Chibiyu: New story! It's weird…even I will admit it here and now. Enjoy!




Summary: Sometimes, you want nothing more than to take back the past that is haunting you. But you never can. Because even the best choices aren't always the right ones to take.


You hit the ground running but there's no hope for escape. But you still have to try.

It's try or die.

They don't care who you are or what you may or may not have done, they only care that you are alive when in their minds, you should be dead. And it's not your fault you happen to be this way or that you believe in what you do. None of that is your fault. Sometimes, you just don't have a choice. In this life, this world, you never did.

But I am making a choice.

And what is that choice, you may ask?

To Live. To be free.

But as a gun shot slices through the thickening air, you realize, that sometimes, even the best choices, aren't the right ones.


Chibiyu: Yup. That was it. The Prologue. You know what to do! Or is the temptation of hitting a pretty blue button not working on you? :~) Until Next Update!

Three reviews until I update, so I know you all are interested.