The BAU stayed in town for the funeral. Spencer had made sure that all of Isabel's requests were satisfied, and he told the team what she had told him. Garcia was almost in tears at the end.

She only wanted to do some good in the world, but no one understood her. Her last words told us to keep going. There were a thousand things more that she could have said, but she picked us. Poor Reid looks really cut up about it. From what he said, they were so alike…

Hotch was regretting not trusting her, even though he had good reason not to.

JJ, Emily, Rossi, and Morgan were all feeling about the same. They hadn't been friends with her like Reid, and they regretted not being a little nicer to her. She really wasn't crazy. They were all thinking the same thing.

As he sat at the funeral, Spencer remembered the viewing the night before. He was almost afraid to step up to the casket, but something told him to go anyway. Isabel was lying there, sockless and shoeless. He smiled, remembering how much she hated shoes. She carried a rosary in one hand, as was a tradition of those who practice the Catholic Faith, and in her other hand was a very battered copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Reid remembered how she told him that Harry Potter was her favorite book series while they were waiting in the car. He thought that she would be glad to be buried with it. He noticed something tucked into the book, and he pulled it out. It was a piece of paper with strange symbols on it.

Elvish letters, he thought. He also remembered that The Lord of the Rings was her other favorite book series. Thankfully, the letter was written in English, but with Elvish letters, so he could read it. He recognized the Emily Dickinson poem "There is No Frigate like a Book." He smiled to himself before tucking it back in the book…

As Spencer's mind travelled back to the present time, the minister in front of him said the Final Blessing. They began to lower the casket into the ground, and Reid felt a pang of sadness reach his heart. The Finale of Les Misérables played in the background.

Somewhere in his head he heard a voice. One day we'll meet again, but until then, remember that you are never alone…

"Come with me, where chains will never bind you. All your grief, at last, at last behind you.."

-"Finale," Les Misérables

The End

Author's Note:

Well, it's finally over. I'm kind of sad to see it go even if it was kind of hard to think of ideas sometimes. I apologize that it took so long to update at times, and that it was probably really painful to read at other times. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it. Please review because criticism always helps. I'm always interested to know other people's opinions! So TTFN, ta-ta for now!

Love, Me