It's been a minute since I've updated this story, huh? Sorry about that...

Chapter 3

Being dragged out at six o clock on a Saturday morning isn't one thing DJ necessarily liked. Especially if you're a vampire who was out feeding until three o clock in the morning.

Maybe that's what the parents were hinting at when they told him he may want to come home early last night before he left. Maybe he shouldn't have brushed it off saying, "Don't worry, I'll be up the next day."

He should have known that they had a reason for their little message. He thought that his parents were trying to say something, but was too hungry to listen. So he had to hear his cranky pregnant mother yell after him, "Don't blame us tomorrow. Just remember those words!"

Now, he had to act…not tired… as they make their way to the airport in Charlottesville to welcome his Dad's Brother's family back to Fell's Church.
It was such a struggle to keep in his yawns and act nonchalantly as he plugged in his earphones.

As soon as he got there, he decided to act as though he had to go to the restroom and make a beeline for the coffee.

Lania yawned again as she jumped into her dad's truck. She hated waking up early, and more importantly, hated waking up early on one of the two days she could sleep in. But she guessed she could excuse it, since she was going to go meet her cousin (not by blood) that she'd been talking to for the last nine years of her life. Her dad said they'd met together before, and even played together, but she didn't remember anything from then. She was just too young when it happened.

She was excited to meet her finally.

Bonnita looked out the window, running her tongue over her braces unconsciously. She'd long ago blocked out her two younger sibling's bickering
and hollering.

With space limited, and the car bumping, Bon just wanted to get to wherever they were going as fast as possible. She also couldn't wait to get the braces off. They were constantly in the way whenever she wanted something. None of her clothes looked good if you had a mouthful of metal. And she couldn't have the things she wanted either. She vowed she would fit fifteen pieces of gum in her mouth as soon as she got them out.

Ricky's foot missed his target, which was Esa's arm, and hit Bonnita in the head… now that was one way to bring someone around, and get a reaction from them at the same time. Bonnita turned around and clobbered Ricky. "Why you little brat!" She yelled.

Meredith turned around, one of her "looks" stilled all three children.

When Bonnita tried to explain, she put up a hand. "I don't want to hear what happened. I just want it to stop. Got that?"

All three muttered in unison, "Yes Ma'am."

"Good." Before she turned around, Ricky asked a question.

"Mommy, where are we going?"

Meredith smiled. "You're going to meet one of your cousins."

Cousin? Bon wondered. Wonder who.

But even as she wondered, she remembered her parents talking about some family who lived in …Florence, was it? It was right after Aunt Elena and Uncle Stefan came to visit. Maybe that's who they were going to meet?

She was pretty sure, but she'd just have to wait to see when she got there.

Thanks again to V-girl98 for the wonderful idea!