Well, here is the sequel you guys have waited for. I hope I did it as good as I did the first. Enjoy.


Chapter 1

Lin's POV

My heart beat was going out of control, My mind was spinning, it felt like it was about to

explode. I didn't know there for a minuet why I did this. Why am I here in chains, stuck

back 15 years before I was born? The answer is very simple and I knew the answer with

out thinking. Because I loved my family, and because I wanted them to live. Because if it

wasn't for me ever being born then they wouldn't be back in the future sick. Dying maybe.

I wasn't sure. I thought that if I tried that this would make it up to them. "Do you think

that I will be stronger when I am older?" came the small blonde's voice beside me. I

signed heavily if she only knew what was ahead. But I couldn't tell her. I promise her

back home I wouldn't. "I think you will." I said with a smile. Even though I wasn't telling

her who she would be, telling her what I thought wasn't actually telling. My mind thought

of her when she was older. Beautiful and strong, and she meant everything to me. I was

also thinking of how much my life has changed in a year.

It had been a whole year since I had found out who I truly was. I was just plain old Lin

before. Living with two Broadway stars because they claimed my real mother had dropped

me off at their doorstep. Well, she did kind of give me up but to her best friend and her

guardian for my own well being and safety. I lived a pretty normal life. If you think

knowing each step, line, action, and set of a Broadway musical normal then yea I did.

Until that is a day or two before my thirteenth birthday. That was when my whole life

changed. As it turned out Idina Menzel and Jennifer Laura Thompson wasn't just my

guardians and weren't who I thought they were. Idina was the real Elphaba Thropp ,or the

Wicked Witch of the West, formally by the way and Jennifer was my Mom's guardian in

the Land of OZ. My mother who in the human world was Kristin Chenoweth but in Oz

she was Glinda the Good. My father was Norbert Leo Butz, an actor in Wicked. My full

name is Linda Upland, or now my Public name is Linda the Lovely. Because with the help

of Elphie, Fiyero, Dad, Mom, Jen, Megan and Nessa. Oh yea Megan as in Megan Hilty the

Broadway actress, she is really my blood guardian. She can sense my emotions and we

have a bond to where she can always figure out where I am and what I am thinking. And

Nessa as in Nessarose Thropp. Elphaba's sister. With all of us working together and with

also the help of a magical wand. We defeated Madame Morrible an evil sorceress that

hated Mom and Elphie, and Boq the tin man, a munchkin that was turned into a tin man by

Elphie to save his life but wanted revenge for it and also had a crush on my mother and

wouldn't take no for an answer. In their attempt to take over Oz.

A lot can happen in a year. Oz was at peace after that but of course peace doesn't stay

around for long. "Hey, can I ask you one more thing?" the blonde turned her head and her

pure green eyes drilled into mine. I couldn't count how many times I had looked into them

and felt love wash over me. I nodded easily. My blonde curls falling in my face. She had a

grin on her face. "When you get back to the future or wherever you are from. Will you tell

the future me that you where the best thing to happen to me?" The question took me by

surprise. Only then did I begin to feel tears come to the surface of my eyes. "I would be

honored to tell the future you that." I said holding back the lump in my throat. But our

moment was broken as the prison door flung open and my worst nightmare walked in the

door. I couldn't help but feel my heart ache for her. She was my best friend almost like my

sister but then she wasn't not right now at least. She was still in that body. I knew it. I

just had to reach out for her. I looked to what was once her green eyes that usually

helped calm my nerves or always encouraged me but those eyes were gone. In their place

was cold ,revenge desired, heartless , menacing blood red ones with a pure black pupils.

"Oh Miss Linda, it's so good to see you again, it's too bad your guardian won't be able

to say that ever again." The voice wasn't her anymore. It was manipulated and cold. I

dropped my head. I didn't have time, I had to get her back, I had to get my family back.

Before it was too late.