Dear lovely readers of the 21st century… Its I, CDC myself. The Chadster. Many of you have been asking my questions.. A lot I mean. And just seeing the same ones get on my nerves so I'm going to answer them on my Blog. Right now. Readddyyyy go..


Chad, what's your favorite color? And why?

My favorite color is blue. Not just any blue royal blue. Because I'm royal. The most awesome color in the universe.


Why don't you like So Random! it's a funny show! And Sonny is the best!

Well I hate So Random! I've watched it once or twice and let me say it wasn't that funny when Sonny wasn't on there. Now its getting better.. And we all know Sonny is the best.


Chad, you left your unwanted gifts in my dressing room, yeah Nico and Grady hated the video game you left them (MACKENZIE FALLS; on the wii?) Tawni said the mirror wasn't the right shade of pink. Zora doesn't even like Swiss cheese (Its American that she likes the most) And I, absolutely despite the autographed picture of you…

Sonny? Really? What a stupid name to give yourself.. And let me tell you this, TAWNI said you hung the picture next to the one I gave you before… And the one before.. So what proves this? You like me.. Yup I know..


Like my name? I know where you live.

Okay? Stalker much? That's just wrong.. On so many levels and I have to say. Love your name…


You know Chad, you deny your love for Sonny so much its hilarious. But I'm sorry to say that she's mine. We have been on two dates so far, fatty.

Excuse me? You must wish. I have a 6-pac for your information and Sonny would never give you the time of day to go out with you.. CDC out.


Hey Chad! What episodes of So Random! Have you seen?

I don't know? I think it was the Check it Out girls? Yes because Sonny was that one who liked the guy Grady played.. Yup and I've seen a couple of Gassie ones too. You know Gassie smells..


Hello Chad, Its Dakota. Daddy wont be happy when he sees you didn't eat lunch with me today! He's gonna fire you!

That's okay Dakota because I'm going to tell daddy that you watch Mackenzie Falls and that you worship me… But then again.. How about dinner me and you!



That's such a disgrace towards the Condor Studios.. Shame on you. And what's with the Mushroom thing?


Sonny and Chad sitting in a tree K I S S I N G. Why don't you just admit you like Sonny already? 0.o

I don't like Sonny. There I said it. So what she has shiny hair that smells like Mangos.. Or freshly glossed lips that smells like Strawberries… Or grape. You know it all depends on her mood. One minute she smells like a blueberry pie then she smells like orange pop…


Why does Mackenzie Falls have more things then we do?

Simple Grady.. We are better and people know it..


Chad, can you do me a favor and hook me up with Portlyn?

Sorry. She's out of town, she went to Scandinavia for a movie. Plus she's dating Skylar. *Sad noises* HAHA!


WHY CANT CHANNY FORM ALREADY! AHHH! Need more Sonny with a chance.. *foam comes out of mouth* GAHH!

… That's totally disturbing! What are you a possessed squirrel? Squirrels aren't even that bad! Geez! And question from me: What's a Channy?


A Channy is you and Sonny. Its your couple name us fans came up with.. And could you please just ask her out?

Really? Channy? That's a cute name.. Its better than Zanessa.. Or Niley.. Okay how about Taylor-Squared? That's stupid.. And for the last time.. Me and Sonny? Never going to happen!


Hey Chad, could you get me another mirror? Please? I SAID PLEASE! And cancel your show!

That was a ridiculous question. You randoms are not grateful! Expect for Sonny..


Chad, stop frecking denying you like Sonny, its quite annoying. You talk about her 24/7.. I should know.. My parents are 'Channy fans'

Not answering your question, and why are they Channy fans? No one should be.. Even though it would be better than Jamnny [James and Sonny; I made it up] or Hay.. [Hayden and Sonny] OH or Blanny [Blake and Sonny] YOU KNOW WHAT? I'm tired of this.. Bwah ha ha..


CHAD What is this?

Mr. Condor? Oh this is my blog. But I'm answering questions from HATERS and FANS.


Do not insert my name on this blog ever again and why do you sniff me? That's weird.. And why cant we go out? Not saying I want to or anything! And you know, Channy is a very sweet name. But it will never happen, Sorry I crushed your dreams Chad.

-Love and always


Fine I wont Sonn* [See? I didn't put the full name here!] I don't sniff you dimwit, you leave a scent, and it smells heavenly.. Why cant we go out? Because you're a random and I'm a Falls. I would go out with you Sunny if you just asked.. [Not really LOL] And BTW: you didn't crush MY dreams but yours is a whole different story babe…


Awwh you called her 'Babe' how sweet! Shows how much you like her!

I call everyone that! PFFT!


Sweetie, I cant believe you would deny liking Sonny. To your fans too! Its all you talk about when you come from work.. She seems like a very 'Sunny' person.

Lady? Who are you? I don't know you! [MOM STOP!] Do not ever comment on here again! And she is Sunny.. I mean she's Sunny right?


Mr. Cooper, I've known you liked my daughter for some while now.. And I know she had mutual feelings for you too and I do not appreciate you calling her a dimwit because you like her..

Mrs. Munroe? I'm sorry! I didn't mean too! Sunny is a great person! And TY for the info about her liking me… Heh..


What's your favorite kind of Jolly Ranchers?

Blue Raspberry, because its blue and Watermelon. Typical fan girl….


Fan girl? Fan boy…

Oh. That's not strange at all….

Thanks for all the questions. Yes I didn't read them all or comment on them all but I will ASAP! Hmm I gotta look up Channy now..

Forever and 'Channy',

Chad Dylan Cooper

Like it? Hate it? Don't know? Review? Yes please! More CH's to come!