Hey all, long time no update. I know I know! I'm sorry! (sobs pathetically) Please forgive me!

Disclaimer: I own Nothing!

Lee was ashamed, he was failing miserably at learning the skills he would need for the mission... and Ibiki was going to tell him that he would give the mission to another... Lee had failed without ever going on the mission. Ibiki had trusted him... had believed in him, he let him down.

Lee's face was flushed in shame. "Sensei... I am sorry... I will try harder... I will learn the necessary skills... you have my word. You have placed your trust in me, I will not let you down."

Ibiki grunted, his eyes studying Lee seriously. Ibiki's eyes flicked over to Sparrow and Fox. "Hall."

Fox and Sparrow started out the door, Ibiki added, "Don't do anything that will require me to counsel you."

Sparrow rubbed his shoulder and nodded, Fox did not respond for a second then gave a sharp nod.

When the classroom door closed Ibiki turned his enigmatic gaze on Lee once more. "Lee I understand you are having difficulty..."

"No! Sensei... please, I can do this." Lee gasped, he would not fail!

Ibiki simply watched Lee for a moment without expression, and then spoke. "I would not ask this mission of you if you were not perfectly suited to it."

"I understand Sensei." Lee held his breath praying Ibiki would give him another chance.

"The training will get more intense from here." Ibiki warned his gaze piercing.

Lee shivered at Ibiki's dark tone, but raised his chin determinedly. "I promise I will not let you down." Lee vowed firmly.

"As a way of reinforcing the lessons you will receive a swat from the paddle." Ibiki gestured to a wood paddle that was hung on the classroom wall. "Whenever I don't feel you are fully participating in a lesson."

Lee looked at the wood paddle, his stomach clenched in a tight little ball of fear but he nodded prying his eyes off the object with difficulty. "I understand Sensei."

Ibiki grunted, a skeptical sound that made Lee more determined than ever not to fail. Ibiki turned and walked back to the classroom door and opened it, for a moment he glared out the door then gestured for Fox and Sparrow to enter.

Ibiki walked over to stand before Lee once more. "Although you have not mastered the previous lesson, we will move on to the next lesson and return to it at a later time."

Fox and Sparrow had walked over and now stood to the side waiting, Ibiki gestured Sparrow forward and nodded at Lee. Sparrow faced Lee and took him firmly in his arms, Lee's breath caught but he made an effort not to tense even as his cock swelled at the feel of Sparrow's body against his and his face heated in a deep blush.

"The next lesson is intercourse." Ibiki stated blandly.

Lee's heart skipped a beat, 'intercourse'... Lee clenched his fists against Sparrow's chest fighting his panicked urge to flee as the man's arms reached around behind him slid down his uniform and parted his cheeks, tears trailed down Lee's cheeks and his throat was thick and dry in fear.

Lee felt another set of hands touch him they cupped his hips a moment before slipping down to rub a slick finger over Lee's hole, having heard that people did these things and seeing diagrams was much different than knowing it was about to be done to him...

Ibiki's words about relaxing the muscles came back to Lee but he could not relax... his muscles instinctively clenched tight in resistance at the first soft brush of the man's finger... although the light brush felt good and Lee's cock swelled harder that only filled Lee with more panic.

The finger continued softly circling, it felt so good that Lee's breath caught and a soft moan came from his lips followed by a frightened whimper and he clenched his ass tightly.


Lee looked over at Ibiki and saw him nod to Sparrow. Sparrow's arms fell from around Lee's body and Lee wavered slightly as his wobbly legs were forced to bear his weight unassisted.

Fox had also stepped back.

"Part of being uke is being willing to accept the pleasure the seme can give you... You seem to be having a great deal of difficulty with that." Ibiki remarked in a dry tone as he walked over and removed the paddle from the wall.

Lee's eyes widened and he blanched, Ibiki... the head of torture and interrogation, was going to paddle him. Lee stared at Ibiki's face with blatant terror; Ibiki's cold eyes studied Lee as he walked back over to stand before him. "You may choose who you wish to administer the 'correction'."

Lee swallowed hard and pried his eyes off Ibiki darting a look at first Sparrow then Fox, Sparrow had cum in his mouth and also... taken Lee's cock in his mouth...

Lee looked away briefly, and then met Ibiki's eyes. "Fox, Sensei... I would like Fox to administer my correction."

Ibiki didn't so much as blink as he handed the paddle to Fox, "Three strikes. For every time we have to stop the lesson to administer correction it will increase in increments of 3."

Lee nodded. Ibiki's eyes glittered, "Place your hands on Sparrow's hips and bend over."

Lee complied, his hands cupping Sparrow's hips lightly. As Fox swung the paddle and it hit Lee's ass with a resounding clap the pain was terrible and Lee cried out tears immediately forming and rolling down his cheeks. That was only the first! Lee closed his eyes a moment trying to brace for the next.


Lee opened his eyes and looked up at Ibiki, Ibiki's face was deadpan. "Touch Sparrow's cock." Lee quickly complied his hand resting on Sparrow's cock without moving; he couldn't take the chance of adding to the swats he was already going to receive. Sparrow's cock flushed hard under his touch and Lee's hand jumped as he resisted his urge to yank his hand away. After a moment Ibiki nodded, "You may remove your hand."

Lee did and whimpered, cringing as he saw Ibiki nod to Fox, again the paddle connected with Lee's bare ass and he could not stop the loud cry he made at the pain of the blow. Lee's ass throbbed viciously, he wasn't sure he could bear another strike on his already flaming ass. Lee trembled.


Lee looked up at Ibiki once more, Ibiki's aloof expression had not changed. "You have a choice, receive the last strike or take Sparrow's cock in your mouth... he will not cum."

Lee was desperate the pain of his throbbing ass made the idea not so horrific, Lee's hand shook as he raised Sparrow's shirt and reached for the fastenings of Sparrow's pants... the memory of choking as Sparrow thrust into his mouth stopped him. Lee looked up at Ibiki. "I can not." Ibiki nodded to Fox and Fox raised the paddle, Lee glanced back at Fox in terror and felt the firm strike hit his already burning ass.

Lee cried out and bowed his head, his tears dripping from his cheeks to the floor. Sparrow's hands slipped under Lee's arm's gently and drew him up into lay against his chest, the gesture was almost comforting and for a moment Lee relaxed before realizing he was laying pressed against Sparrow's body very intimately. Lee stiffened slightly but Sparrow's arms did not loosen.

"We will continue with the lesson." Ibiki asserted in and uncompromising tone. Lee felt the light stroke of Fox's fingers once more and surrendered to it dipping his head forward to rest against Sparrow's chest and trying to relax his muscles as Ibiki had instructed.


Ibiki watched Lee a moment speculatively, the young man was more resistant to giving in to his nature that Ibiki has anticipated, they had to find a way to break through this block Lee had on accepting his body's normal responses.

Lee looked up at Ibiki his face distressed and full of shame. "Sensei... I am sorry... I will try harder... I will learn the necessary skills... you have my word. You have placed your trust in me, I will not let you down."

Ibiki gave a disbelieving snort, it wasn't that simple. Ibiki could see Lee's fear behind the embarrassed shame that colored his face, Ibiki softened slightly. Lee was used to fighting for everything, paying with pain for things that came to others so naturally.

Ibiki glanced over to Fox and Sparrow and curtly directed, "Hall." Sparrow and Fox promptly turned to leave and Ibiki noted their stiff posture... "Don't do anything that will require me to counsel you." Ibiki warned, his eyes savage, he didn't have time to baby-sit those two, they needed to behave or the next counseling they would receive would take even Fox a few days to recover from.

Sparrow immediately unconsciously rubbed his shoulder although Ibiki knew the bruises had probably begun to fade. Fox however did not move for several minutes as if debating if thrashing Sparrow would be worth the price he'd have to pay... then nodded his acceptance.

Ibiki turned his attention to Lee as the door closed. "Lee I understand you are having difficulty..."

Lee looked stricken and he pleaded, "No! Sensei... please, I can do this."

Ibiki studied Lee seriously, not only could Lee do this, he NEEDED to do this... It was only a matter of time before he would be unable to function on assignments with this 'problem', it was only due to Lee's strength of character that he'd been able to continue like this for so long. "I would not ask this mission of you if you were not perfectly suited to it."

"I understand Sensei." Lee replied his gaze hopeful, Ibiki nearly sighed, if the young man only took his own needs as seriously as he did the villages they wouldn't even be here.

"The training will get more intense from here." Ibiki warned, it had come to a point where it really was imperative Lee learn this, not for just a fictional mission but for the sake of any missions he wished to have from this point forward... If they couldn't break through Lee's resistance then Ibiki was going to have to report that Lee needed to be taken off mission status... he couldn't be allowed to risk his team mates lives by being 'distracted', a nin must be fully focused on the mission.

Lee seemed to know how serious this was, he nodded solemnly and again assured, "I promise I will not let you down."

Lee would need some extra help, a few swats from a paddle would not damage him and aught to eliminate Lee's resistance to cumming by illustrating there were worse things that could happen. "As a way of reinforcing the lessons you will receive a swat from the paddle whenever I don't feel you are fully participating in a lesson." Ibiki gestured to the wood paddle on the wall.

Lee blanched but nodded and replied, "I understand Sensei."

Ibiki knew Gai's competitive streak had been passed down to his student and purposefully gave a doubtful grunt, Lee's eyes hardened with determination. Ibiki pretended not to notice as he walked away and opened the door for Sparrow and Fox, immediately noting by his men's posture that while they had not gotten physical they hadn't spent the time peacefully...

Ibiki warned them with his eyes that they were walking a very thin line then gestured them in and turned from the door. Ibiki walked back to stand before Lee as Sparrow and Fox walked in closed the door and took their places to the side.

Ibiki had come to the conclusion the slow approach was unsuccessful, he had suspected it would be, however he'd wanted to try the 'gentler' approach first... now it was crash course time. "Although you have not mastered the previous lesson, we will move on to the next lesson and return to it at a later time." Ibiki indicated for Sparrow to approach and hold Lee in his arms.

Ibiki noticed Lee's body stiffened... in more than one way, and his face heated but he made no effort to resist and it was apparent he was attempting not to react... but he would. "The next lesson is intercourse." Ibiki instructed bluntly. Lee did react but not as strongly as he would have before their 'little talk'. Lee's posture stiffened and his hands balled on Sparrow's chest.

Ibiki nodded to Sparrow and Sparrow slipped the loose fabric of Lee's uniform down exposing his pale round cheeks of his ass. Lee shivered but aside from that didn't react until Sparrow's hands spread the cheeks of his ass, then tears welled in his eyes and ran down his cheeks.

While tears were not optimal, it was not resistance. Ibiki waved Fox forward and Fox gently cupped Lee's hips getting him familiar with the feel of his hands, then wet a finger with lube and feathered it lightly over the entrance to Lee's body. Lee's muscles tightened... Ibiki gave Lee a few moments, it was a natural reaction to the unfamiliar feel and in a moment Lee should be able to relax as he realized the pleasure of the touch.

Lee's mouth parted as he became aroused and he moaned in pleasure... then to Ibiki's disappointment, but not surprise Lee whimpered in terror and clenched his muscles against the pleasurable sensation.

"Lee." Ibiki censured firmly. As Lee looked at him Ibiki nodded for both Fox and Sparrow to step away. Lee swayed before his legs firmed to bear his weight. "Part of being uke is being willing to accept the pleasure the seme can give you... You seem to be having a great deal of difficulty with that." Ibiki's faintly critical tone displayed the right mix of disappointment and command that made clear that the action that was about to be taken was one Lee had brought upon himself... and had been avoidable.

Ibiki walked slowly over and removed the paddle from the wall. Lee paled, his eyes alarmed but as Ibiki walked over to stand before Lee he noted Lee wasn't staring at the paddle in fear... he was staring at him.

It wasn't the paddle as much as Ibiki himself that terrified Lee, "You may choose who you wish to administer the 'correction'." Ibiki allowed, his tone carefully indifferent. It would be interesting to see which, Sparrow or Fox, Lee choose as more trustworthy...

Lee looked between Sparrow and Fox, then averted his eyes a moment before looking up at Ibiki and announcing. "Fox, Sensei... I would like Fox to administer my correction."

While Ibiki didn't outwardly allow his reaction to show he found Lee's reply both interesting and discouraging. While Sparrow had frightened him by his rough treatment in cumming in Lee's mouth, he'd also given Lee pleasure... Fox had only held him... and yet Lee found Fox to be more trustworthy... that did not say good things about how Lee viewed receiving pleasure... he was equating it with something bad. The thought 'inspired' Ibiki even as he handed Fox the paddle. "Three strikes. For every time we have to stop the lesson to administer correction it will increase in increments of 3."

Lee nodded in understanding, Ibiki doubted he'd need to be corrected more than twice... at 6 strikes Lee would be very likely to find almost anything more pleasant than receiving more. "Place your hands on Sparrow's hips and bend over." Ibiki instructed, putting his plan into action and turning this correction into an opportunity to make a step forward.

Lee obediently did as directed, and Ibiki nodded to Fox, Fox delivered a firm swat to Lee's pale ass. Lee yelped, and tears slid down his flushed face, Ibiki watched calmly. As Lee tried to steel himself for the next blow Ibiki smoothly interjected, "Lee. Touch Sparrow's cock."

Lee immediately obeyed and even when Sparrow's cock noticeably swelled Lee did not remove his hand. Ibiki gave an approving nod and droned in a matter-of-fact tone. "You may remove your hand."

Lee immediately did, Ibiki nodded to Fox and heard Lee's frightened whine seconds before the paddle hit Lee's bare ass once more. Lee's wail was louder as his already sore flesh was further abused.

"Lee." Ibiki called, Lee looked up with an anguished gaze. "You have a choice, receive the last strike or take Sparrow's cock in your mouth... he will not cum." Ibiki hoped this would work, and for a moment it looked like it would. Lee reached out his hand, drew Sparrow's shirt up and his hand settled on the fastenings of Sparrow's pants...

Then Lee's hand froze and he looked up at Ibiki, his eyes full of distress. "I can not."

Ibiki swallowed his dissatisfaction and simply nodded to Fox. Fox delivered the last hard clap to Lee's reddened ass and although Ibiki was disappointed by Lee's choice, it was very clear Fox was not.

Ibiki could see by Fox's posture that he was delighted and amused that Lee would rather be paddled than take Sparrow in his mouth again... Sparrow however was distressed, although he hid it well Ibiki could still see it.

What Fox didn't realize however was that in his delight at Lee's choice he was inadvertently aiding Sparrow. Lee's head had bowed, his cheeks damp with tears, and Sparrow tenderly pulled Lee up to lay against him comforting him with his reassuring hold. Lee leaned into the offered compassion gratefully for a few moments before straightening and attempting to draw slightly back.

"We will continue with the lesson." Ibiki instructed resolutely, he was determined, the Leaf village would not loose Lee after all the training that young man had done to reach this rank.

Ibiki took the paddle from Fox; Fox was watching Sparrow and Lee having just realized his folly. Ibiki nodded for Fox to resume where they'd left off, Fox knelt behind Lee once more and dampened his fingers. As Fox's finger returned to teasing the sensitive ring of muscles, Lee's head dipped forward to lay against Sparrows chest in acceptance... both of Fox's touch and Sparrow's comfort.