over at me and grins. My heart still skips a beat every time he looks at me. After all this time I'm still more in love with him than ever. I smile back and turn my attention back to the DAR ladies who are telling me how much they miss me.

It was as if Logan automatically picked up a cue from the look I gave him to come over and rescue me.

"Excuse me ladies. I was wondering if I would be able to steal my girlfriend for a minute. Some urgent business." He tells them as he smiles sweetly at the DAR ladies.

Of course they agree that it's OK for me to leave. Logan grabs my hands and leads me away from them. "You really are my knight in shining armor." I inform him.

"I saw you dying." He reveals. "Well actually I do have an urgent matter."

"What's up?" I ask.

"You look beautiful." He tells me as he turns to face me.

I grin as he leans down and kisses me.

I can honestly say that I've never been in love like this before. I've only had 3 serious relationships in my 22 years but I can attest to this one being the most intense, most passionate one out of the bunch. It's also been the longest lasting.

"I love you." He whispers to me as my parents make their way to us.

"Love you too." I whisper back.

My dad comes over and eagerly greets me with a hug and shakes Logan's hand. I then hear my grandparents announce how they thank everyone for attending my party. I see them signal the piano player to start and I watch them belt out this tune. They're way off key but overall I have heard worse. They finish their number and I take it as my cue to join them up front. I let everyone know how I couldn't have even gone to Yale without their assistance. I toast to them along with everyone else. I start to move back down to where my parents and Logan are standing when I hear Logan ask my dad to wait from making a call to Gigi's babysitter.

"Actually would you mind waiting?" Logan asks my dad.

"Sure." My dad responds.

"Trust me you'll want to stick around for this." He assures him.

When I hear Logan tell my dad this, my ears perk up in interest. That and the fact that I see my parents whispering in hushed tones overwhelm my curiosity. Logan joins me in front of all of these people and clears his throat.

"If I could, I'd also like to say something to my girlfriend of the past 3 years."

I smile as I turn to face him. His expression is one of elation. I think that I've only seen him truly this happy a handful of times.

"You amaze me, Rory Gilmore, everyday. Everything that you do, everything that you are."

I just watch as he continues his speech.

"This past year I realized that I don't know a lot more than I thought I knew."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I try to decipher what the hell he just said.

"If that makes any sense," He laughs as he faces the crowd, "I'm sorry. I'm a little bit nervous. I didn't think that I would be." He confesses as he turns back to me. "What I'm trying to say is…that I don't know a lot. But I know that I love you."

I blush in embarrassment as I feel everyone's gaze on me.

"And that I want to be with you. Forever."

Oh my god! Did he just say forever? Like forever forever? I'm speechless. I'm stunned. Did he really mean forever? No, he couldn't have. Otherwise he would have bought…

Logan reaches into his pocket and presents me with a box. A little blue box. He flips the top open and there it is…a ring. A gorgeous diamond ring. My expression is uncertain as I stare at it. There really are no words.

"Rory Gilmore…will you marry me?"

Seriously right now there are no words.

"Umm…wow." I find myself saying, "Umm…wow…I…"

Logan's trying to look hopeful here. I know my stuttering is making him panic internally.

"Is there a yes in between those wows?"

I still find myself having a hard time putting more than 2 words together. "I'm just…I'm so surprised. Umm…umm…umm…will you come talk to me outside?" I ask under my breath in a hushed tone.

Logan looks at me perplexed but says sure.

As I leave I grab Logan's hand who is trailing behind me. When I pass my parents, I lock eyes with my mom who is looking at me with alarm etched on her face. I hear the whispers from the crowd but I ignore them.

As soon as we're in the courtyard, I look over my shoulder and tell him, "Sorry, I just didn't want to talk in front of everybody."

"No I completely understand." He assures me which in turn causes me to relax a little…until I stop dead in my tracks due to seeing the horse and carriage. "What? Is that…?"

"For us?" He finishes. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I know you said you were over big gestures but that's what wedding proposals are." He reasons. "And tonight with your parents here and your grandparents I just thought…"

"No it's not the size of the gesture, it's the gesture itself." I clarify to him.

"Rory, I got the job in Silicon Valley."

My whole face lights up in excitement. "What? You did? When?"

"Well they offered me the position about 45 minutes after the meeting but I just…I wanted to save the news until after I proposed."

This astounds me. "Wow! You've been thinking about this for awhile."

"Yeah." He agrees, "Back when everything was up in the air businesswise, I realized as long as I had you, I'd be OK."

I give him a sweet smile at the compliment. He's always been quite the gentleman.

"You would love Palo Alto, Rory. We could go hiking in the Dish on weekends, biking at the Bay Lands…"

"Wow. California me sounds really athletic." And so unlike me. I've never been into athletics.

"Or coffee drinking on University Avenue." Logan throws out.

"That's easier to imagine."

"I went exploring a little and there's this little house that we could rent. It has a backyard with an avocado tree."

"I do like guacamole." I interject.

"And it's only 35 miles south of San Francisco. Just a straight shot up the 101."

"Wow! You've done a lot of research." I can't believe just how much delving into the culture he did on this trip.

"Yeah, you could work at the Chronicle or the San Francisco Bay Guardian."

"Wow! Oh, it sounds amazing. Logan it sounds wonderful. I just…I don't know. I mean you've had time to think about this and research newspapers and it's so sweet and wonderful, I just…I'm hearing about it for the first time." I explain.

"So you're saying in the past 3 years you've never thought about marrying me?"

I'm quick to assuage his doubts, "No, of course I have."

"And?" His eyes look optimistic.

"And it's always been a really wonderful thought but it was always hypothetical and…"

He's quick to jump in, "I know for me too but then it hit me. Why wait? Remember when we were in the Life and Death Brigade and we stood on the top of that tower and we held hands and we jumped? Let's do that again, Rory. Let's jump."