Heyy everyone! I know that I had said I would have this posted within a couple of days from when I posted the final chapter of Dimitri's Side, but I got busy with writing an essay on an entire decade so I had to figure out how to put everything that happened in that decade together and I had to write an essay for an honors English class that I really want to get into so sorry. Oh and I should be studying for my science state test that I have tomorrow morning, but I'm writing for you guys instead, so you're welcome lol. You know what to do…REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!;-]

I was waiting for Rose to get here, we were taking a trip to see another guardian—Arthur Schoenberg—for a test that all senior novices take. She was already late for the time I had told her to meet me by, but luckily I had expected this to happen and told her to meet me twenty minutes before the actually needed to be here because this was a test that she definitely could not be late for. She ended up getting here right on time; I wasn't going to let her know that though. So as she got to me I let a disapproving look settle across my face.

"I know, I know. Sorry I'm late." She said, noticing the look I was giving her.

I could tell that she had really rushed this morning, even though she know that this is the most important test—aside from trials at the end of the year—that she will ever take. Her hair was pulled back into a loose, messy ponytail and she had on a pair of ripped jeans and a hoody that was a little too big on her. She was beautiful.

"Who else is going?" She asked then.

"Just you and me." I shrugged nonchalantly, acting as if it was no big deal. When the truth was I was so happy that I was going to get to spend the next five hours in the Honda Pilot we were taking alone with her.

"How far away is it?" Rose asked.

"Five hours." Five great hours, it'd be nice if it was you know, five days maybe?

"Oh." Was all that she said.

We got into the car then and started out of the Academy. After we had been driving for a little while, I decided we needed some music to listen to. I turned on the radio and found a station that played some older songs, Prince was on now. I knew Rose would hate it, she didn't really notice it at first, but I knew she would eventually.

"Don't they usually come to the Academy? I mean I'm all for the field trip, but why are we going to them?" Rose asked me.

"Actually you're going to a him, not a them." I said. "Since this is a special case and he's doing us a favor, we're the ones making the trip."

"Who is he?" She asked. Oh her face is going to be priceless right here.

"Arthur Schoenberg." I said, and I was right, she looked at me like I was trying to kill her or something.

"What." She squeaked.

Arthur was a very well known guardian in our world so I could understand why this would be nerve wracking for her, but Rose can handle it. If other people could then she would have absolutely no problem at all; she's amazing, trust me.

"Wasn't…wasn't there anyone else available." She sounded so much like a little girl the way she said that, it took everything I had to keep the smile off of my face.

"You'll be fine. Besides, if Art approves of you, that's a great recommendation to have on your record." I told her honestly.

I could tell that my saying that didn't help much. She didn't get nervous very often, but I knew she was now. She would be able to do fine. I honestly think she could take on almost anything, one guardian wasn't going to change that. I figured she was probably worried more about things she had done before that she really shouldn't have…like running away with a Moroi princess.

"You'll be fine. The good in your record outweighs the bad."

"Thanks coach." She said teasingly.

"I'm here to help." I said lightly.

We settled into a comfortable silence then; it was short lived though.

"You know what would really help?" Rose asked.


"If you turned off this crap music and put on something that came out after the Berlin Wall went down." Ahhh so she had finally noticed my choice in music.

"Your worst class is history, yet somehow, you know everything about Eastern Europe." I said, laughing a little bit.

"Hey, I gotta have material for my jokes, Comrade." She said.

I decided to listen to her and switch the station. I changed it to country though, hey, she never said what to change it too. And this made it even better; 'Walk the Line' by Johnny Cash was playing. I personally love the song, but I had no doubt in my mind that she would hate it.

"Hey!" She exclaimed. "This isn't exactly what I had in mind." You have no idea how hard it was not to laugh then.

"Pick. It's this one or the other." I told her. I was okay with whichever.

"Go back to the 1980's stuff." She said with a sight. Ha.

We drove in silence for a while after that. It was kind of nice too. Rose and I didn't have to talk when we were around eachother, silence worked just as well. We just had that type of connection. But, since Rose was the other person in the car, the silence couldn't last forever. Actually it did kind of surprise me how long she had stayed silent though; it had been almost two and a half hours. I know, it shocked me too.

"Dimitri, I'm so hungry. Can we please stop and get something to eat." It was daytime for the humans so there were obviously places open and I was hungry too I had to admit, but we just couldn't be late meeting Art.

"No, it will make us late." I told her.

"Oh come on, I didn't get to eat anything this morning. And about being late, you've never seen me eat before; I'm like a fricken black hole. Put something edible near my mouth and it goes right in, like super fast. Trust me." I couldn't help but laugh at that and when I did her face lit up. And with that I cracked, I couldn't resist her anything when she was giving me the look she was now, it was just impossible.

"Fine, we can eat, but I better see that black whole of yours get put to use." Oh God that came out wrong. And apparently Rose realized how wrong that sounded too because her face turned bright red, or maybe she was just embarrassed about making herself sound like a pig. Nah, I'm gonna go with the first one, that sounds more like my Rose.

We drove for about another twenty minutes and then I saw a small diner on the side of the road and pulled in. By now I was happy I agreed that we could eat because I was starving.

When we got in a pretty blonde waitress who was probably about my age came over to take our orders. She turned to me first.

"What would ya like, darlin'" She asked with a slight southern drawl. That was something you didn't hear in Montana too often.

"I'll just have some coffee and a bagel." I told her.

"Are you sure that's all you want?" She asked.


"Okay." She said and then turned to Rose, pretty reluctantly I might add. "And what do you want?" She asked. She didn't say it rudely exactly, but she was being as nice as she had been to me either.

"I'll have some orange juice, toast, sausage and poached eggs." Rose told her.

"It'll be right." The waitress said, then after one last glance at me she went back to the kitchen area.

"Bitch." Rose said under her breath as the waitress left.

We got our food about fifteen minutes after that and then after a few more attempts by our waitress to flirt with me and some jealous glares from Rose, we finished eating and left.

"Wow, I wonder if that chick could have been anymore desperate. She doesn't even know and she was, like all over you." Rose said after she got into the car.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, not really caring about anyone's reaction to me other than Rose's.

"Oh come on. You can't tell me you didn't notice her flirting with you. It was soo obvious Stevie Wonder would have been able to see it."

"No, I noticed, I just didn't really care." I told her. I probably should have worded that a little differently, but whatever.

"Oh." Rose said, after a couple moments of silence. I looked over at her and she had a slight smile on her face. I love that smile.

The rest of the way to Arthur's house we only talked a little bit, but that was okay. As I said before, we didn't need words when we were with eachother. We just needed the other's presence.

Mk I will do another UD within this week. And that is a promise that I will most definitely keep because I will not be nearly as busy this week as I was last week. You know what to do…REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!;-]