Minor A/N: Hi everyone, this is just a super, tiny update. I am currently very busy with school. .' But I am working on the next chapter for this story. So please just hold on, I am very sorry for the delay. I will be updating as soon as possible.~~~~~
The blazing heat beat down on them as they raced across the scorching sands, the small group had been going for about an hour and a half already. Sweat dampened Shalana's skin as Carue kept pace with the horses, the heat was starting to make Shalana feel sick. Vivi looked over at their new companion, she didn't like how bad she looked. The princess pulled her horse up to Kohza's, he had gone ahead abit. "Leader, Shalana looks really bad... I think the suns getting to her, we should look for some rocks to rest under." Kohza's nodded as Vivi pulled back to Shalana and Carue. "Hey, Lana. We're gonna find somewhere for you to rest for abit." She told the other girl with a sweet smile.