Chapter 4
i don't own anything
Alvin and Brittany walked out of the bathroom holding hands and having the biggest smile on their faces both of the were extremely happy.
"Babe...Im so glad I left Ashely." said Alvin.
Just the fact that Alvin had called her babe made Brittany feel that much better
"So am I." said Brittany.
Alvin and Brittany continued walking down the hall until Brittany's classroom came up on their right. Brittany began to feel sad because she knew they had to separate so she frowned a little. Alvin noticed this.
"Babe don't be sad...ill come back and get you when this class is over." said Alvin.
"I know but I really don't want you to leave." said Brittany.
"I have to go if I get anymore detentions I might as well move in the detention room" said Alvin.
"You are so funny." said Brittany in between laughs.
Alvin the pulled her into a hug. Brittany hugged back as hard as she could.
"If you squeeze any harder i'll pop." said Alvin.
"Don't ruin the moment" said Brittany.
When they stopped hugging the both of them looked into each other's eyes. Alvin looked in Brittany's electric blue one's and Brittany looked in Alvin's golden brown one's.
Then they both leaned in and when their lips touched neither one of them could have felt any better.
" Ok Britt it's time for me to leave." said Alvin
" Bye..I love you" said Britt
" Love you too" said Alvin.
Alvin dropped Brittany off in her algebra class and continued walking down the hallway to his class. He had a big grin on his face an entered the door to his English class.
(with Brittany)
Brittany walked in her algebra class with a blank look on her face. She was happy that she was with Alvin but sad that they had to separate. She sat down with a heavy sigh into her seat right next to Jean and Ellie.
"Well did you two talk?" asked Jean.
"Yeah." said Brittany
"What was the outcome?" asked Jean
" He loves me and were together now." said Brittany
"OMG girl you have to tell me everything!" yelled Jean and Ellie together.
"Why do you seem so sad?" asked Ellie.
"Because I miss him so much already" said Brittany.
"Awwwwwh" said Jean and Ellie together.
" I know right. He's got me like this already." said Brittany.
" Don't worry that just means that you really love him." said Ellie
" Yeah." agreed Jean.
" Thanks guys." said Brittany.
" You still have to tell us how this thing went down." said Ellie.
" Well I tried to talk to him but I saw him with Ashely so I ran into the bathroom, locked the stall and began bawling my eyes out. Then he walked in and explained it all to me. He really loves me Ashely was just his toy."
" Dang girl You two are meant for each other." said Jean
" He just makes me so happy sometimes when he's not being an ass." said Brittany.
" Girl I completely understand you." said Ellie
" Me too." said Jean
(with Alvin)
Alvin walked into his Art class with a smile on his face next to his brothers Simon and Theo. Art was the only class Alvin excelled in because he was extremely artistic and creative. It comes from writing music.
" Hey guys what's up?" asked Alvin.
" Don't speak to us until you handle the situation with Brittany." said Simon.
" Guys don't worry I already handled that." said Alvin
" Lying doesn't solve anything." said Theo.
" I'm not I'm serious I told her I loved her and got rid of Ashely."
Simon and Theo stared at Alvin for a while then decided to believe him.
"I'm happy for you bro." said Theo
" So am I." said Simon.
" Guys now I know how you guys feel when your with your girls because I fell the same way now. I'm sorry for calling you guys lame for feeling that way." said Alvin.
"Apology accepted." said Simon and Theo together.
Alvin stared at the clock and was waiting for the class to end so that he could see Brittany again. Brittany was doing the exact same thing in her class. Eventually after what seemed like an eternity the bell finally rang. Alvin zipped out of his class and into the hallway. Simon and Theo just watched and laughed. Brittany exited her class and waited right beside the door to her classroom. She realized there wasn't anyone else on her hall. She began to worry.
(with Brittany)
" Where is everyone at" Brittany thought.
Alvin turned down her hallway then suddenly a bag was thrown over his head and his hands tied. He felt himself being punched repeatedly and kicked senseless. Alvin was then dragged out the back of the school and was thrown into a van and drove off into the distance.
" Where the hell is Alvin." Brittany thought.
The tardy bell rang for her to go to her next class but she still waited. She waited for 5 more minutes. Then she walked to the front office and asked them to page him to the office. The lady at the front desk did. Brittany waited for 10 minutes and then she began to worry.
" Why isn't he coming?" asked Brittany
" I don't know." said the school principal Mr. Taylor.
" Do something!" cried Brittany
" I will."
Mr. Taylor then sent the school staff on watch to look for Alvin. He went with them. Leaving poor Brittany to just cry and worry...
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