Title: Meeting The Parents

Rating: G

Length: Drabble (100 words)

Pairings: John/Mary

Era: Pre-show

Warnings: None

Summary: It was a disaster!

Note: Written for the "Mary Winchester Deca-drabbles" writing challenge on LJ community - spnland; prompt - 'write 10 drabbles (exactly 100 words each) about Mary Winchester' [Part 3/10]

Meeting the parents. Now that was something that could've gone a hell of a lot better!

His mother was nice, very sweet. She gave you a hug the moment you entered the door, and you got another hug from her as you left.

Now if only your parents (more specifically, your dad) could've been that nice.

For every glare he sent towards John, you glared right back. His actions towards John that whole night pissed you off!

And though your mother tried her best to salvage the situation, you knew it was hopeless.

Meeting your parents had been a disaster!