Flowers for Donna

Donna Temple- Noble was walking home, exhausted. She didn't know what it was that made her so tired during the day, she had been to see so many people and it never seemed to be enough. After winning that lottery ticket, she had become bored, that was until the day she saw an old lady being insulted by her daughter. She had marched straight up to the woman and told her where to step off, after that Donna had set about caring for the old woman, who died in her garden in the spring. A garden that Donna had helped her grow by doing all the things that the chair had disallowed her from being able to do.

She had emerged as someone in the world's service, continually scanning the headlines for what was wrong and there was so much wrong. She wrote letters to heads of state in the morning, saw to the sick on her street during midday and in the afternoon it was time to volunteer at whatever shelter happened to need some extra hands. Her husband was just as busy as she was, he had taken a job at the free clinic after the win because he could help people without the money needing to be more than it could. He loved his wife even more now that she was setting out to help so many. The nights were reserved for them.

She came upon her doorstep and looked down to see a rose sitting there. She picked it up and smelled it. There was a note attached to it and she read it. "To Donna- who for a shining moment was the most important woman in the universe... and still is". She put it on the table, this kind of thing happened on this same day every year. They weren't sent by her husband, she had asked Shaun and he had told her that she most likely had a secret admirer and that was more than understandable. She shrugged and put it in a vase of water so that it would stay for a while longer. Though she knew that all things had their time.

"Friend of yours, Doctor?" Amy Pond asked as the two watched from the other side of the road.

"A very good friend," the Doctor said.

Amy didn't know what to do with him, often times like this, he would look off and be so sad. She would try and ask him where they were going but he would just shrug and pull a few switches and then the inevitable would happen...

"Alright, let's go! Everything in the world is open to us!" the Doctor said clapping his hands.

"Yes, let's go," Amy said startled but happy that he was out of his funk.

The two turned and went into the TARDIS. Soon it disappeared... but without that sound...