AN: Okay, there's some changes, so if you decide to re-read this you won't be reading the same exact thing that was on my other account. Ad if you're new to reading this don't judge the story on this chapter, I wrote it so long ago and I don't think its any good. Lol. The next chapter should be up within a few days, maybe even sooner.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, the charactors, or any other thing you recognize, I just play with them for my own benefit and hopefully yours. I'm not making any more. Don't sue me, please.

1. Best 's POV, age 10

I sat quietly on the bench at the playground pulling at the loose strings on my shorts. I always fidgeted when I was nervous, and today definitely wasn't an exception.

I'm getting adopted today. A boy is too, by the same family. I think his name's Edward or something. I get to meet him tomorrow.

Why would someone want to adopt me though? I'm already 10! They can't raise me and pretend like I was always theirs like they could if they adopted a younger girl.

What if they're mean? What if after they take me home they don't like me? I wouldn't put it past them. I mean if a mom can give her a daughter away what can new people do to a girl they just met?

Edward's POV, age 11

I laid quietly on my bed tugging at the strands of my crazy hair. I thought people were supposed to be happy when they get adopted? Not scared.

What if they don't want me either? What if they like the girl, Bella, who they're also adopting better?

... I guess it'll be cool to have a sister though. I wonder if she knows who's adopting us. All I know is they don't have any kids and they're really rich.

If they're rich why would they want me? I'm poor and alone. I never met my mom and my dad is addicted to every drug in the book.

What if they change their mind and don't want me? My dad didn't.


I'm so nervous. I'm meeting Edward today.

Will he like me? What if he doesn't?

He's only a few months older than me. He was born in October and I was born in March.

We're going to meet at the park today. I'm kind of scared.

What if he thinks I'm a useless klutz like all the other kids do?


Why do I have to meet Bella today?

I already know she won't like me, so there's no point. Girls probably wish their brother plays football, guitar, or something, but I don't. I play the piano.

She'll think it's lame. She won't like me. I'm sure of it.


"Bella, honey? Your new adopted brother, Edward, will be here soon," Allison, the lady at the orphanage, said as she hung up her cell phone.

We were currently sitting at an old, broken picnic table at the park.

"Alright." I wonder what he looks like.

Is he nice? Will he like me? Is he nervous about being adopted? A million questions were running through my head.

"Hey Allison," said an unfamiliar guy. He was walking towards us. It seemed like Allison knew him, though.

"Hey David. Where's Edward?" Allison asked while looking around for Edward, I assume.

"Oh, he's coming. He's just nervous. He's worried that Bella won't like him. I think he's still in the car," David, the unfamiliar guy, said. I guess he was the man that works at the orphanage where Edward lives.

Why would Edward think that, though? I mean, I'd thought the same thing as he did, but that's because no one seems to really like me. I hope he likes me. I know that I'll probably like him.

"Well, Bella likes everyone. Even when they don't deserve it, but they don't like her back," Allison bragged about me, like she always seems to do. I suppose she does it since it's a part of her job to brag about kids so that they will be adopted. Maybe bragging so much has turned it into a habit for her.

"Maybe . . . I could go get him to come out?" I asked, getting a little bit anxious.

"Um, okay. He's in the only other car in the parking lot besides yours. Unless he's decided to run away . . ." David laughed at his own joke, even if it wasn't funny at all.

I mean, I do think he's nice. He's just not funny.

I got up from my seat on the bench and walked to a blue car in the parking lot.

And sure enough, there was a boy sitting in the front seat watching me walk towards him. Obviously he was Edward.

The first thing I noticed about him were his eyes. They were really pretty and sparkling emerald green. His hair was messy and a strange mix of brown and red. I've never seen that hair color before. It's pretty.


I'm sitting in the front seat of Dave's car because I was nervous and to scared to get out.

Suddenly, I see a girl about my age walking towards me. Is that Bella? She has really pretty brown hair that's down to the middle of her back. It looks all shiny and smooth. And her eyes are so pretty even though they're just brown.

I must've gotten caught up in my thoughts because next thing I know she's at my window.

"H-hi, I'm Isabella, but you should call me Bella. That's what people who know me call me. but you don't have to if you don't want. I just prefer it to Isabella," She started rambling. She's probably as nervous as I am.

"Um, I'm Edward," I said back lamely.

"I know that, silly." She smiled brightly at me and I couldn't resist smiling back.

"But that doesn't explain why you're still sitting in the car," she continued. Ugh, I'm so not telling her I was scared! No way! Then she'll think I'm stupid.

"I . . . um . . . I-I don't know why . . ." Gosh I'm such a dork! Now she probably thinks I'm retarded!

"It's okay, I'm nervous to," she blushed slightly and looked down to her feet, "but I want to at least know one person in my new family, so..." she trailed off and I smiled and reached for the door handle.

"Let's go on the swings! That's what I always do when I come here," she said excitedly as she saw the door creak open.

That's actually what I do when I come here too. However, I've never had someone come with me, so it's not a lot of fun.

"Okay, let's go," I said. I was excited now too.

I got out of the car and we ran to the swings.

We just sat on them without swinging while we talked for a while.

"What's your favorite color?" she asked and started swaying slightly.

"I like blue. What's about you?"

"It changes every now and then. Today I like brown," she smiled and I snickered at her.

"Why? Don't girls like pink or something?" I asked curiously.

"I like brown because it's warm. Like sand and tree trunks. Not that you see many brown tree trunks here. They're all covered by green stuff. And yes, some girls girls do like pink, but I don't. I'm not your average girl. Call me weird if you want, but it's true." I laughed at that. I thought girls liked to fi in with everyone else, not stand out or be different.

"That's not weird. It actually makes sense," I said, speaking my thoughts aloud.

We sat and talked some more. Probably for hours, but I don't care. I liked talking to Bella. I could be myself with her. And she didn't laugh when I told her I played the piano. Instead, she thought it was really cool. Then we got to a really hard question to answer.

"Why do you live in the orphanage? I mean you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I just… um, well—" I started rambling, but she cut me off.

"No, it's okay. My mom brought me to the orphanage when I was 7 years old. She was always drunk and we lived in my car. We used to live with my grandma before that. She was really mean, but it was somewhere to live. Anyway, when we were living there, my grandma died and my mom couldn't keep her house because she used all the money on beer and stuff. That's when we started sleeping in the car. My mom slept in the back seat and I slept curled up on the front seat. I used to wake up in pain but I didn't complain. Then one day my mom got drunk even more than she usually did. I didn't think that was possible, but it happened. And she said that she didn't want to feel the pain of making decisions. I had no clue what she meant. That was until she bought me to the orphanage the next day and said I would be happier there. Then she just left after saying it hurts but that doesn't matter. She didn't say 'I love you' or anything. Not even a 'goodbye'. She just left. She was wrong, though; I wasn't happy. I cried a lot at first, but then I got used to it. But sometimes I still get sad. I feel so empty . . ." she trailed off at the end. She was crying so much that it was hard to watch.

I got off my swing, went over, and gave her a big hug without thinking. However, she hugged back and cried on my shoulder until she calmed down.

"Thanks. You make me feel better about it," she said and smiled at me through her tears. I beamed at her. She made me feel happier too.

"I was going to ask you the same question that you asked me, but now that I think about it, I'm sad enough for myself and I don't think I'd be able to handle being sad for you too," no one was every sad for me before...

"Okay, you can ask me later if you want," I said as she nodded her head against my shoulder.


I feel like such a dork. This is the first time I've met Edward and I'm already crying on his shoulder.

That is so lame! He probably doesn't want me to be his sister anymore. He probably thinks he'll have to protect me all the time and I'll be a problem in his life.

"Bella?" he asked quietly.

"Hm?" I asked nervously. What's he going to say? 'Go away?' 'Stop crying?' 'You're a baby?'

"I feel a lot better about being adopted now that I know you're going to be there. I mean, if that's weird or whatever sorry, but-" he looked at me nervously as I pulled out of his hug.

"No, I know what you mean, I feel like we're going to be good friends," I admitted and felt my face heat up at my statement.

"Me too," he smiled.