Title – A Hearts Dwelling!

Summary – Kagome meets Yui Hongo and her childhood friend Miaka Yuuki on her first day at a new school. Quickly the three become friends...Kagome's adventure...though she had thought it over...had only just begun, a mere chapter in her story. She and Yui are thrown into a world of Gods, Celestial Warriors and Priestesses while Miaka is taken to her grandmothers for a reunion. What will happen, now that the main character...has been replaced?

Anime – InuYasha/Fushigi Yuugi/Saiunkoku Monogatari

Main Couple – Kagome/?

Genre – Romance/Supernatural

Rated – M (Medium Violence) (Excessive Sexual Themes) (Medium Language) (Medium Blood and Gore)


Let Us Begin!


Mythology: the body of a primitive people's beliefs, concerning its origin, early history, heroes, deities and so forth, as distinguished from the true accounts which it invents later.


'Feng Huang: a mighty phoenix in Chinese Mythology. It is the personification of the primordial strengths of the heavens. With the head and comb of a pheasant and the tale of a peacock, beautiful shades of orange, vermillion, ruby, and yellow, mingle and blend beautifully. Its sweet song makes it a messenger between Heaven and Earth, but never will the beautiful deity be glimpsed upon if its lands are at war. Feng Huang is drawn to the beautiful sound of flute-playing and, once in a blue moon, you may hear it singing along with the tune that is being played.' An elegant, long finger toyed with the corner of the page it rested on as cerulean eyes scanned a picture of a beautifully drawn bird with a long feather tail that flowed gorgeously behind it.


The cerulean eyes turned and looked to see a girl with short blonde hair and grey blue eyes looking at her as she came into the class room. Both wore the school uniform, a raw umber brown colored uniform that was a one piece, with a white long sleeved top that went beneath it and a raw umber brown overcoat that stopped at their midriffs. A royal blue bow was at their necks and a pair of white knee high socks and black silver buckle shoes were worn on their feet. Kagome smiled, her own hair was up in a high ponytail that cascaded in a partial fountain and down her back before ending in a slight flip.

"Hey Yui-Sempai," She wasn't really that much older than she was, only by six months, but still. Kagome respected Yui, being able to balance her school and Miaka all at the same time. Speaking of her brunette, green eyed friend...


"...Miaka, what's wrong?"

The girl had come running in with her fists flying about furiously and tears running down her cheeks in rivers.



Kagome stood up, not yet knowing this voice that called out angrily to her hyperactive friend. Placing her book down, she moved over to Miaka. "...Miaka, who's that?"

Miaka looked confused for a moment, "Oh, that's right, you haven't met him yet."

Yui sweat dropped; 'This isn't really the time for introductions...'

Kagome was pulled into the hallway and pushed into the arms of a young man who was running after Miaka. Blonde hair and hazel gray eyes were the first things Kagome saw as strong arms caught her.

"Kagome, this is my older brother, Keisuke! Keisuke, this is a new transfer student, and mine and Yui's newest friend, Kagome Higurashi!"

Kagome blushed at how close she was to this older boy who was looking slightly alarmed at having a girl thrown into his arms by his little sister.

"Hey man, did you get her?" Another boy stood behind Keisuke, out of birth as he put his hands on his knees after catching up. He had black hair and unknown eye's hidden behind black shades. "Uh, Keisuke man, that's not your sister." The guy said with a grin. Keisuke glared and gently moved Kagome out of his way. Yui ran to Kagome who was about to let gravity take her.

"That...was unexpected..."

"I'd imagine so." Yui laughed. "Tatsuya, why is Keisuke mad at Miaka?" She asked, more serious than a second ago.

He regained his appearance and answered in truth, "Her mom is taking Keisuke and her to their grandmother for some kind of family get together, or reunion; something like that. She doesn't want to go so we have been chasing her around town since she was told this morning. I'm going too, but that's only because my mom is out of town and asked Mrs. Yuuki to house me for the week until she gets back."

"I see; Miaka..." Yui called out to her friend who was in the process of warding her brother off with a desk.

"..." Miaka stopped at the soft tenor of her childhood friends' voice and turned sad eyes to Yui, "Yui..."

"Miaka, we'll still be here when you get back; it's only for a little while, right?" The question was directed to her brother, more than Miaka.

"Yeah, we are leaving as soon as we get home, then we are coming back tomorrow evening."

Yui had a flat face, "...Miaka..."

Miaka smiled cheerfully, "Yes?"

"You made all that noise for a day of absence!"

Kagome laughed; now leaning against the wall where she could watch the girl with her brown hair in symmetrical buns as she laughed childishly.

"KAGOME!" Miaka hugged her new friend of four weeks from behind. Kagome's arms flew up in surprise. "Don't let them take me!"

"...Miaka, the longer it takes to get you home, the longer we have to wait to see you."

"...that sounds logical...but you guys are seeing me now...so why leave..."

Kagome smiled, "You leave...so that you can see your family. You never know when will be your last time."

"...Alright, but when I get back...we're going to Gibble's Frozen Yogurt Shop!"

Kagome smiled, "Deal!" Yui nodded her agreement as Keisuke dragged Miaka away. Kagome laughed, "Bye Miaka, Keisuke, Tatsuya; stay safe!"

The blondes hand came up to his face to hide a blush as his friend laughed at him.

"Well, that was fun!" Kagome said cheerily to Yui who sighed in exasperation.

"What is wrong with my class! Mi clase es destrozado! Maldita niños no tienen nada mejor que hacer que me tortures!"

Yui and Kagome sweat dropped at the state their Spanish teacher was in. "Why does he even bother coming to work?" Kagome asked.

"I don't know. If I had to put up with Miaka as a student, I don't know if I'd want to return." Yui laughed.

"Miss. Hongo, Miss. Higurashi, please take your seats,"


They day continued without any change in pace. Slow, and boring, the two paid close attention to the teachers until finally the final bell rang.

"Hey Kagome, are you free?" Yui asked.

"Ah, I'm actually going to the Library to return a borrowed book."

"Oh? Which library?"

"The National,"

Yui grinned, "Then we can go together; I was going to ask you if you'd come with me." She said, holding up a book.

"Alright!" Kagome grabbed her bag and placed her papers and her book inside before following Yui to their lockers.

"So, you're in Archery and Track, right?" Yui questioned, pointing at the two outfits in Kagome's locker.

"Ah, yeah. During a...for lack of better words...adventure of mine, I found that running and archery were two things I was really good at." Kagome laughed lightly. 'Of course, you would have to be good at running with demons chasing you, and Archery is a given...considering what I was put through.'

"What kind of 'adventure'?" Yui asked.

Kagome paused, looking at the raw umber brown Hakama's and white Haori provided by the school and the raw umber brown track shorts and white track tank top that was provided by the school. She also had a two sizes too big sweat jacket in vermillion red with 'Higurashi K.' on the back in black. 'I need to wash this stuff...' She started tossing the clothes into her bag neatly, rearranging stuff so that her book lay on top. She pulled her sweat jacket out and pulled it on, leaving it unzipped as she pulled her messenger school bag over her shoulder and head before shutting her locker and turning the knob.


"Hm?" She turned to Yui curiously.

"I asked you a question. What kind of 'adventure'?"

"What kind of...Oh! Just the nor―...uh...it was...can I just say it was a life changing experience?" Kagome asked, scratching the back of her neck nervously.

Yui stared at her peculiarly but didn't push it. "Yeah, that's fine. It must have been something else if you don't want to say anything."

"..." Kagome closed her eyes and let her mind wander.




It was over, she had finished collecting the Shikon shards, and they had defeated Naraku. There had only been two losses, and they weren't the aftermath of Naraku. Kikyou had taken InuYasha to the afterlife...and without saying goodbye.

'I have to go home now...' Kagome thought to herself, staring at the well. 'Sango and Miroku will hall have a beautiful family...Shippou will stay here...with Sesshoumaru and Rin...I will be alone...'


Her eyes turned to the two-tailed neko who sat looking curiously at her. "Hey Kirara; come to see me off?"


She turned and caught the barreling fluff of auburn in her arms. "Shippou..." She smiled, looking to see Sesshoumaru, Rin, Miroku and Sango standing behind him.

"Momma, you can't leave without saying goodbye...you can't..."

She smiled sadly, "Sorry, I didn't want to say goodbye..."

"Goodbye is never easy," Miroku said in understanding.

Sango moved closer to Kagome and wrapped her arms around her. "But we still say it, so that when we see you again..." She pulled back, "We can say...hello..." Sango smiled.

Kagome had tears in her eyes as she tried not to let them fall.

"Miko...Kagome," Sesshoumaru stepped up with following close behind and Miroku at his side. "We will meet you again. Maybe not in your era, or ours...but we will see one another again."

She smiled, "Yeah,"

"Lady Kagome!" Rin ran up to her and embraced her around her legs. "We'll miss you Lady Kagome, so come see us...someday..." Her words became muffled in Kagome's red Hakama's.

"I will do what I can Rin, but it's not fair to make any promises to you. I would feel horrible if I couldn't come back..."

"I understand..."

Kagome pat the smaller girl on the head gently as Miroku stepped up to her. "Lady Kagome, you will be greatly missed." He said, holding his arms out. She smiled and walked into them, allowing the perverted monk one chance to say goodbye correctly. "Please, take care of yourself." He said, holding her tightly.

Surprisingly, Kagome had been closest with Sango and Miroku, when it came to knowing the other. She had spent so much time talking with them, getting advice; they were her older brother and sister now. Shippou was a given, since he was like her son, of course he knew almost everything about her.

"I will." She said, pulling back a bit. She kissed him gently on the cheek, "Take care of Sango, if I find out that you hurt her...you will wish for Sesshoumaru to deal you a painful death."

His eyes widened at that and he laughed nervously. "I-I had no intention of hurting her. So please, don't worry about us."

"...right," She smiled, moving out of his arms and back to the well. She moved Shippou off of her shoulder and kissed him on the forehead before placing him gently on the ground. "Take care of everyone."

"I will!"


She looked up and jumped when a sword was suddenly thrust into her hands, catching it with bad balance but still maintaining her footing...barely... "Sesshoumaru?"

"Tetsusaiga belongs with you. It'll serve you better."

'Yes...I'm going to need it to battle off those other ninth graders trying to get into the college I want. Oh, and the evil math teacher, and the demonic mush that they claim is food...actually, that might be evil...' She shivered at the thought of the goopy brown and grey stuff that they would call food. "Thank you Sesshoumaru, I will keep it close, some way or another."

"If you are ever in trouble, it'll keep you safe..."

She would have asked what he meant but the well began glowing brightly. She turned and faced it, "This will be the last time I can travel through time...I'll see you all again...someday."

"Kirara," Sango called to the two-tailed neko edging closer to the well. Kirara returned to her masters' side.

"..." Kagome stepped up to the well with her yellow bag, bow and arrows, quiver, and now... the Tetsusaiga; placing her legs over the lip of the well, she began to glow. Turning around to get one more look at the family she would be leaving behind. "...Goodbye..." She whispered before letting herself fall down the well and return back to her own time.


End Flashback


"Yeah...something else..." Kagome said with a faraway look in her eyes. The two stopped in front of the National library and looked at the building. "So have you ever brought Miaka here?" Kagome asked.

"Ah, Miaka? I don't think she even knows that there was a Library here."

Kagome laughed, walking in with Yui. Sudden warmth flew about her body, as if warming and embracing her soul. She stopped walking and turned in the direction of the warm pull. A vermillion red bird leaving a trail of sparkle in its wake flew up the stairs and around the corner. '...what...?'

"Kagome?" Yui called out to her spacing friend. She hadn't heard her, since she took off in a run upstairs and around the corner. A look of wonder in her eyes made Yui curious, so the girl followed after her.

"Kagome?" She called out, watching as she ran into a room with a keep out sign. "Kagome," She said, moving into the doorway, "We can't be in here...!"


Yui frowned, "What?"

"Something is calling out to me..." Kagome said, looking around, the warmth now completely flowing through her body. "I can feel it!" She turned and a red glow surrounding a book caught her eyes. Stepping forward, she ran a finger down the spine of the book before taking it in her hand. "You..."

Yui stared curiously at the book Kagome held, watching her open it, not sure what she should do.

Kagome looked over the cover, "Universe of the Four Gods..." She spoke, opening the book; she began to read out loud. "Thereby, the girl of legend opened the door which led to another world." She continued, "This is the story of a girl, who made her dreams come true. After she came to possess the seven stars of Suzaku, and many powers were bestowed upon her. The story itself is a spell; the one who reads it through will be given the powers and granted a wish, just like the girl in the story."

Yui stepped closer, but still not completely over looking Kagome, just enough to see the page.

"Because," Kagome continued, "the story becomes real, the moment the first page is turned." Kagome felt her heart skip a beat and looked at Yui. "Hey, how are you with breaking rules?"


"I wonder if this is real...if this warmth I feel is real...If I turn this page...will I be pulled within this book?"

"Oh Kagome, don't be silly, and what does that have to do with rule breaking?"

"If I am sucked inside this book, please, take it and return to your home until I come back."

"...take it...?"

"Yes," Kagome looked back at the book and turned the page. A red light engulfed her and Yui's eyes widened.

"NO! KAGOME ~!" She ran to grab her...but her hand merely passed through the fading Kagome before she disappeared. Yui fell to her knees and her hand reached automatically for the book, opening it hesitantly, she began to read...


Me: Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter! Please Read and Review! SANKYU! ^_^''

Also, this is a Saiunkoku Monogatari/Fushigi Yuugi/InuYasha fic!