0x-The Great Cookie Expedition-x0
-Part one-
Kaoru breathed in, buzzing the shadow king's doorbell.
Kyoya had told him to come some day; possibly not so soon but Kaoru was quite eager to find out where his senpai lived. He thought he might live in a cave somewhere, hanging upside down and sleeping and sucking blood 24/7.
But no, Kyoya lived in a normal, completely average, regular regular regular...mansion...as Haruhi would say *insert slightly offensive foul mouthed language here*
The front door swung open to reveal a tall dark haired fellow, scowling and rubbing his sleepy eyes. 'Who are you?' he demanded.
Kaoru shrank back a bit. 'Kaoru...is Kyoya-senpai here?'
The older man blinked groggily. 'Upstairs; don't go if you don't have a death wish...'
Kaoru grinned, 'Know that.'
The man moved aside to let the red headed Hitachiin in. But before Kaoru could even look at his surroundings, there was a snap of fingers and he was pushed down on to the sofa, a cup of coffee thrust into his hands by a frightened looking maid who then quickly scampered off. The man, who had opened the door, sat down on the coffee table, somehow having changed out of the nightwear he had been wearing in lightening speed and was now in a shirt and tie.
He pulled out a pencil and a notepad not unlike Kyoya's. 'Awfully sorry, but tradition is tradition,' he laughed, a hint of malice behind it. 'So...Kyoya...'
Kaoru blinked, supping his drink. 'What about him?'
'You are one of those hosts aren't you?'
The youngest Hitachiin nodded.
'Good, now what do you think of him?'
Kaoru's eyes widened, 'p-pardon?'
'What kind of person does he strike you as. How much respect does he earn?'
The younger answered quickly- 'Um, well we all respect him greatly most of the time...I guess he gives off a cool, calculating, smart vibe?'
The man took everything down, waving at him to continue.
'Um, well I believe that, contrary to what most, and himself, say, that Kyoya-senpai is a decent person and a nice guy. He says everything he does, he does for merit and I suppose thats true, but I think he likes to make people happy just as much as the next guy.'
After taking notes on all this, the black haired man glanced up at the red head. 'Good good, so you think that of my little brother, huh?'
Kaoru double took. 'You're senpai's brother?'
'Yes, does that bother you?'
Kaoru felt his cheeks heat up. 'So you'll tell him everything I've told you?'
The Ootori shrugged. 'Possibly, if it has merit. Now...back to the questions...'
Kaoru ditched his coffee and ran from the room, ignoring the second Ootori son's protests, straight into someone's open arms.
He was pressed to the, now obviously, females chest as she dashed down the hall with him and quickly into a room which she then locked. After hearing the mans footsteps disappear, she let Kaoru fall to the ground with a soft thump. The younger Hitachiin picked himself up, staring at the black haired woman who had saved -kidnapped- him.
'T-thanks,' he mumbled.
'S'okay Kaoru-kun,' she chirped. 'I'm Fuyumi, Kyoya's sister.'
Kaoru sweatdropped. No resemblance...whatsoever...
She sighed, 'all my brothers are so uptight; and my youngest is getting to be like that too...pity...wanna cookie?'
A large tray of cookies were thrust in his face, and he took one, munching on its chocolaty goodness carefully.
'I baked them myself. Kyoya says that I should just let the maids do it but thats no fun...he also says I should stay in my own house with my husband and all, buuuuuuut,' she turned and winked at Kaoru, who just grinned, 'I never listen to him!'
Kaoru grinned. She was a hell of a lot nicer than the brother.
'You can wait in the spare room up the stairs until lazybones wakes up and I'll tell him you're here.'
Kaoru nodded. The tray was dropped into his hands. 'These cookies will keep you going.'
Fuyumi pushed him out the door, into the long hallway. Kaoru sighed, counting twelve cookie on the tray. I'll bring some home to Hikaru...
Walking up the stairs, Kaoru found the room Fuyumi was talking about. Well, it was hard to miss the big neon yellow sign saying- spare room here. Kaoru balanced the cookie tray on one arm and opened the door with the other. Upon opening the door though, he noticed the room was already occupied with a man on a blue laptop.
He turned, glaring at the red head standing stunned in the doorway. 'I'm busy- Kyoya's down the hall. But before you leave, gimme a cookie.'
Kaoru quickly offered him a biscuit which he grasped, and then went back to his work, first kicking Kaoru out of the room, less than politely. Kaoru grumbled, making his way down the hall to the room which was marked- Kyoya.
He took out a marker and scrawled- Aka. Shadow king from very depths of hell- underneath it.
He giggled, entering the room without knocking. 'Kyoooooooya senpaiiiiiiiiiii!'
There was no answer, and he was greeted by an empty sitting room. Oh...he must be upstairs...dont have a death wish...dont want to wake him.
Kaoru just sat down on the sofa, eating another cookie. Getting bored quickly he stood back up and waltzed over to the bookshelf. It was full of business books and files that quickly bored Kaoru so he wandered over to the swivel chair and twirled it. That bored him too after...about half an hour so he wandered round and round and round until...
~Gulityyyyy beautyyyyyyy loooooove~
Kaoru blinked. Tono's obnoxious ringtone was not coming from his phone. He had turned it off after several blasts of 'Bokura no lovestyle' courtesy of his over protective older brother. That left Kyoya's phone.
That sound would be enough to wake the dead...he has to be awake!
Padding up the stairs, Kaoru threw open the door...just to see that Kyoya was snoring softly through the blast of hideous music. Kaoru sweatdropped.
The sleeping boy gave a little sniffling sound in his sleep, rolling over so he had his back to the offending mobile on his dressing table. Kaoru smiled. He was so much more...unthreatening when he was asleep.
So with that, not quite realizing why he was doing it, Kaoru clambered up on top of his senpai's bed, almost looming over the shadow lord. Kyoya was snoring softly, his small black notebook abandoned beside him.
'Woah...,' Kaoru mumbled out loud, 'he looks so peaceful and serene...'
At the sound of his voice, Kyoya stirred. Kaoru double took, scrambling off his senpai, grabbing the notebook as he crawled at break neck speed to the foot of the bed, lying o his stomach and pretended to read.
The shadow king groaned, reaching for his phone, grumbling at all Tamaki's missed calls. Kaoru decided to make his presence known. 'Oh, so you're finally awake.'
Kyoya made a look of complete and utter horror as he took in the appearance of the red head on his bed.
'Good morning Kyoya-senpai, I'm hungry.'