Have you ever played Monopoly? It's a muggle game that you probably know. That almost never ending game by Hasbro and the Parker Brothers...wait. How did I know that? Oh yeah. Hermione. Yeah. I feel like I landed on one of those "Chance" squares got one of those cards that say, "Go to Jail, don't pass go, and don't collect $200."

I wonder why I had to wait until today. Wait until I knew I couldn't do anything about things anymore. I feel stupid, sick and useless – oh and believe me, this isn't the first time. Every damn time I see my brother with the woman I love the most, this is how it feels like. And if you want me to make a detailed account about it, this is about as detailed as it gets: "It makes me feel like shit."

Oh, and to top it all off, they're getting married. Today. And here I am. Beside my brother during his wedding day because his best friend was on an Auror mission and couldn't make it. Nothing Ron dare protest to, anyway. Harry's been away for months, Ron would've to understand that, yeah? I wish they waited for him to come back though. Maybe then I would've… fuck it. What's done is done. And I don't have a time turner to use to go back.

Smiles. Incredibly misleading things, aren't they? They all think I'm happy. That's supposed to be a good thing… but it's not. Just because I'm generally a very cheerful character, doesn't mean I can't be… sad. George. He was genuinely happy. He loved seeing the both of them together. He'd often talk me out of telling her anything. Bullocks that I allowed him to.

I could see him now, staring daggers at me, probably trying to tell me to keep it together. Heh. As if I could. Hermione was walking down the aisle. The things I'd do to be Ron right now. Spend my entire life with this extremely lovely woman. I know I sound like lovesick teenager. I can't help it.

She made it to the altar now, her hands on Ron's, eyes staring lovingly at him. I feel like dropping dead right there just to stop this wedding. And this feeling. This useless, helpless feeling. I want none of it. The two have finished their vows. The priest asks for people who want to, 'speak now, or forever hold their peace', I'm tempted to raise my hand. I try. George keeps it down.

"You may kiss—"

"I love Hermione Granger."

They all look at me as if I'm mental. I probably am – doing this to my brother. Ron looks mortified. Hermione let go of his hands. She starts to cry. I tried to reach out – but she starts running. Towards me. Then I figured there was no real need to reach out. I just to welcome the woman I loved with open arms. She wraps her arms around my neck, and buries her head into chest.

"I was wondering when you'd say that." She looks up at me. She smiles. It was nothing like the travesty of a smile I tried making for her a while ago. It was real.

"You may kiss the bride," Ron says, trying to smile. I looked at him, and he gave me a nod. One I bet said, 'it's ok.'

And I did. And I don't think I could ever fake a smile again.

this is one of my... lol-worthy attempts at fluff. R&R, please? :)