Disclaimer : I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters…

A/n: Written for the 10 facts challenge. The chosen character is Rose Weasley

Chapter1: The first journal entry

Hey reader, guess why I am writing this now? My life is a bloody mess. Nothing new there but still, my g** of a boy friend just broke up with me so; I guess it's a bit more of a mess than normal.

So what does it have to do with my list you ask? It was an idea my mother gave me, actually. When you have a problem, write down a list of reasons for the problem.

This time, though, the problem is a bit….vague and I'm not really sure about what I want to achieve so, I'm just going to write some random things about me and see if it gives me some idea. So here it is, 'the list of facts about Rose Weasley'

Fact #1: Rose Weasley loved her entire family.

This was relatively the most simple and truthful fact about me.

Of course, not many people in the world can claim to hate the Weasleys. Or the Potters.

Not just because they are war heroes or that sort of thing but, we are, most likely, the friendliest wizarding family in Britain. And the largest.

We are a form of Black Hole. Not the literally, figuratively. 'Coz our family could absorb any number of people into it and still have place for more.

And I have no intention of introducing you to them, it will take a minimum of 2 days for you to memorize who's who much less who's what type of a person.

So, there. I don't think there's any thing wrong with being attached to my family so, I have to put this list on hiatus until I can find another fact to deal with.

Rose Weasley shut her journal and placed it safely in her trunk, making sure to cast as many privacy spells as she knew.

She descended the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, only to find two heads studiously bent over the table before the couch, whispering to each other.

"What are you doing?" Rose asked casually, as she sat down in the armchair beside the couch.

"Nothing" Albus said as he tried to hide the bunch of papers from her view.

"None of your business, Weasley" was the intelligent reply that came from the other person.

"I wasn't asking you, Malfoy. Not every body in this world is interested in what a scumbag like you is doing"

"Bad hair day, Weasley? You're claws are sharper than usual"

Ignoring the annoying blond, she turned to her cousin and said, "Do you have my Charms notes? I need them for the assigned essay"

"That's not due until the next week, Weasley! You're acting nerdier than usual, don't you think?"

"I need it by tomorrow, Al. See ya later"

Hearing annoying footsteps behind her, Rose sighed and turned around, only to see that her guess was right.

Scorpius Malfoy had no intention of leaving her alone and in peace.

"What is it, Malfoy?"

"Weasley. I wish to be in your presence no more than you wish to be in mine, but, your cousin won't leave me alone"

"What does he want? Why couldn't he come and ask himself?"

"He thinks you won't tell him"

"But I'd tell you"

"Don't look at me that way! He wouldn't stop bugging me!"

"Alright! What did he want to know?"

"He wanted to know….he…"

"Spit it out, Malfoy"

"He wanted to know why you're acting upset"

"I'm not upset! He needs to find other things to do than try and invent problems that don't exist in the first place. Upset!"

"Weasley…" his tone clearly indicated that he believed not a word of her rant.

"Look, Malfoy. Tell Al that if he cares so much about my state of mind he can very well ask me himself"

"Some thing's really wrong with you, isn't it?"

She had turned around, with the full intention of leaving him standing alone in the corridor.

But it was his concerned voice that made her stop. For once, it wasn't filled with mocking, scorn or even the usual hatred.

"Nothing's wrong with me, Malfoy. I just realized that I have been slacking in my studies"

"Was it that boy friend of yours?"

"What? How did you know about that?"

She had thought they had hid their relationship quite well.

"Well, seems your boy friend was only dating you for your name. It was all over the school as soon as you broke up that he had been dating the daughter of two thirds of the Golden Trio"

"It doesn't matter any more, Malfoy. What's done is done. He can say what he wants about me. I'm least bothered"

"Then why are you avoiding your family? They just want to support you, you know?"

"I'm not…" Rose turned to completely deny his accusation and found him smirking at her.

"I'll prove to you, Malfoy. I'm not avoiding my family. I'll show you that"

"We'll see"

She turned around and walked away with a purposeful stride.

That idiot! Thinking he could say any thing about me and that I'd accept it like a brainless bimbo.

And Al! I may love my entire family, but Al was currently making it extremely impossible to do so.

A/n: Hi! I know this is not the best of beginnings but, I promise it will get better.
