Title: You Smile

Rating: G

Length: Drabble (100 words)

Pairings: John/Mary

Era: Post show

Warnings: AU; implied character death

Summary: When everything has finally come to an end, you smile.

Note: Written for the "Mary Winchester Deca-drabbles" writing challenge on LJ community - spnland; prompt - 'write 10 drabbles (exactly 100 words each) about Mary Winchester' [Part 10/10]

When everything is over, when things have all played out as far as they're gonna go, you smile.

You smile because the time has finally come for all the pain, all the guilt, to come to an end.

You smile because, though you've been at peace, your family has still suffered.

You smile because your husband is with you – forever, always and free from torment.

You smile because your sons, who've been through far too much, who've been tried and tested in ways they never should've been, are finally receiving peace.

You smile – because your family is finally together again.