AN: Oh my gosh guys! Guess what! No more copy and pasting from my old story, we're starting fresh right here, yo. (Yah, I know, it's really, really short, but guess what, its a filler chpter so shuttup.) Oh, guess what. Alright, polka-dots-rock is like the best reviewer ever. Okay.

Disclaimer: Hehe, me owning Twilight is like an ugly Edward Cullen. Not happening.


I woke up groggy and disgusting on the first official morning of Spring Break.

Looking over at Bellas sleeping form, I decided not to wake her yet. She looked so cute curled around my side that it seemed horrible to even think about waking her up. I guess I'll just shower first.

I lugged myself out of the comfertable bed and grabbed some jeans and boxers before scurrying off to the bathroom.

As I lathered my hair with shampoo and cleansed my body I thought of the week we had planned. Oh yeah, thats right, wed on't have anything planned. Are we really just going to sit around all week doing nothing? Wouldn't that be fun? Well, I guess Bella could make it fun, she knows how to liven up anything.

"Edward! I have to pee!" accompanied the loud bangs on the door as Bella made her presense known.

I realized I'd been in the shower a little bit longer then usual then rinsed off and hurried out. I wrapped my towel around my waist, without even drying myself off, and rushed out the door so Bella could use the bathroom.

"Finally!" Bella laughed as I slammed open the door. Bella stopped jumping around for a minute and I saw something spak in her eyes. "Wow, uh, yah, pee..." she stammered, looking up from my wet body and bolting in the bathroom.

I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my face as I walked down the hallway and into my room.

I dried myself off quickly and pulled on my clothes, deciding to forget about the shirt for now.

I decided to make Bella and myself breakfast as I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. So anything stove related is definately out of the equation if I'm making the food, so a bowl of cerail will do for now. I was pooring milk into Bella's bowl of Fruity Pebbles when she came downstairs with wet hair and a huge smile.

"Cute," I smiled, looking at her tank top and shorts. "Cute yourself. I think you should make me Fruity Pebbles without a shirt more often, Masen," she giggled and slid into the chair closest to her. I couldn't help but chuckle, "hm, maybe I'll do just that."

We sat across from each other eating in silence for a while.

"Hm, so I know what I want to do today," she smirked as she took the next bite of her fruity breakfast. Ut-oh.

"And what's that?" I tried to keep my cool.

She giggled a little and took another bite before answering me. "I wanna give you a make over."


"Uh-uh, no way, your not coming anywhere near me with your evil make over equiptment."

"Masen, you make it sound like I'm cutting your hair of and permently painting your manhood green." She laughed as I gulped. Permenately paainting my- WHAT? No, how could she even think of such a thing? Evil, evil little girl.

"You think saying that is going to get you anywhere? I don't think so!"

"Please? I promise its nothing big! Just a little eyeliner and an outfit I selected a few days ago." Oh god. She had this planned?

The little puppy dog pout she gave me was not helping with this whole denying her thing.

Bella immediately perked up, ugh, I guess she knows shes winning here.

"Please, Masen? Please?" she begged, pouting a little more.

UGH! "Fine, you can do whatever you want, just no cutting my hair! ... Or painting any part of me, for that matter."

She jumped out of her chair and ran over to hug me then ran for the stairs. "Yay! I can't believe you said yes! Oh my gosh, I have to call Alice!"

ALICE? Ut-oh.

Ok, so this is the last chapter by LemmonHead x D: but now my chapters will start coming up! :D