Michi: I decided to start another story, since this will be my second AU story. I hope you enjoy my new story, A Life Unknown.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto™. Not much more I can say that to that. I also do not own any of the songs used through out this fan made story.

Hinako held her little blue haired baby close, gently setting her down in the basket. She had long flowing brown hair and dark purple eyes that stood out against her light skin. She was Hinako Hyuga, younger sister to her brothers Hizashi and Hiashi Hyuga. Hinako had taken no part in the family business and ran off to fulfill her dream of being a singer and an actor, which had come true. She worked under a different name, so no one would know who she really was, beside her brothers. As a star, she was known as Tsuki Rirī (Moon Lilly). Hinako was a big star in Japan, it when she got pregnant; she feared she would bring in her child into a world that would destroy it. A life of being raised by a nanny most of the time, being homed schooled and gaining no social skills, or having to be guarded by body guards from the paparazzi and stalkers. She couldn't allow that to happen, so she hid her pregnancy and raised her baby in secrecy, but, now, people were suspicious. Hinako made a tough decision and decided that giving her baby up to someone she could trust was her last option, to keep her child safe.

"I know you will do great things Hinata-hime," she cooed to her little girl. "Know that I will be with you always." A single tear ran down her cheek, "You will always be in my heart."

"Mama," little Hinata said trying to reach out to her mother. Hinako shook her head and smiled sadly at her. "M-mama," Hinata began to tear up.

"Mama made a very hard decision tonight," Hinako began to cry, "just remember I love you and no matter what any one says about you, or your dreams," she smiled and stroked her hair, "I will always believe in you. Don't listen to those people Hinata-hime; I will always support you, even when I'm not here." She kissed her forehead and stood up, "Goodbye Hinata-hime." She rang the door bell and then ran off, until no one could see her anymore. Hinata lied there, in a basket with a suitcase beside her; she was lonely now. But she had heard every word that her mother had said, and locked them away until she needed them. The door opened and a tall man stood there, and once he looked down at Hinata he gasped.

"Hina-onee did have a kid," Hizashi picked up her basket and brought the suitcase in the house. He smiled, "Those eyes, it's all too familiar….but this blue hair, and very pale skin. Where did it come from?" Hinako was known as a beauty among the clan and male population, and it caused Hizashi and Hiashi to become her personal body guards. He was worried why Hinako had become so distant for a long time, only calling once a month and writing a letter once in a while, now he was left with her child. He had been talking with her over the phone, and, now that he thought about it, she did try to hint that she was carrying a child, but Hizashi ignored all the clues. But he did know why she would leave a kid with him, one he wouldn't freak out as much as Hiashi, and two, she wanted her child to live a normal life. He picked up the note on the suitcase, "Hinata Hyuga, I like that name," he smiles at the little Hinata. "Oh so pretty-"

"Who are you talking to Hizashi?" Ame (rain), his wife said from the living room, "is it- Oh my," she starred at the baby in his arms and the suitcase by his feet. Ame placed her hands on her hips and glared at him, "Is there something you want to tell me?" Ame was a lean woman with light brown hair and light brown eyes to match. She was in her casual wear, a pair of sweatpants and a fairly large blue t-shirt. But she had a very mean look on her face, and it was surprising since she usually never made that face, unless she was really mad…..like right now.

"Ame," he tried to smile without looking so fearful, "this is Hinako's little girl. You always did want a daughter, right?"

"I want to birth my own daughter," she crossed her arms over her chest. Neji walked out from the living room and starred at his parents, he then noticed the basket in Hizashi's arms. Neji walked up to his mother and pulled on her pant leg, she glanced down at him, "what is it honey?"

"Why does dad have a baby!" He pointed with a glare.

"Look Neji," Hizashi kneeled down, "This is your new cousin." Neji walked over and looked down at her as Hizashi looked up at Ame, "she really needs a home and a mother to look after her."

"Then maybe Hinako should have thought twice about getting pregnant," Ame smirked and closed her eyes and looked away.

"*sigh* I guess your right Ame," Ame looked back at him in shock that he had given in so quickly, "we better send her back, so she can be raised by nannies most of her childhood, always be in the eye of the paparazzi and all the magazines. Not only that but she won't go to a regular school, never get olive a real life-" He was cut off as Ame took Hinata from hi and held her tight.

"You win Hizashi," she sighed and rocked Hinata back and forth. He nearly did his happy dance, in his head of course, when Hinata sealed the deal by looking up at Ame and saying: "Mama." Ame nearly melted and smiled warmly, "Its mama Hinata. Don't worry anymore."

"I don't want a sister," Neji pouted not looking at them, "I want a brother, girls are icky."

Hizashi looked Neji in the eyes, "Look her Neji, I'm counting on you to protect your new sister. You're a man, and its part of the Man Code to protect the women close to him, and sister's count. Got it Neji?" Neji got over his anger and nodded while puffing out his chest. Hizashi patted his head and smiled, "That's my boy." Ame lead Neji back to the living room, with Hinata in her arms. Hizashi brought the suitcase along and set it down on the ground and sat back in his easy-chair. "Can you open that up for me Neji?" Neji eagerly went over to the suitcase and unzipped the top and sighed as he starred into its contents.

"It's a bunch of clothes and toys for girls," he pouted and went back to sitting on the coach with Ame.

"Hinako sure thought this whole thing through," Hizashi smiled, then remembered the note he had been holding for this whole time. "I almost forgot about this," he began to read the note:

Dear Brother,

I hope I haven't caused too much trouble. I need you to take care of Hinata for me, life has caught up to me and I don't want her to live the life I do now at such a young age. She needs a normal life and that is the one thing I just can't give her. Her father has no idea I was pregnant with her, and I would like to keep it that way, but he is a great man, brother; I just didn't want to hold him back with Hinata and I. Please try and not tell Hiashi-nii until I change me cell phone number ^_^. Teach her to live in the real world, to be just like Neji; he is such a good kid, sorry I missed out on his life. I also want her to pursue a career in the arts, like you planed with Neji, singing, acting, art, and anything else she wanted to do. If you ever need me, or help with taking care of her, call me. I will do all I can to help. I left you with all her clothes and toys, she also loves to be sung to at night, helps her sleep. Thank you Hizashi, Ame, Neji; you don't know how much this means to me.

Your Sister,

Hinako Hyuga.

"Do you think she'll ever come back for Hinata," Ame asked with a worried look on her face. She glanced down at Hinata, "Hinata will want to know who her real mother is. We can't just lie to her forever."

"Hinako will come back," Hizashi said, "when she's ready and when Hinata is ready to except that she was the daughter of a great star." He looked back in the suitcase and smiled when he pulled out a hand-made blanket, "This was Hinako's blanket that mom made her." He opened it up and smiled at the little Sun & Moon symbol on it. "This brings back memories," he let out a small chuckle, "Hiashi once wrapped my up in this blanket and pushed me own the stairs."

"That's awful," Ame said in shock.

"I did blame him for breaking dad's favorite chair," he shrugged and glanced over at Neji. "Your aunt Hinako got this blanket, and I got that stuffed bird you liked so much." He let out a sigh, "How about we get to know our newest little member to the Hyuga family." He took Hinata from Ame and sat her down on his lap, she looked up at him and smiled brightly, "Hello Hinata, I'm Hizashi."

"Hi-zishi," she copied with a smile. Neji came and sat on the floor next to them, wanting to get a closer look at his blue haired cousin. She motioned to him, "Hi-zishi!"

"No," Neji said dully and put his hand on his head, "Neji," then put his head on Hizashi's head, "Hizashi."

"Ame," she kneeled beside Hinata and spoke again with her hand on her own head, "Ame," then she put her hand on Hinata's head, "Hinata."

"Ame," Hinata copied and clapped with Ame, who nodded in approval and clapped. "Ame!" Hinata then had a warm smile on her face and motioned to Ame with her open arms, "Mama." Ame began to tear up and looked away form the little girl. Hinata then looked up at Hizashi with the same smile, "Papa," even Hizashi couldn't stand the cuteness and help Hinata close to him. Hinata cuddled close to him and then looked over to Neji. "Negi," she smiled as Neji just sweat dropped and looked down.

"Well," Ame wiped her eyes and smiled the best she could, "how about I give you a nice bath Hinata," Ame smiled picking up Hinata and taking her into the kitchen to clean her in the sink.

"Eww," Neji said, "why doesn't she wash Hinata into the bathtub like the rest of us?"

Hizashi looked at Neji, "the tub is too big for Hinata, and the sink is just her size." He picked up the blanket and stood up, Neji following. "I'm going to take this and put it in the crib-"

"But the crib is in my room," Neji whined and pouted like the small child he is. "I don't want her in my room."

"Just for tonight Neji," he said with a pleading look in his eyes, "then I will move the crib out of your room and into our room by tomorrow night. Deal?" he asked putting his hand out. Neji rolled his eyes but shook his father's hand, "Thank you Neji," he ruffled his hair, "how about while the girls are busy, you go show me how your martial art is doing?" Neji nodded his head and the two ran outside.

- (Later that Night)-

Ame set Hinata down in the crib and smiled at her, "She is just so precious," Hizashi set the blanket over her and then tucked Neji in to bed. "I think I'm going to teach her to play piano. Neji liked it, and she is Hinako's daughter; do you think she'll like it?"

"I bet she will love it," Hizashi kissed Ame's cheek and smirked at her, "why don't you sing to Hinata?"

Ame blushed and looked away," Oh no, you know I don't sing."

"Oh yes you do," he smiled, "You just think no one is listening."

She gasped, "you were listening as I sang in the shower didn't you?" she punched his arm and glared at him, "I thought you had taken Neji out to the park?"

"Just sing already," he patted her back and left the room.

Ame cleared her throat and looked at the two kids, "I'm a bit rusty guys, I haven't sung for a crowd since I was in high school." She cleared her throat once more and started her first song she had sung for her first Fine Arts Festival. (Just Breathe By: Anna Nalick)

2 AM and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake,
can you help me unravel my latest mistake,
I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season
Yeah we walk through the doors, so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize,
hypocrites, you're all here for the very same reason

Ame began to remember the lyrics and she smiled brightly. She closed her eyes and let the music take her away; Hinata and Neji listened in close closing their eyes as well.

'Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable
and life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button girl,
So cradle your head in you hands
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe

May he turn 21 on the base at Fort Bliss
Just today he sat down to the flask in his fist,
Ain't been sober, since maybe October of last year.
Here in town you can tell he's been down for a while,
But my God it's so beautiful when the boy smiles,
Wanna hold him, maybe I'll just sing about it.

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe

There's a light at each end of this tunnel, you shout
'Cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out
these mistakes you've made, you'll just make them again
if you only try turning around.

2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, its no longer
inside of me, threatening the life they belong to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button now
Sing it if you understand.
And breathe, just breathe
woah breathe, just breathe,
oh breathe, just breathe.

Hizashi clapped softly as he entered the room, he smiled at her and held her in his arms. Ame gave a soft sigh, "It feels good to sing like that again," she turned around and gave him a soft peck on the lips. "Thanks you Hizashi-kun, I owe it all to you."

"Let's just hope you can teach Hinata to sing that good, she'll need a good teacher like you until we can get her and Neji into a great art school," he smiled but Ame looked at him with concern. "What?"

"What if Neji and Hinata don't want to go to an art school," she sighed softly. "Maybe they want to be lawyers, or doctors, or even a cook."

"Then we will support them and their dreams, but lets just give them a little push to being interested in the arts," he smirked a bit evilly and looked in the kids direction. "Nothing says against giving our kids a little push in a certain direction, right?" The two smiled and walked out of the room, softly closing the door behind them.

- (A Few Months Later) -

Ame quickly put on Hinata's dress, "You look so pretty Hina-chan," she smiled as the little girl blushed and looked down at her feet. Hinata wore a light blue dress that had white flowers to match her crisp white sandals. Ame combed through her soft midnight blue hair, and the two bangs that framed her heart shaped face. It was a very special day, Hinata was turning two and today was the day Hizashi decided to tell his twin brother about his niece; Hizashi though Hinako would have changed her number by now. Hinata walked beside Ame to the kitchen and sat down at the end of the table, usually where Hizashi sat.

"Happy Birthday Hinata," Neji said as he sat next to her at the table, "How old are you today?" Hinata held up her two fingers with some trouble keeping the third one down. Neji smirked, "Well I'm five, so I'm still the oldest- Ow!" He rubbed his head where Ame had hit him, "That hurt mom!"

"I didn't do anything," she said seriously not looking back at him. "That's what happens when big brothers tease little sisters, or any girl for that matter. Kami hits them in the back of the head." She set down the cake and smiled sweetly at Hizashi, who had just sat down and closed his cell phone. "Isn't that right Hizashi?"

He smiled back at her, "Of course it is Ame," as she turned away he gave a grim look to Neji, "don't ever disagree with your mother, she never loses." Neji nodded franticly, giving his mother quick and fearful glances. Hizashi then smiled at Hinata, "You excited for your birthday cake Hinata?"

"Cake!" Hinata smiled and clapped her hands together. She had always had a love for things that were sweet, but nothing that was too sweet, and then Hinata couldn't even look at the stuff. She was ready to dive into that cake, until the doorbell rang. "Get it," she jumped out of her chair and ran for the door, she had seen Neji do it countless times and thought it would be okay if she got to do it once. Hizashi tried to make a grab for her, but she was quick. Ame set down the plates she was carrying and ran after her, with Hizashi right behind her. Neji, feeling left out, ran after his family. Hinata made it to the door and before anyone could say anything, she opened it.

Hiashi really didn't know why his brother had forced him and his wife Yuki to come spend the afternoon with them, but now, as he starred down at this very familiar looking girl, he would need more then one night explaining it. Yuki stood beside him and let out a high pitched fan-girl squeal and picked up Hinata in her arms. "This is the cutest little girl I have ever seen in my life!" She then glared at Hiashi, "Ame can have two kids, but I can't have any? That's cruel Hiashi-kun," she walked in and went strait to Ame, asking her why hr children were so cute. Hizashi swallowed loudly as he caught his brother's glare.

"Would you like any cake," he then let out a nervous laugh.

"Cake!" Hinata yelled and wriggled down from Yuki's hold. She ran over to Hiashi and grabbed his pant leg, trying to pull him along, "cake." Yuki and Ame 'awed' at the action and Hiashi followed the girl into the kitchen. He kept glaring at Hizashi, "I want an explanation, now."

Hinata sat in her chair and happily ate her cake and sort of talked to Neji as the adults talked / argued about Hinata. Hiashi was on the brink of pulling out his, well managed, hair. Hizashi tried to calm him down, but nothing seemed to work, until Yuki threatened to make him sleep on the coach until she had a baby. "Hinako just left her on our doorstep and left a note to take care of her." Hizashi pulled out the note he had put in his pocket and handed it to him to read. "It's not like she was raped or anything, and she wouldn't tell us who the father is."

"I don't care about that garbage that got my little sister pregnant. I want to know why she told you before she told me." Hiashi said reading through the letter, "and we both know she would forget to change her number, I'm going to call her and-"

"This is why she didn't tell you," Ame said pulling the note away from him. "You are freaking out over nothing." Hiashi was about to argue back but Ame beat him to it, "Hinako is a grown up and she made a good decision in leaving Hinata with us where she can lead a normal life." Ame smiled brightly and looked over to Hinata who had cake all over her face. "This is the best for her and you will not ruin it by making Hinako take back her baby or send her to and orphanage." She glared at him; nearly making him wet his own pants.

"And beside Hiashi," Hizashi smiled turning his brother to face a smiling Hinata, "would you really want to make her cry?" Hiashi tried to with stand it, but it was too late, He sighed in defeat and looked away.

"All right brother," Hiashi said looking up at him with a very small smile, "I won't say anything about this to Hinako, but this is a secret we all will keep. And no telling anyone about this, Yuki," he looked over at her. She was slightly stunned but Hiashi raised an eyebrow and Yuki got the message and nodded her head. "Good, now that, that is settled. I hope you plan on getting my niece into a good school brother."

"Of course I do," Hizashi said, slightly offended, "And Neji is getting into a great school. The two will be attending Art schools for high school and college." He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked at Hiashi, "how about that brother?"

"Art?" Hiashi questioned, "I don't think they should be spending their days daydreaming about singing on stage."

"The arts also count for being in movies, or being a painter, and other stuff in that nature," Ame defended, "is this what you told Hinako when she dreamed about being a singer?"

"Yes," Hiashi said in a stoic voice. "That stuff is a hobby, not a life goal-" he stopped when they heard the piano being played and they turned to see that Neji had cleaned off Hinata's face and took her into the living room. He sat down on the bench and with Hinata next to him, he played a soft tune. Ame and Hizashi both smirked and looked at Hiashi, he just stood up and walked into the living and sat down on the sofa, "Just because it's a hobby, doesn't mean I can't enjoy it." The others filled in and listened to Neji play, they were surprised when they heard a soft voice singing under the sound of the piano, but they heard it. (Somewhere out There)

Somewhere out there
Beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me
And loving me tonight

Somewhere out there
Someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another
In that big somewhere out there

And even though I know
How very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing
On the same bright star

And when the night wind
Starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping
Underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there
If love can see us through
Then we'll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true

And even though I know
How very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing
on the same bright star

And when the night wind
Starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping
Underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there
If love can see us through
Then we'll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true...

They clapped as Hinata didn't look back at them and blushed a dark red. Neji had ruffled her hair, and told her that she did a very great job. Hinata loved to hear people sing and figured other people liked t heat others sing. Every night her mother would sing her to sleep and tuck her in at night. She wanted to sing for everyone and make them all happy, but when she did it physically; Hinata got very nervous and always had a pink blush on her cheeks. She turned around with Neji and the two bowed for their audience.

Ame gushed, "That was so good Hinata, and you have such a pretty voice." Yuki nodded in agreement. "And you Neji," Ame had a sly smile, "Hinata is lucky to have a good piano player like you." She lifted Hinata on to her lap and motioned for Neji to sit next to her, "You two tell uncle Hiashi why you like to sing and play music."

"It's my life," Neji said with the same face Hiashi always spoke with. "I will defy you Uncle, I will become one of the greatest musicians ever. You will see me composing music for the biggest stars, new movies, and plays. I will also be playing for my Onee-chan when she's a big singer or actor." He said with defiance in his voice as he smirked at Hiashi and ruffled Hinata's hair.

"Hi-shi," Hinata giggled while pointing at him. The other adults laughed because it sounded like she had said "He-she" but Hiashi wasn't laughing and he slightly glared at the little girl who was still pointing and laughing at him. "I l-love to sing." Hinata blushed again and smiled with a warm look in her eyes. She pointed to herself and smiled, "Hinata," she then motioned to him, "Hi-shi."

"It's Hiashi," he said dully starring her in the eye. Hinata looked at him and tilted her head to the side.




"Hi," he stressed.

"Hi," Hinata mimicked




"Hiashi!" Hinata yelled and clapped her hands at her good job. Hiashi gave a small smile and nodded his head. Yuki nodded her head and looked over to Hiashi, "you'll be a great dad one day Hiashi-kun;" she sat on his lap and gave him a light kiss. Ame coughed loudly and motioned to the tow kids that were starring at the two. Yuki blushed and got off of Hiashi, "Sorry, my bad." The night continued on as a fun little interview, with Hinata and Neji as the stars. Hiashi wanted to know about their intentions in school, and was surprised that Neji also wanted to be a great martial artist and was surprised that Hinata piped up that she wanted to fight like Neji. Hizashi was greatly surprised that 1) Ame wasn't at all surprised at Hinata's outburst and 2) That Hinata wanted to be a fighter. But instead he got over it and enjoyed the rest of the night, holding that little piece of information in the back of his head.

- (Ten Years Later) –

Hinata huffed loudly as she kept on kicking the bag that hung from the wall. Over the years, Hinata had kept on singing, only in her room, studied her instrumental skills with Neji, who can almost play any instrument, and she also had tried to keep up with Neji in martial arts. It was hard, and her dad, Hizashi, always watched as the two trained in the dojo. Hinata always became really nervous as he, or if anyone watched her do anything. She always felt like he was comparing her to Neji, even though she loved her brother, but she knew why. Hinata was born weird. She had dark purple eyes and really pale skin, and the really big difference was that she had midnight blue hair. She had asked her mother if she was adopted, but Ame had laughed and said she remembered the day clearly when she came into their lives.

"You stopped kicking," Hizashi said from the doorway. Hinata jumped in the air and fell back on her butt in surprised. Hizashi let out a low chuckle and helped her up to her feet. "You need to work on your balance. You should do yoga with Ame that helps with core."

"O-Okay dad," she said with a blush and didn't look at him. "D-don't tell nii-san that I fell like that."

"I already say Onee-chan," Neji smirked throwing a towel over his shoulders and taking a drink of water. Hinata threw her towel at him, since he purposely stood in a pair of basketball shorts and refused to wear a shirt. He had his feet wrapped along with his arms and wore bandages in his forehead. Hinata on the other hand wore a light jacket and basketball shorts, though she did copy Neji and wrapped her feet and hands. He glared at her, "what was that for?"

"You a-are so m-mean," she looked away and gave the bag another kick, but it hurt her more then she expected. "Ow…" she held her shin and glared at the two as they laughed at her. "haha, l-laugh at the bl-black sheep." They both slowly stopped and watched as Hinata limp over to the deck and sat outside and lied down in the shade. Neji walked over to her and sat down next to her. "What?"

"You are not a black sheep," he sighed. "I only laugh at you because you do some stupid stuff." He smirked as Hinata smiled up at her. "Hey," he ran his hand through his hair, "lets go down to the public dojo, but," she was sitting up and looking up at him, "you can't wear the jacket and I will go just like this." Hinata smirked, she wanted to make this a bet, since she knew that the minute they were in public, Neji would get trampled by fan girls. Hinata was a bit nervous not to wear her jacket, since puberty had cursed Hinata with an awful gift. Even Ame was a bit surprised at how embarrassed Hinata was when the two went shopping for "girl" stuff, and she nearly fainted when Hinata told her the bra size she needed. That was the start of Hinata always wearing a jacket whenever she could.

"Fine, but no going back to change i-in the c-case of f-f-fans," Hinata said as she held out her hand, he gladly shook her hand and the two stood up. Hinata removed her jacket and felt the cool air hit her. She wore a tight sleeveless red shirt that was almost like under armor. Hinata put up her long blue hair in a bun and sighed, "Let's go before mom can stop me." Neji nodded and pulled out his phone and texted a few of his friends from school. Hinata turned her phone on and shoved it in her bag and threw the bag over her shoulder, since she was the one to always carry the bag.

"Where are you two going? " Ame asked sitting while in the kitchen, not even looking up from her cooking.

"To the dojo," Neji answered quickly trying to pull Hinata ahead faster.

"Not dressed like that," she said but the two had run out the door and shut it. Ame sighed loudly and just kept on cooking, "I give Neji ten minutes until he calls back." She smiled looking up at Hizashi. "I can't believe you're not worried about the two just walking out into public like that."

"Hinata just might get a heat stroke, and Neji will come back after being at the hospital for his minor injuries…." Hizashi was cut off by Ame as she turned around to look at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," she opened her eyes and looked at him like he was crazy. "Hinata getting heat stroke, did you not see what she was wearing?"

"She was in her jacket, shorts, probably not wearing any shoes, but the dojo isn't that far away."

"Hinata took the jacket off." Hizashi was in completely quiet and starred at her with wide eyes. He stood up quickly and ran to the garage. Ame sighed and grabbed his keys off the table and followed him into the garage and got in the car with him. "You'll need these," he grabbed the keys quickly and thanked her. Ame put on her seat belt and gripped onto anything, she was in for a long ride.

Hinata and Neji had stopped running and smiled at each other, breathing heavily. They stood up strait and continued walking, both trying to ignore the stares they were getting. Neji, though, death glared at any guy that even thought about looking Hinata's way, and Hinata kept her head low and tried to avoid their stares. She regretted doing this now, because it would end very badly for them both. It was also a very bad idea when they both heard tires screeching from behind.

"Oh dear Kami," Neji paled as he saw the crazed driver, "its dad." They both took off and were soon pulled into a building, hands over their mouths. The car drove by and said people let go of Hinata and Neji. He turned to face them and nodded his head. "Thank you Lee."

Lee smiled brightly and pointed to him self, "That what friends are for my youthful companion! I take in helping you and your sister whenever I can, and if not then I will run around the school one hundred times! If I can't do that I-"

"Shut it Lee," A girl with brown hair pulled up into two buns said hitting him upside the head. She was dressed in a pink tank top and white shorts. She wore black gym shoes and held a red bag on her shoulder. Her skin was lightly tanned and she had an athlete's body. Lee was dressed in a green t-shirt, green short to match and wore plain white running shoes. He had an odd bowl cut haircut and very big eyebrows; his skin with lightly tanned and he always had such a big smile on his face. He was very built, since he spent most of his life working out to be a martial arts master and get into all the movies as a stunt man.

"D-Don't be so hard on him TenTen," Hinata smiled softly, "a-and thanks."

"You're way too nice Hinata-chan," TenTen smiled and ruffled her hair. "You guys ready to go to the dojo?"

"I heard that the Uchiha family is ready to buy all the Dojo buildings in town," Lee said walked on Hinata's left, while TenTen walked on Neji's right. "They might take over that business."

"The Hyuga's won't let that happen," Neji said with a smirk on his face, "Hiashi isn't one to let go of the martial arts franchise." He rolled his shoulders as they walked up to the Dojo and had a grim look on his face. "I hope that stuck up Uchiha is there again, hate that kid."

"Isn't he in your grade Hinata," TenTen asked as Hinata nodded.

"I've only see him in the hallways," she shrugged, "h-he usually surrounded b-by girls….o-or Naruto is yelling in his e-ear." Hinata giggled at the thought of Sasuke Uchiha's face as Naruto talked to him in an extra loud decibel. She turned away and entered before any of the others; she held open the door as the others walked through and blushed when, like Neji, half of the guys weren't wear any shirts. She looked away, "M-maybe this was a bad idea-"

"This was the best idea ever," TenTen said eyeing a few of the high school boys who were sitting in the back laughing with one another. She looked back to see Hinata messing with her phone, trying to learn how it works. "When did you get a new phone?"

"M-my birthday," she said not looking up. "But i-it was on of 'Th-those' gifts again." She sat down, her back to the building large window and TenTen sat next to her. Neji and Lee went over to a free mat and sparred with one another, a crowd of girls watching from in, and outside the shop. When Hinata said 'those gifts', everyone knew what she meant; on Christmas or her birthday, Hinata would get a gift from an unknown person. Ame would give it to her, and it was always beautifully wrapped and had a big purple bow on top, but there was no name and no card. Ame said it was from family, 'but then why would they hide the name?' Hinata always though as she opened the gift; this year she also got an electric guitar on Christmas, which never even put down for the first three weeks. She also got a big play book on famous musical songs and after she got Neji to show her how to play piano and then she began to practice everyday when she knew no one was home.

"You are so lucky," TenTen said with a smile, "I would kill for someone to secretly send me these awesome gifts."

"It's creepy TenTen," Hinata said in a whisper as she put the phone away. "It could be some crazy person that is watching me as I sleep a-and follow me around?" Hinata looked around quickly and ducked low out of the view of the window. Just as TenTen was about to say something, the door was slammed open and Hizashi was standing there with an evil glare and spotted both Hinata and Neji. "I-I'm dead."

"Hinata, Neji," he went to a scary no emotion face and spoke with a quiet voice. "Get in the car, now," a lot of the girl groaned as Neji walked away and Hinata slowly followed behind him, not looking up at Hizashi. They got into the car and were in complete silence. Ame looked back at them with a smirk on her face, "You guys are so dead, and you're making your teen year go down the drain."

"I'm still going to the Art school right," Neji asked looking at Hizashi through the rear-view mirror.

"Oh yeah, "he said not looking at him, "but expect very frequent visits from me and your mother."

Once they got home, Hinata and Neji were sent to their rooms and weren't allowed to leave the house until Hizashi and Ame felt like giving them freedom again. Hinata strummed her guitar a bit and she heard the Neji was on his piano playing. Then Hizashi yelled for them to stop because they were having fun. Hinata flopped back on her bed and just lied there. She grabbed her ipod and just let it play on shuffle until she fell asleep. It was tough for the next years, until Hinata finally go a letter back, saying she was allowed to attend the Art academy, she was even allowed to board there, since Neji was. Ame was so proud and Hinata got a package in the mail, but there was no return address, and inside was a dorm key and a note.

I heard the big news, and I'm so proud of you. I hope you wouldn't mind using this dorm, it use to be mine when I attended school. I hope it isn't too creepy.


A close relative

It was new, because this one was signed, but not a name. Ame and Hizashi send she should use it. Hinata didn't want to be rude and just send the key back, where ever it was from, and agreed to use it. And then over the summer Hinata was packing her things and getting ready to attend The Konoha Art Academy, which would reveal a whole new world to her.

Hope you like this new story that will have a lot of singing, play scenes, and maybe a bit of humor, but I'm not that funny, so don't get too excited. Leave me a nice review ^_^ Ja Ne