Jeremy Shane: Thanks!

The fallen sky: Lol. The last story's going to have an M rating; but I'm pretty sure you're expecting that. And sorry about Charlie again.

Lol. Definitely not horrified. I happen to like me, and I like you. Well; as well as anyone could like someone they've never met before; so everything's all good.

Dispatcher652: It's Sunday! Hope you're satisfied;)

Madlenita: Thank you!

Karrtoonmonkey: I'm flattered you think so highly of the series, I hope you enjoy the rest.

Dizzy78: What look-a-like? Charlie's just her doctor, don't worry.


"Do you want me to go with you?"

I start at the sound of Lana's voice and whirl around to face her. She sitting up straight; legs dangling over the side of the bed, hands folded in her lap.

I thought she was asleep.

"I thought you were asleep?" I scowl at her; verbalizing my thoughts without actually intending to.

"I'm not," she points out as if I can't see that for myself.

"Well then 'un-I'm not,'" I answer rudely, basically telling her to go back to sleep. Like always, she ignores my snapping and says something I don't want to hear.

"The baby is fine Chloe; and I really don't think Lois will be in the mood to take you to see the doctor right now anyway. She's still kinda mad,"

"Lois isn't taking me," I answer shortly before turning around and trying to find a pair of shoes. Any pair will do.

"Did you tell her that?"

"No," I answer through clenched teeth. She's asking too many damn questions for my taste.

"What are you going to do; sneak past her or ask for permission to go?" She asks in a tone that suggests neither will work out in my favor, yet they're my only options; which means I can't go at all.

"I don't need Lois's permission to go anywhere," I snap.

Lana raises her eyebrows, makes a scoffing noise through her nose, rolls her eyes, then lays down; quickly rolling over and showing her back to me.

I scowl angrily at her back. It's what I wanted, for her to turn over and carry her interfering ass back to sleep; but I don't like the way she just did it. It was as if she was dismissing me, and though I'm angry as hell, tears of hurt and frustration begin to brim over.

'Damn hormones.'

I sniff loudly.

Lana's right though; and even if I was planning on sneaking past Lois, I can't. She hides my keys from me.


"Chloe? …Chloe!"

I come to, only slightly disoriented.

It scares me. Not because I've been sleep/daywalking again; but because I'm getting used to it. Which is bad. Really bad. Or weird. Really weird.

First, I quickly take in my surroundings. Finding out where the hell I am is always my first priority. In no time at all, I realize I'm at home, in the living room, on the floor.

'Why the hell am I on the floor?'

I frown a little. I stopped asking myself why I was wherever a long time ago; but then again I rarely wake up at home, and I never lay down on the living room floor so…


My frown deepens and I look up. 'How long have I been out?' is usually the next question I try to answer myself; but that voice; it doesn't belong to Lana, or Lois, or even Oliver. It belongs to him. My doctor, Charlie.

What the hell is he doing here? What the hell did I do this time? I look around me; I don't know why but I'm slightly panicked.

Where the hell is Lana?

"Chloe, can you hear me?"

"Where's Lana?" I ask again; but out loud this time.

Something's not right. I know it. I can feel it. Why else isn't she here? The last thing I remember is almost crying while staring at her back, and now she's not here? She would be down here if she were still here. There's no way she'd be still asleep upstairs. She always comes to get me when I sleepwalk.


So where the hell is she?

"Ms. Lane, I think she's going into shock; can you just"-

I sit up quickly while muttering that 'I'm fine'. I now realize the panicked where's Lana hissy fit I just threw hadn't actually taken place in my head; that I'd said all of that out loud…and I'm far from finished.

"Where is she?" I insist.

Charlie lays a reassuring hand on my back, and I begin to shake. I just know it's because he has some bad news to tell me and he doesn't want me to faint or freak out or whatever.

"Where is she?" I look away from him and at my cousin.

Lois hates quiet. It makes her uncomfortable, yet she's been quiet this whole time, except for the first time she called my name and woke me up. I'm sure it was her because LANA'S NOT HERE!

"Lois, please?" I beg.

"Lana's fine Chloe," Lois sends a glance Charlie's way, probably seeing just how much she can get away with not telling me, or how much she should tell me.

I'm getting tired of crying, but I do it anyway. Lois is too serious. If Lana really is fine, she'd make a joke about me worrying too much over my 'girlfriend' or something like that. Right?

Charlie begins to rub my back a little, and it only makes me cry harder. I don't even know what the hell is going on yet, but to be comforted by a doctor is a bad sign. Really bad. Right?

"Please just tell me where she is," I croak out. I really want to know if my friend is okay; because I really need to know if my baby is okay.

"Chloe, she's at the hospital; but she's absolutely fine," I ignore the emphasis Charlie puts on the word 'fine', because I know he's lying. He has to be, or there wouldn't be such a depressing and foreboding feeling in the atmosphere.

"Why?" I look at Lois purposely. My cousin isn't going to lie to me. "What's wrong with her?"

"There's nothing wrong with Lana," Lois clarifies. "She's not the patient, she's there with…"

"With?" I prompt. I can feel myself beginning to feel relieved; but not all the way. Someone's still hurt. Someone I know obviously because of Lois and Charlie's reluctance to tell me who it is.

Lois takes a few steps closer and kneels down before me, placing both hands on my knees.

"Aunt Moira," she says.

"Aunt…Mom? mom?"

"She's doing fine. She's been asking for you, if you...if you feel up to it," Lois answers before I can ask about her. "Are you okay?" Lois asks.

I frown at her. Why wouldn't I be okay?

I barely realize Charlie's checking me out until he puts something cold on my chest. I look over at him. It's a stethoscope. Then I look down, and I see all of his tools are scattered around me. He works fast; checking heartbeats and temperatures and bloodpressures.

"All done and all's well," he announces while packing up his stuff a few minutes later.

I'm still frowning slightly, wandering what the hell happened during my black out. My mother's in the hospital, and not the mental one, but she's 'fine', and My cousin and doctor are checking me as if I should have broken body parts, or some kind of heart failure, or something.

"Get a goodnight's rest Chloe," he commands while walking toward the door.

I get up and head toward the door to see him out.

Goodnight's rest my ass. As soon as he leaves, I'm going to the hospital. I want to see my mother. I want to see Lana. I want answers.

He turns back around to face me and I cross my arms over my chest, preparing for it. There's no doubt in my mind that he's going to tell me that I should save the hospital visit for tomorrow.

"We should go out and have lunch tomorrow."

I just stare at him. That wasn't what I was expecting at all.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," I answer while nervously twisting my wedding ring.

"Okay, he shrugs his shoulders, and he looks so relieved by my answer, it peaks my curiosity a little.

"Wait," I call when he turns his back.

He hesitates, like he's afraid I've changed my mind; and that really peaks my interests.

"Just forget about it," he answers with a smile.

Fat chance.

"I can do lunch with you tomorrow," I announce.

"No really, it's okay"

"Where and what time?" I ask.

"The diner across from The Daily Planet" he smiles suddenly. I can feel Lois behind me and I roll my eyes; expecting her to tell me I can't go.

"Are you picking her up from here or do you want me to drive her over?" Lois asks, wearing a smile of her own.

"I'll pick her up from here," he answers as if I'm not here. Then he leaves without so much as a goodbye.

"Did you two plan that?" I ask Lois once Charlie drives off.

"No, but it's a good thing Chloe. You need someone right now."

"I have someone," I spit back, quickly getting angry. What the hell is she talking about? I'm married.

I put my left hand up; showing Lois my wedding ring, just in case she's forgotten.

"Chloe," she sighs. "Has it ever occurred to you that Clark's not coming back? That he might be"-

I smack her across the face. Hard.

So hard that I can see a red hand print begin to form on her cheek immediately.

Then I walk away.

I'm not afraid of her right now; and I sure as hell don't feel sorry for what I did. I just keep walking and I never look back. Not once.

When I get upstairs, I walk past the guestroom, and go into my room. The room that belongs to both me and my husband.

I find that notebook. That stupid journal that the stupid shrink wanted me to write in so damn bad and grab a pen. I scribble down thirteen words. They may not be legible due to my shaking hands and blurry eyes; but I know what it says.

I read the words over and over again; until I fall asleep with the note book in my hand.

Sometime during the night, I hear Lois come in the room. I feel her tuck me in; and I feel her take the notebook out of my hand.

"When Clark comes back, I promise, I'll be right here waiting for him," She whispers the words I've written.

I hear her sigh heavily before sitting the book down, kissing my forehead, and crying for me.

~the end~


A/N: Betcha can't guess what the title of the next story is? Lol. If you can, I'll grant you one request for the next and final installment of this series. Please try to make it doable and not outlandish. Also, you might have to private message it to me so that you don't give the answer away to other readers; but I'm sure it's more than obvious;)

Next story will be posted Sunday , August 22nd.