
I'm back.

Missed me?

Well, I assure you that this will be the longest chapter ever for 'Would You Like To Check In?'

After which, I am going to start on 'The Light' again.

It might be a little gross in this chapter.

Here are the warnings:

Mention of war, hints of graphic though.

I think everything's going to end soon in this chapter.

Yeah. It's the story finale! Lol.


Minutes elapsed.

Naruto and Sasuke fell asleep while waiting for Sakura to 'freshen up' in the bathroom.

It was six in the morning when they found out that Sakura had hung her in the bathroom.

The part which left them puzzled is that there was no rope!

Sasuke and Naruto broke into a cold sweat when they found out that Ino was missing as well!

"Hey, I think that we are all going to die…" Sasuke said.

"Yeah…" I don't give it a damn!'' Naruto commented.

"This is our destiny… Isn't it?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes. What is most important is that we figure out what's up with this hotel." Naruto had an idea.

"Let's go find out more about Hotel In with the internet."

"Great idea. Let's go!"


"They are going to be so dead!"

"Whatever. I hope you will finish them up soon, Master."


Start of chapter:

Armed with the help of the internet and other things, the boys found out that Hotel In was actually an abandon school which was built in the 1900s, years before the start of the World War 2.

It also had a hostel and the school was built for secondary mixed school students* and staffs of the school itself. It is big enough to contain about 2000 people (pupils and staffs).

However, the tragic incident happened when the war started. The school was invaded by soldiers and thus many people were killed and those who were suspected of planning a rebel were all eradicated by the soldiers. And of course, we all know what happens to the girls…

All was done.

When the war ended, all the people in the school was all killed, murdered brutally by the soldiers.

Restless souls of the pupils and staffs roamed around the building, hoping to get their revenge.

Years later, the government had rebuilt the building and it was in the current state after it was rebuilt.

It was converted to a hotel.

The staffs over there were killed by the souls, and their bodies taken over by them.

Anyone who comes into the hotel has not been seen to be able to get out of it alive.

The rest was history.


"So that was why they are here…" Naruto said.

Sasuke didn't say a word, but instead stood up and walked out of the room.

"Hey! Where the hell are you going?" Naruto shouted after him.

"I'm going to confront them," Sasuke told Naruto.

"But how? You're going to die!" Naruto coaxed Sasuke.

"At least I tried to help them, right?" Sasuke said with a little smile on his face.

"… I'm in too, buddy!"


"It seems like they found out about us."


"So what should we do now? I've killed they girls already."

"We kill them. "


"Come out! We know you're here!" Naruto said into thin air.

"We are trying to help you guy cross over!" Sasuke added on.

"Hump. Foolish mortals." A male voice sounded.

"They're here!"Naruto said in a whisper, almost inaudible.

"Do you ever think that you can beat us?" Kaki said.

"How idiotic…" a new voice added.

And the old grandfather clock down near the lobby stroked 12.

"Dong…Dong… Dong…Dong… Dong…Dong… Dong…Dong… Dong…Dong… Dong…Dong…"


"Hey! There's a hotel there! We're saved!" A teenager said to his companions.

A group of teenagers were camping but have lost their way somehow or rather.

"Yeah! Let's go stay there!" another one said.

"Welcome to Hotel In. May I help you?" A girl, no older than sixteen years, at the counter said.

The girl was a girl with raven hair and eyes of the same colour. She had a name tag on her working uniform that says "Rina".

"We would like two rooms for the four of us."

"Just fill in these forms, thank you." She said as she took out some forms, smirking.

And at the café, a group of four smirked in unison.

Yes, that's the ending for this story.

All of them died in the end and some sort of travellers was about to repeat the history once more.

I was thinking of making Madara the mastermind behind all these stuff, but I don't think that would fit in.

I would be continuing on 'The Light', so look forward to checking out some new chapters for the Akatsuki gang!

I would also want to start to write a story on Jin and Rina.

Jin is a character from Samurai Champloo. He is soooooo like Itachi!

I wonder if anyone would read my story.

So from now, 'Would you like to check in' is completed!

So happy…

Shinigami Fuzzy
