Southern Cooking


Morning After

Rogue had a killer headache. Mystique had used her yet again and now an evil mutant was running lose and it was all her fault. If she were stronger, if she could just understand, or better yet control her powers maybe this wouldn't had happened. That's why when she opened her eyes she was determined to go straight to the danger room to make herself stronger. However, she was surprised to see Logan sitting beside her.

"Hey kid."

"Hi Logan." Rogue smiled back letting one stray tear run down her face. At that moment she wanted nothing more than to jump in his arms and cry her heart out. But she wouldn't. She had to be strong it was a shame that Irene; Mystique could affect her in such a way.

"How you doing Stripes." Logan asked rhetorically.

"Im fine I was thankin bout getting some practice in taday in the danga room ya know." She twisted a lock of grey hair around her index figure waiting for Logan's response.

"I think you should take it easy for a minute Stripes."

"But Logan ah …"

"Look I know you don't want everyone tending to you in bed and all but you need time for your body to recuperate."

"I feel fine Logan."

Logan set his face into an unreadable mask scanning over the girl who he considered to be his daughter. She looked a mess. Bruises, puffy eyes, paler than usual (if anything could get whiter than what she already was), and she reeked of desperation. It nearly caused his nostrils to close. She was defiantly not ready for any X-Men activity for a while.

"No Rogue I think we both know you ain't up to it."

"I said I'm fine Logan."

"And I said ya aint."

"Well what do you expect me to do all day? My homework? Read stupid romance novels that can never apply to me? Pretend to like shopping with the girls? What? I'll suffocate in here!"

Sighing, "Maybe you should get a new hobby besides those darn books they fill yer head with nonsense anyway."

Rogue huffed looking towards the window as Logan left. What the heck was she going to do with all her free time? She pulled herself off the bed onto two feet feeling slightly nauseous but made her way to the kitchen. She was hungry and she needed more than two bites of an apple to satisfy her discomfort. Unfortunately Kitty was cooking.

"Hey Rogue like you look like crap you should be in bed!"

"Why thanks Kit, you look perty as well." Rogue sneered eyeing the strange food Kitty was cooking.

"Well like since you're here I wanted to like make you some comfort food today."

"Then what's tat?'

"Oh this is like the gravy for your like biscuits." Kitty pointed to a tray of perfectly poised biscuits, but looks could be deceiving. Rogue 'accidently' knocked one off causing it to dent the floor while Kitty was burning the 'gravy'.

"Kit I thank its high time ya went an got some cooking lessons."

"Like I got food class in like school so don't worry about it. Maybe you're the one that needs to learn how to like cook."

"Well maybe yer right bout tat Kit." She pondered over that. How hard could cooking lessons be? She could already, unbeknownst to her peers, cook so it wouldn't be stressful. Plus she could learn something new.

Hunger forgotten she went to her room searching for cooking classes nearby.

"Italian no … Spanish umm … American maybe … seafood … steak Logan'll like tat … desserts can do already … German no … sushi eww gross… well let me see." She spoke out loud before finding a southern cooking class. Lucy her they still had a few spots open and the classes were cheap. Content that she had something to keep her mind preoccupied with from her past failures she crept back into bed tired.

Next week she'd be starting her classes; little did she know a certain someone else had the exact same idea in mind.

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Thanks (set after the episodes)